Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 314: Mingmu pill 2

"Haven't you tried it? Haven't you tried this medicine yourself?"

"I have eaten it. I have eaten it when it was just researched. The ingredients I use are all Chinese medicines, and only 10% of the ingredients are Western medicines. I don't worry about any harm to my body." Chen Xiayue took a photo He tapped Zhang Chengchuan's shoulder and gritted his teeth.

"Then don't you have to? If it's really okay, let your parents try to see if it really works for your eyes." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

Zhang Chengchuan really took a Mingmu Pill and ate it. After a few hours, he didn't feel anything wrong. As for the Mingmu Pill, it had no effect on him - his eyesight was very good, neither myopia nor myopia. Presbyopia, so it is not a big problem that Mingmu pills have no effect on him.

Then Zhang Chengchuan took two Mingmu Pills to his parents and asked them to try whether the pills could improve the eyesight.

Zhang Deping studied very hard when he was young. Over the years, he has been working while calculating accounts. As he got older, his eyesight gradually deteriorated. And Liu Guiying, she used to sew clothes at night to make clothes or something, which hurt her eyes.

Therefore, the eyesight of the couple in their early fifties has really deteriorated. Although they are not as undifferentiated as men and women ten meters away from Chen Xiayue in the previous life, their eyesight is really bad compared to when they were young.

Of course, the efficacy of a Mingmu Pill is impossible to restore the vision of people with myopia of more than 200 degrees to 5.0, but Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying's eyes are not as high as 200 degrees of myopia, so they only need one or two eyesight. Maru Jiu can restore his eyesight back to his youth.

The efficacy of Mingmu Pills is not effective as soon as you take it. It takes about three hours for the medicine to take effect and then vision will be restored.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying didn't care much after taking the medicine. They took the medicine at night. They took two Mingmu Pills at once, and then fell asleep.

When they woke up the next day, they found that their eyesight was really good, and they hadn't felt this way of seeing everything clearly for a long time.

It was also because Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying's vision problems were not so serious that they took two pills at once, and then the effect came out the next day.

If you have a few hundred degrees of myopia, you need to take a medicine a day, and you don't need to take it when your vision returns to 5.0.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying reported the effect of the medicine to their son early in the morning, especially Liu Guiying patted his son on the shoulder happily and said, "This medicine is really amazing, I haven't seen it so clearly for a long time."

Liu Guiying's eyesight problem is a little more serious than Zhang Deping's. After all, she used to sew and make clothes in a dim environment, which was really hurting her eyes, so her eyesight was even worse than Zhang Deping's.

Although her vision is not so bad that her eyes are blurred in dim conditions, but sometimes the feeling that her eyes seem to be separated by a layer of gauze is really uncomfortable. Every day when the sun goes down and it's getting dark, Liu Guiying's vision is very blurry, as if his eyes are covered with a layer of gauze.

I can see the road clearly, but sometimes it is very vague, and it feels like a dream that is dazed and uncomfortable. The desire to be awake, to be able to see what is in front of them, is incomprehensible to people with good eyesight.

Now Liu Guiying feels that her eyesight is much better, and the morning sun has not yet come out, but she feels that her eyes that were a little blurry before can see everything clearly now.

Liu Guiying smiled happily and patted her son on the shoulder, "Where did you get the medicine? This medicine is very effective. I can see things clearly now."

Zhang Chengchuan replied with a smile, "This pharmacist Xia Yue studied, I tried it with Xia Yue and there was no problem, and it was not bad for the body. But Xia Yue and I's eyes can't see and hear clearly? After eating this I don't know if the medicine has any effect on the eyes."

"So I took a few pills for you and my father, and asked if it would have any effect on your eyes after taking them. I didn't expect the effect to be quite good, mother, do you really see things clearly? Just like your young The same time?" Zhang Chengchuan asked happily.

"I think it's very good. I didn't necessarily have such good eyes when I was young." Liu Guiying said with a smile, and then asked her son, "Is this really what Xia Yue did? Is she so powerful?"

Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "Mother, you also know that my wife and I have a little secret, and we have been studying hard this year. Xia Yue studied medicine, and this eye-brightening pill is the result of her research after a year of study. "

"How is it? Isn't it great?" Zhang Chengchuan and Yourong asked.

"Your mother-in-law is very powerful." Liu Guiying said.

She still doesn't like Chen Xiayue's daughter-in-law so much. It should be that few mothers-in-law really like daughter-in-law. Even though some mother-in-laws have personally chosen a daughter-in-law for their son, she still doesn't like this daughter-in-law after she gets married.

Although Liu Guiying's prejudice against Chen Xiayue is gone now, it is impossible for her to like Chen Xiayue as much as she likes her own daughter.

But she also has to admit that her daughter-in-law is really good, although sometimes she does housework and sometimes she doesn't, and she often calls her son. But Liu Guiying also understands that if it weren't for this daughter-in-law, her son would not be in this situation.

Before, her son had changed a lot because of the college entrance examination. He failed the entrance exam for three years. Later, she was very worried about her son's performance after she could not take the college entrance examination. Even though she was always protecting her son when she was outside, she was very worried that her son would really become the second **** and second-rate son that outsiders called him, who would know how to live a decadent life without doing anything.

Now my son is getting better and better after getting married. He once let go of the unwillingness of not being able to go to college. He still works so hard to do so much research and study so seriously.

Liu Guiying admitted that it was her daughter-in-law's credit. No matter how much she didn't like this daughter-in-law, she couldn't help but acknowledge her contribution, and she couldn't deny her help to her son.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiayue has been able to develop a medicine that can treat eyes now?

Liu Guiying, who has experienced blurred vision after vision loss, is well aware of the discomfort at that time, and can also understand the comfortable feeling after regaining her vision.

To be honest, this is all thanks to Chen Xiayue, the daughter-in-law.

"Your mother-in-law, I still don't like her that much, but I have to admit that she is really good." Liu Guiying said sincerely.

Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "Yes, Xia Yue is really good."

Liu Guiying nodded, "I tried this pharmacist with your father, and it really works. Do you and your mother-in-law have any? Your grandparents' eyes are not very good, can they eat this?"

"Yes, anyone can take this medicine, regardless of age." Zhang Chengchuan replied.

Chen Xiayue's medicine is suitable for myopia, presbyopia, etc. except for congenital blindness and acquired blindness. It can be taken by men, women and children, and it will not cause any harm to the body.

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