Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 327: kill the pig

"Do you want to go to kill the New Year pig today?" Zhang Chengchuan asked his daughter-in-law. He didn't think his daughter-in-law was someone who couldn't watch the scene of pig killing, so he asked that.

The scene of slaughtering pigs is indeed very noisy, but Chen Xiayue has seen slaughtering pigs since he was a child. When she grew up, she didn't have any taboos, but she seldom watched the scenes of cattle slaughter in the countryside. It was more because the village seldom slaughtered cattle, and the cow's eyes made her feel guilty when slaughtering cattle, so she didn't. Dare to see.

In the previous life, Chen Xiayue's family also raised cattle when she was a child, but cattle were usually raised for farming or sold. It is impossible to raise cattle and eat something by yourself. In addition to farming the land, raising cattle is selling them for money, so it is impossible to kill them as often as pigs, so that she can get used to that scene.

Zhang Chengchuan knew that if her daughter-in-law hadn't been able to control a pig by herself, she might have killed the pig herself.

So today in the brigade killing the New Year pig, he has no idea that his daughter-in-law is a city girl and dare not watch such a scene.

"Kill the New Year Pig? Then go have a look." Chen Xiayue was very interested, she was a little bored and wanted to go out for a walk, just in time to see the scene of the New Year Pig.

"How many pigs were killed this year?" Chen Xiayue asked.

This year, the pigs raised in the brigade were quite large. Although they did not weigh 300 jins, they still weighed more than 200 jins. I don't know how many pigs it would take to kill the whole team.

"Kill three heads." Zhang Chengchuan said, "Anyway, it's impossible for a family to share a lot of meat, so it won't kill too much. What's more, you need to hand over the pigs raised by the brigade, and there are not many people who can kill themselves. ."

"These three pigs were won by the captain. Otherwise, there may be one or two pigs, and then everyone will receive even less meat."

Chen Xiayue nodded when she heard the words. She also knew that in this era, everyone who raises pigs also needs to hand over to the commune. The pigs raised by a brigade are not too few, but there are not many pigs that can be kept for the New Year's Eve.

The Yunhe Brigade was able to kill three pigs for the Chinese New Year this year, which was definitely something that the Brigade Leader Zhou Mingyi won. Of course, in addition to Zhou Mingyi, other cadres also made a lot of efforts and cooperated with Zhou Mingyi to win.

Chen Xiayue didn't put in big wild boars this year and last year for everyone to kill. Occasionally once or twice can be said to be lucky, but if it is too frequent, it will cause unnecessary trouble. For example, when we often encounter such big wild boars, will anyone suspect that there are a large group of wild boars weighing up to 1000 pounds in the mountains?

So Chen Xiayue didn't put in the big wild boar a few times, and the people in the village ate meat that they raised by themselves. Occasionally, native wild boars come down the mountain, although not many times, everyone can still take this opportunity to eat meat.

Before Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan got close to Shaiguping, they heard pigs screaming. The sound of killing pigs was really loud and unpleasant. Chen Xiayue suddenly heard such a voice, and rubbed her temples a little uncomfortable.

How could she forget how loud the pigs were killed? If you want to watch the fun, you have to endure such a loud slaughter of pigs.

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?" Zhang Chengchuan looked at her frowning and rubbing her temples and asked with concern.

"It's uncomfortable to hear the sound of pig killing suddenly. It's too loud, but you'll get used to it." Chen Xiayue wasn't so squeamish either, but because of the mute wallpaper and mute flowers, she hasn't been disturbed by the noise for a long time. Suddenly hearing such a loud pig slaughtering sound is not used to it.

"It's fine." Zhang Chengchuan pressed her temple and asked, "Do you still want to go and see?"

"Go, it's rare to see it." Chen Xiayue didn't flinch. It's been a long time since she slaughtered a pig, and she still wanted to see it.

The couple walked towards Shaiguping. The closer they got, the louder the sound of killing pigs, but the sound of killing pigs gradually weakened after a while. Obviously, the pig is almost out of breath and has no energy to bark.

The Shaiguping side is not big, and their side is not a flat plain area. Every household's house is not on the same level, and the Shaiguping area is not a big place. It is roughly similar to terraced fields with different heights.

And now there is a pot boiling water on one of the grounds in Shaiguping, and a group of people slaughtered pigs and a group of people scalded the pig that died first.

Chen Xiayue didn't help in the past. There are so many people in Yunhe Brigade, and the people who kill pigs also have a little more subsidy than others. Of course, Chen Xiayue can't take advantage of others, and others may not let her take it.

"This year, everyone can have a good New Year's Eve dinner." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

The harvest of Yunhe Brigade in the past two years has been very good. Although the fertilizer plant has been expanded above, and those fertilizers have been promoted nationwide, the Yunhe Brigade is relatively remote, so they have not been able to buy those fertilizers.

However, Chen Xiayue secretly fertilized the crops of Yunhe Brigade, and the crops grew very well. Although the yield of rice is not as high as that of Chen Xiayue's farm, it is almost 9,100 per mu.

The Yunhe Brigade also has a lot of arable land, and the highest yield per mu of rice is one thousand or one thousand one, which is very pleasing.

What's more, in addition to rice, everyone also grows sweet potatoes. The yield of sweet potatoes is even higher. The yield per mu is several thousand catties, and sweet potatoes exceeding five thousand catties will prevent everyone from starving.

Also, although the yield of corn per mu is only less than 1,000, it is enough for everyone to be happy if there is enough food to eat without going hungry.

The crops of the Yunhe Brigade are growing well and the yield is very good. There are still two seasons of fragrant fruit that can be sold for money every year, and life is finally a lot better.

This year's pigs are also growing well, and killing three pigs is enough for everyone to eat during the Chinese New Year.

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan didn't always see that the pigs were slaughtered, and when the meat was cleaned up, the two of them watched the pigs slaughter and then turned to go to other places. Both husband and wife do not go to work in the field, and some have time to hang out.

The villagers didn't say anything when they saw their husband and wife. It has been two years. Everyone is used to the state of Zhang Chengchuan and his wife. After all, people don't work in the fields, but they still have other ways to make money.

I heard that Zhang Chengchuan has a nominal job, and he gets a salary every month.

In this case, Zhang Chengchuan doesn't need to work in the fields at all. What if there is a wife who doesn't work in the fields as well? They don't need outsiders to support them.

"Achuan came out with that lazy woman from his family again?" said enviously those who couldn't stand Chen Xiayue and were jealous of her good life and her husband's pampering to prevent her from working.

"A mother-in-law who can't give birth, that is, Zhang Chengchuan's second-rate child will be like a baby."

"Where is Zhang Chengchuan? He has a job and a salary now. If you don't see him staying in our village, you really think he has no job and no salary."

"I don't know why Zhang Chengchuan is such a good man. Why should he marry a woman who can't have children, just because she is beautiful?"

"There are so many good-looking people. Where can such a lazy woman be? There are so many good-looking and capable people."

"What? Are you jealous? Who is the good-looking and capable woman you're talking about? Could it be you? Don't be kidding, A Chuan's mother-in-law is a city girl who went to high school."

"What do you mean? I just can't stand that lazy woman, what are you talking about?"

"What's wrong with Ah Chuan's willingness to spoil his wife? You're envious and jealous, so why don't people tell me?"

"Your own man treats you badly, so you are jealous of Ah Chuan's wife?"

"I fought with you!"

Then, the person who spoke Chen Xiayue's words behind his back started fighting again.

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