Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 280: Apprentice 2

Chen Yi had already informed Yan Wenluo and the others that Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan would come over, and they had also determined the time for apprenticeship, so as soon as Chen Xiayue and the others came over to Mo Yichen, they were here.

Mo Yichen sat on the Taishi chair, Chen Xiayue made him a pot of clear tea, poured a cup and bowed to him, "Master, please drink tea."

It's already the 22nd century, so when I worshipped Mo Yichen, I didn't ask Chen Xiayue to kneel and serve tea, just bow and serve tea.

When he accepted the former students, he didn't have such a solemn etiquette, but this time he felt that it would be good to be more solemn. Perhaps Chen Xiayue is the only apprentice in his life, the last apprentice in his life, so it's good to be more serious.

Mo Yichen took the tea, took a sip, and then handed over the research materials of the first half of his life that he had sorted out during this period to Chen Xiayue, "Teacher, I don't have anything valuable, these are my half-life efforts, Just a present for you."

Chen Xiayue solemnly took over the materials that Mo Yichen had handed over to him, and assured him very seriously, "Master, rest assured, I will study hard, and I will definitely live up to your cultivation, Master, and will not let your heart and blood be dusted."

"By the way, teacher, this is the apprenticeship ceremony I prepared for you." After Chen Xiayue put away the materials, she began to give gifts to her teacher.

Chen Xiayue handed a wrench to Mo Yichen and said, "This is an energy protection cover, it's just made into the shape of a wrench. The energy protection cover absorbs solar energy, and as long as it has sufficient energy, it can ensure the personal safety of the person wearing it. ."

"The energy shield can resist all physical attacks, and even if you fall into the water, it can protect you from drowning, and you will not be injured if you fall from a height. This energy shield can protect the wearer's safety."

Chen Xiayue handed over the box containing the wrench to Mo Yichen and took another box, which contained two bracelet-style energy protection shields.

"These two are also for you, but the finger ring is for you to wear, and these two bracelets are handed over to the country for research. I believe that if someone knows the function of the teacher's energy shield, they must be I will study it. No, I prepared it for you in advance." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

Mo Yichen stared at the energy protection cover in the box and was stunned. In his absence, Chen Xiayue brought him back to his senses. With a smile on his face, he said, "You are quite narrow."

Although there is a smile on his face, Mo Yichen has a complicated mood. If... if this energy shield had appeared more than 20 years earlier, wouldn't his lover have died?

The car accident that year made him regret for more than 20 years, and he has not come out until now. The car accident that took his lover, the car accident that his relatives were involved in.

If there is this energy shield, his lover will not die. Resist all physical attacks... Isn't a car accident a physical attack?

Mo Yichen stared blankly at the wrench in the box that looked like it was carved from top-quality jade. Countless thoughts popped up in his heart, but they didn't show it.

Chen Xiayue didn't know what her teacher was thinking, and even if she knew, she couldn't do anything. The time when the farm was able to connect to this plane, she couldn't adjust the time to save her teacher's lover more than 20 years ago.

By the way, she still doesn't know whether her teacher's lover is male or female.

Originally, she firmly believed that it was a girl, but after several contacts, when Yan Wenluo and Qiu Yuan mentioned it again, she didn't seem to be very sure that it was a girl.

Forget it, what if it's male or female? People are gone.

"By the way, in addition to these energy shields, I also prepared a brand-new set of pharmaceutical equipment for you, teacher. The technology has advanced for hundreds of years and thousands of years."

"There are also these medicinal materials that I prepared for you, teacher. They are all medicinal materials that are not available in this era." Chen Xiayue took out the things one by one and said to Mo Yichen with a smile.

"By the way, teacher, I also plan to give you ten rice fruit trees, ten oil fruit trees, and ten salt fruit trees. Of course, I also plan to give you ten Tianjing grass. You said, where should I put these plants? Is it better? I feel like there isn't enough space in the farmhouse." Chen Xiayue asked.

"This is too much!" Mo Yichen was shocked when he heard what Chen Xiayue said.

Originally, he thought that only these energy shields were enough for her apprenticeship ceremony, but he didn't expect that there were so many things.

He definitely likes the brand-new pharmaceutical equipment, as well as the medicinal materials. But these rice fruit trees and oil fruit trees are too many, right? It's just for apprenticeship, why do you send so many things?

As a teacher, he only sent some research materials. Why did the students send so many apprenticeships?

"Teacher, it is very important for me to be able to worship you as a teacher." Chen Xiayue said seriously, "These things are not as important to me as the information you gave, nor as important as your teacher."

"I'm not smart enough. If I look at these materials to learn medicine, I definitely won't learn anything. It's impossible to research anything good, but it's different when I'm a teacher. After I have a teacher, I can Learn better and easier."

"For me, these gifts for you are not so rare. So, teacher, you don't need to think that I have given too many gifts. These things are easier for me to get, and a good teacher is for me. It's rare." Chen Xiayue said seriously.

Mo Yichen looked at Zhang Chengchuan, since he is Chen Xiayue's husband, does he know what Chen Xiayue did? Does he approve?

"Teacher Mo, don't worry, these things belong to Xia Yue. It's her right if she wants to take them out. And most of our family supports her." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

To be honest, Zhang Chengchuan doesn't feel that the things Chen Xiayue sent are too valuable now. As for the valuable things for him and Chen Xiayue, he can't seem to remember anything - perhaps, the most valuable ones are themselves?

"Teacher, don't worry, these things are mine, Achuan listens to me." Chen Xiayue assured, "I also want to prepare some food, vegetables and fruits for you."

"Here are a few sets of clothes I prepared for you, teacher. Of course, Achuan and I prepared them. Most of them were chosen by Achuan." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, some of the clothes were inconvenient for her to choose, so I gave them to her. Zhang Chengchuan is gone.

Mo Yichen: "..."

"And these daily necessities are prepared for you by the students. You are my teacher, why is life so bad?" Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

Mo Yichen: "..."

Qiu Yuan, who was watching the apprenticeship ceremony, leaned on Yan Wenluo and whispered, with infinite envy in his tone, "I also want a disciple like this."

Yan Wenluo patted his shoulder and said in a low voice, "First of all, you have to be a big boss, and secondly, you have to be able to attract a student like the lady boss."

Hearing that, Qiu Yuan almost performed a burst of tears for Yan Wenluo, "You said, can I be a teacher for the boss's husband?"

"Just your computer skills?" Yan Wenluo couldn't bear to attack Qiu Yuan, but she still had to say, "I admit that your skills are very good, but it seems that you can't be a teacher for Boss Zhang."

"Hey..." Hearing Yan Wenluo say that, Qiu Yuan felt even more sad.

Hearing Qiu Yuan's incarnation, Yan Wenluo's temple jumped abruptly twice, and couldn't help holding his forehead.

This guy, can you stop disgusting him?

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