Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 301: Zhang Tingting has a miscarriage 1

On this day, Chen Xiayue made chocolate marble cake at home.

She prepared all the ingredients, and almost finished the cake. After completing the previous steps, she put the cake in the oven and baked it, and heard a familiar voice coming from the door.

"Sister Xia Yue."

Chen Xiayue was covering the lid of the oven in the yard. After hearing someone calling her, she looked back and found that it was Zhang Tingting, who had not been seen for a long time.

She really hadn't seen Zhang Tingting for a long time. This girl has rarely come back since she got married. After she got married, she would be busy with things outside the home, and even put on her mother-in-law's job to go to work. Of course, she didn't have time to go back to her parents' home.

Zhang Tingting's heart and her thoughts have changed, and Chen Xiayue is not sure, but her appearance has changed a lot.

The little girl who is obviously a little younger than her now looks like she is several years older than her, and she looks very tired.

Chen Xiayue was stunned for a moment when she saw her like this, but she could understand what was going on when she came back to her senses.

As a stepmother, there are three children in the family. Although she needs to work, it does not mean that the children do not need her to take care of. Zhang Tingting is going to work and needs to fight wits and courage with the three children after returning from get off work. Can she not look haggard and a little older than her actual age?

When Chen Xiayue saw Zhang Tingting, she couldn't help but sighed and welcomed people in.

"Why did you come here? It's rare to come back and not have a good chat with your aunt and the others?" Chen Xiayue asked while pouring tea for Zhang Tingting.

Zhang Tingting took a sip of the herbal tea and smiled bitterly after hearing her words, "My mother now sees that my eyes are not eyes or noses or noses. She is even more angry when she sees me like this."

"As for my sisters-in-law, I'm still angry with me, and I don't dare to talk to them." Zhang Tingting said helplessly.

Chen Xiayue took some mung bean cakes for Zhang Tingting to try. She has stopped studying so hard recently, so she has more time to make snacks and relax.

Although the course is not as big as in the past year, it does not mean that her and Zhang Chengchuan's study tasks are gone and they don't need to study.

That is to say, you used to have to go to the apocalyptic plane for class every day, but now you just go to class every two or three days.

Because there is no need to go to class every day, Chen Xiayue has more time to regain her hobby of cooking, so she makes a lot of dim sum.

She just made this mung bean cake today.

"Looking at how tired you look, are you busy with work?" Chen Xiayue asked, she also knew that Zhang Tingting was not just busy with work, but it was too heart-wrenching to say that her mother-in-law's family treated her badly.

Zhang Tingting was silent for a while after hearing the words, then raised her head and looked at Chen Xiayue with a wry smile, "I must be like this now, sister-in-law, can you see that I am different from before?"

Zhang Tingting continued, "I told you before, sister-in-law, to be independent after marriage, to find someone you like, to live well, and to be sweet."

"However, I did find someone I like. After getting married, I did work independently. However, my in-law's family is not so peaceful, and my husband is not as good to me as it was at the beginning."

Zhang Tingting's eyes couldn't help reddening as she spoke. Her husband was indeed not messing around outside, but he was no longer as tender and sweet to her as he used to be. Now when I go home, I see the children at home and she is tit-for-tat, and I instruct her to accuse her of bullying the children, bullying these children who were not born to her.

"I'm pregnant." Zhang Tingting said with red eyes, "I've been expecting a child for more than a year. The child I've been looking forward to and the person I like is finally pregnant."

"But...not anymore." Zhang Tingting said in a low voice.

Chen Xiayue's eyes widened, staring at Zhang Tingting and looking at her haggard face. Could it be that she is not just fighting wits with the children at home because of her busy work, but also because of a miscarriage?

"You..." Chen Xiayue was at a loss for words. She was also very aware of how much damage to her body would be caused by aborting a child, especially if she couldn't confine herself properly after a miscarriage, the damage would be even greater.

Just as she and Zhang Chengchuan did not plan to have children so early, they took safety measures very seriously. She didn't want to give birth to a child so early, and she didn't want to abort the child, so she took safety measures so that she didn't need to abort if she wasn't pregnant.

But she didn't expect that Zhang Tingting had a miscarriage?

"You had a miscarriage?! Did you tell your parents? Did you tell your brother and them?" Chen Xiayue grabbed Zhang Tingting's hand and asked.

She really didn't learn to take the pulse or anything, and she didn't hold Zhang Tingting's hand for the purpose of taking the pulse. It was only after she held Zhang Tingting's hand that she realized that her hand was a little cold.

The cold hands and feet in this weather is really bad for your health. After all, the weather hasn't gotten colder at this time, it's just a little colder. A healthy person will not have cold hands and feet.

"How could you have a miscarriage?" Chen Xiayue asked with a frown.

Although Zhang Tingting seldom had contact with herself after falling in love and getting married, but after all, she was a little sister who had a good relationship before, and she was really angry that Zhang Tingting would have a miscarriage.

She didn't want to care about other people's emotional affairs because of the losses she had suffered before, but Zhang Tingting's miscarriage was no small matter.

"I'll take you to Dr. Song for a check-up in a while, and ask Dr. Song to prescribe medicine for you to take care of it." Chen Xiayue frowned.

Seeing that she cared so much about herself, Zhang Tingting smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you."

"Tell me clearly, what's going on? How can you have a miscarriage when you are fine?" Chen Xiayue asked with a serious expression.

Zhang Tingting slowly lowered her head and said after a while, "Yes..."

"...I really want to say that I don't want to have a child so early. I still need to work and have no time to take care of the child. There is a two-year-old child at home. I don't want to have a child so early. But...but...I really want to. My own child..." Zhang Tingting said, tears streaming down her face.

"I thought that after marriage, I would be able to live as well as my sister-in-law and you. Even if Aze is not as good as Brother Chuan, my brother-in-law, brother Cheng Jun, and brother Cheng Min are also very good to their mother-in-law. I thought I would meet them too. This kind of people."

"But after getting married, Aze just... He didn't treat me as well as he did before he got married. My father-in-law and my mother-in-law all blamed me, especially my mother-in-law, who blamed me for taking her job. The three children also blamed me for taking away her job. their father."

"My child will die only if Aze's daughter pushes me." Zhang Tingting cried and laughed with tears in her eyes, "Because after I became pregnant, my parents-in-law said that I was not suitable for pregnancy, and there were three family members. I have a child, and I can't afford it anymore."

"And if I lose my job because of pregnancy, I can't support the children at home. I can't go to work when I'm pregnant, and my mother-in-law can't go back to work, so they don't want me to get pregnant, and they don't want me to have children."

"Aze also told me that it is enough for him to have three children. If I want to have children, I have to wait for his youngest son to grow up. His youngest son should not have children until he is five years old."

"So this child of mine is not expected by the whole family. I was even worried that my child would take away their belongings, and Aze's second daughter pushed me there. My child... just disappeared..." Zhang Tingting said crying.

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