The Xia Yue grocery store has a great influence on everyone. Now not only the Chinese people like the Xia Yue grocery store, but even the crooked nuts.

Who doesn't want silent wallpapers and mosquito repellent kits? They also want something like Chlorella. Although they don't have the idea of ​​turning all their territorial waters into clean and clear, of course they also want a clean environment by the seaside where they live.

"Mom and dad, how do you feel?" Wen Xiangyu asked while pushing her father out to bask in the sun.

She also bought Mingmu pills before, and she let her parents eat it after she tried it herself. Now she is looking forward to whether her parents' eyesight has recovered a little.

"Very good, I see things a lot clearer." Dad Wen said with a smile.

Now he has recovered a lot, but when he came out to bask in the sun, he still let his daughter push him, because he has just had a repair operation, and he has not yet been reconstructed, so he can't walk on the ground.

When he was injured a few years ago, he felt the sky was falling, and when his daughter came back, he felt that he was a drag on her. But over the past year, he has become more hopeful about life.

His daughter bought several plants of Tianjing grass, and after planting them in their own fields, the crops in their own fields have grown a lot better, and they can sell for a lot of money.

In fact, more people want to buy their own Tianjingcao, but my daughter thinks it is better to keep it, so that she can continue to purify the land.

Moreover, Tianjingcao will also bloom and bear fruit, and it can also be used for cutting and raising seedlings. The few Tianjingcao plants they planted in their family made a lot of money.

It is also because of making money that he has the money to perform surgery, and his wife can take good care of her body, and their husband and wife will be able to not be a drag on her daughter, and they can give her a lot of help.

"Mom, she also said in the examination report that her body has improved a lot." Wen Xiangyu smiled happily, "The doctor said that Mom often eats these non-polluting things, plus she is in a good mood, and she has medicine to adjust her body. It slowly got better."

"Dad, I'm so happy." Wen Xiangyu smiled with red eyes.

When her father had an accident and her mother fell, she really felt that the sky was falling. The parents who had always supported her and gave her love and affection fell, and she was at a loss and at a loss.

But in order not to lose her parents completely, she could only grit her teeth and insist, and then returned to her hometown and worked hard to be a self-media blogger, relying on this meager income to support the family.

It's better now, her father's health is getting better, and so is her mother. The sky that she once thought was collapsing was finally lifted.

"Yeah, I'm very happy too." Father Wen said with a smile.

Wen's family is happy here, and many people in other places are also very happy, because Mingmu Pill is really effective, and they can feel their eyesight has improved the next day after taking it.

Moreover, they went to the hospital for examination and did not find out what was wrong except for their improved eyesight, which made everyone happier.

Some parents are not so good at their own eyesight, but looking at children who wear myopia glasses at a young age, they try their best to grab Mingmu pills and come back to their children to eat.

Children study so hard, and their eyesight gets better in order to have a better class, right? Those of them, parents, would rather have poor eyesight than see their children hope to regain their eyesight and do nothing.

Anyway, they are used to their vision loss, and if they have the hope that their vision can be restored, they can wait for the children.

Mingmu pills are really popular, and countless people who are deeply troubled by myopia have urged the store to replenish the goods quickly. They are very eager to restore their eyesight, and the taste of myopia is too uncomfortable.

However, the store is still slow, and it is useless for customers to harass the customer service. The customer service said that Mingmu pills were made by the boss himself. The boss must not be able to supply so many Mingmu pills all at once. I hope everyone can Wait patiently.

Chen Xiayue has been making Mingmu pills all the time. Recently, besides learning more knowledge, she is also making Mingmu pills. Although the course is not as tight as the past year, it does not mean that she does not need to continue studying.

You must know that "learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." If she really gave up studying for several months and didn't study it, who knows if she would forget the things she learned before? Even if her memory is very good, she can't do this, she has to keep learning something new every day.

Mo Yichen also considered that Chen Xiayue needed to rest for a while, and considering that she was going to have a child, she couldn't spend too much energy, so she prepared some relatively easy courses.

For example, Chen Xiayue likes to cook, so Mo Yichen recently taught Chen Xiayue the medicinal properties of various ingredients, or which medicinal herbs work together, and the medicinal effects and taste of the food they make.

Mo Yichen can't help these things. Although he can cook, his cooking skills are actually not that good. Moreover, his medical knowledge is not related to medicinal foods, so the help he can give Chen Xiayue is to help her. Looking for a variety of knowledge about this.

Occasionally, I will teach knowledge other than medicinal food, so that Chen Xiayue can't forget what she has learned in the previous year.

Because it still takes a little time to learn, Chen Xiayue definitely doesn't have much time to make Mingmu Pills, and she can't do that much by herself, so the store's replenishment is slow.

As for letting the end of the 22nd century help the production of Mingmu pills? Sorry, there are frequent natural disasters over there, everyone is trying to survive, and there is not much energy to produce Mingmu pills on a large scale.

Even if it is clear grass, it would be good for Chen Xiayue to let her teacher and the others plant some. If you are not careful, it may wither due to drought. So Chen Xiayue didn't ask the apocalyptic plane to help her produce Mingmu Pills, she could just do it herself.

While Chen Xiayue was busy studying and making Mingmu Pills, Zhou Jianye and Lin Heping's son's full moon banquet arrived, and Zhou Jianye also invited Zhang Chengchuan over.

Zhou Jianye has done a really good job in the past two years. The scale of the brick kiln has become larger and larger. Zhou Jianye's skills have become more and more skilled. Coupled with the care of Lin Heping at home, his career has gotten better and better.

Of course, Zhou Jianye will not forget that everything he has now is because he was with Zhang Chengchuan at the beginning, so of course his son Manyue will invite Zhang Chengchuan to have a meal together.

Zhou Jianye didn't invite many people either. Zhang Chengchuan and his wife, Zhang Changjun and his wife, and the team leader Zhou Mingyi also had to invite his uncle, and a few others who had a good relationship with Zhou Jianye at ordinary times also invited them over.

There were only two tables for the full moon banquet, but even so, everyone still felt that Zhou Jianye held the full moon banquet very grandly. After all, most people don't have full moon banquets now, and some people don't even get married, let alone full moon banquets?

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