Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 278: Mo Yichen 3

Yan Wenluo said before that he was worried about teaching a student who abused medicine, which is not without precedent.

Back then, Mo Yichen accepted an apprentice, and the other's talent was very good, and he was very valued by Mo Yichen. Mo Yichen spent the rest of his life focusing on medicine, and he must be very happy to have a talented apprentice who can pass on the mantle.

However, the other party didn't know if it was because Mo Yichen was too important, because Mo Yichen took care of her too much, and slowly he had a different mind towards Mo Yichen.

However, Mo Yichen couldn't tell whether he still loves his former lover or has given up love and just thinking about his career. Anyway, he didn't respond to the students' feelings, but instead taught them a lesson.

The other party is indeed a talented apprentice that Mo Yichen values, and he used the knowledge he learned from Mo Yichen to make medicine for Mo Yichen.

Mo Yichen is still a teacher after all, and your boss is still your boss. Although he was drugged, he didn't lose his mind, and he cleaned up the opponent with his backhand.

He said that the other party was driven out, and after the relationship between master and apprentice was lifted, he also announced to the world that he and the other party were no longer master and apprentice, but enemies.

Since then, Mo Yichen has stopped accepting students. He has devoted himself to researching medicine, and then he has patented what he has researched and published it.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Mo Yichen has the intention of accepting apprentices again.

"Actually, the reason why I agreed to accept her as an apprentice is because she is already married. It can be seen that she has a very good relationship with her husband." Mo Yichen said with a smile.

"Mr. Mo, you are a little narcissistic." Yan Wenluo couldn't help but give him a roll of eyes when he heard this. Although he was a little worried before, Mo Yichen still made him feel that the other party was very narcissistic. Who do you think? Will they all like him?

"Mr. Mo, you must know that not everyone in the world likes you." Qiu Yuan followed suit, and he didn't forget to eat several strawberries when he said this.

In fact, Qiu Yuan and Yan Wenluo did seriously participate in competitions to compete for scholarships to maintain their studies when they were studying, but most of them were able to complete their studies with Mo Yichen's scholarship funds.

Mo Yichen doesn't support many students, but most of the money he donates is related to learning, building schools, buying books and stationery and so on.

Mo Yichen and Yan Wenluo have a good relationship because Yan Wenluo, who grew up, was often injured because he was a Sanda athlete. In order to maintain his body and treat those injuries from training and competition, he gradually came into contact with Mo Yichen.

But they just know each other, and their relationship is not bad, but before the end of the world, their relationship was not deep, it was a very ordinary relationship between sponsors and recipients.

But during this period of time, Yan Wenluo and Qiu Yuan really liked Mo Yichen. Although he looks like a domineering president, he seems to be risking his entire life to the medical industry, but he is still very funny and humorous.

Yan Wenluo and Qiu Yuan understood why Mo Yichen was so popular. He was handsome, rich and funny, how could he not be popular?

"To be honest, I'm very lucky to be able to accept the Boss lady as an apprentice. There are so many good things from the Boss lady. If you have given so many things to Teacher Mo before the official apprenticeship, how many good things will be given to you when you officially apprentice? ?" Qiu Yuan was very curious, and of course he was very envious.

He is also a technical talent, why is there no treatment like Teacher Mo?

"I just think that little girl is not bad, and I can't give up food because of choking, and waste all my hard work for so many years." Mo Yichen sighed.

If one day he brings this student out and imparts his life's efforts to her, he should follow his lover's footsteps and leave with confidence, right?

In fact, Mo Yichen is also very grateful to the Xia Yue grocery store. He is very happy that he can exchange his research results for food and other supplies. After all, in addition to his own use, most of the supplies he exchanged were handed over to Yan Wenluo, who asked them to help hand them over to the troops stationed there.

In the past, a lot of his money and things were donated, and it is of course impossible to store all the materials that he has exchanged now. It is correct to make the best use of it. He can't eat so much food by himself, and he feels that it is worth the money to donate to the soldiers who defend the family and the country.

Chen Xiayue left the shop in a hurry, and after leaving the farm, she went to find Zhang Chengchuan. She told him that she wanted to worship Mo Yichen as a teacher.

"You also know that I haven't studied medicine systematically. I had a hard time reading the materials that Teacher Mo compiled before. If I stop the bleeding myself, I can't achieve much. I only need to study hard with a teacher, and there is a teacher. I can learn better.”

"Who is more suitable than Teacher Mo? He is a medical genius two hundred years later, a big man in the medical field. If he is a teacher, I think it is very good."

"I'm lucky to have such a great teacher, isn't it? If I can study with such a teacher, I don't believe that I can't learn medicine well." Chen Xiayue said.

"By the way, do you want to ask Teacher Mo and the others to help you find a teacher? Although I believe in your self-learning ability, I still think it's good to find a teacher to be your teacher." Chen Xiayue asked.

Zhang Chengchuan's self-learning ability is very strong, but she still thinks that it is better to have a teacher to teach, especially Zhang Chengchuan, like her, has not systematically learned professional knowledge, and all rely on her own self-study.

No matter what, she still thinks that there is a teacher, otherwise why do people go to school instead of learning at home?

Anyway, it's impossible for her to learn by herself as a scumbag. Without a teacher, she feels that she can't learn anything. As for Zhang Chengchuan, the **** of learning, that is just a **** of learning, not a god, and he definitely needs a teacher.

"This coincidence, good teachers are not always available." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

He does not refuse to be taught by a teacher. He is indeed a genius, but it does not mean that he can develop technology that exceeds hundreds of years. Zhang Chengchuan also hopes to be taught by a good teacher. If it is a teacher from the 22nd century, he is still very welcome.

"So you also think it's really good for me to worship Mr. Mo as a teacher, right?" Chen Xiayue asked happily.

"Of course not bad." Zhang Chengchuan nodded. He had also met Mo Yichen, who was very imposing and professional. It's his daughter-in-law's honor for such a big guy to be a teacher for his daughter-in-law. Why would he object?

"You like medicine, I can't help you. But if you want to find a teacher with strong ability, I definitely can't object."

"Did Mr. Mo also agree? He said he would accept you as his apprentice?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

"Mr. Mo said he would consider it, but I think he would accept me as his apprentice." Chen Xiayue said, "I was thinking about whether to prepare something for Mr. Mo from Ans as an apprenticeship ceremony, such as Energy shield or something."

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