Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 329: warm clothing 1

Chen Xiayue had nothing to do when she was a big Chinese New Year. She just watched videos at home. By chance, she came across a video of border guards in the 21st century standing guard. She was frozen in frost and snow and persisted motionless. on the post.

Then Chen Xiayue watched the next video, which was the video of the frozen troops when they resisted the U.S. aggression and aided Korea. Chen Xiayue looked at it, her eyes couldn't help turning red.

Zhang Chengchuan is still chatting with other brothers at the uncle's house. Chen Xiayue directly entered the farm and connected the shop to the apocalyptic plane. She came to the apocalyptic plane.

"Hello? Xia Yue? Why are you here at this time? Didn't you say that you have a New Year's Eve over there, so you haven't been here very often recently?" Mo Yichen, who received a call from Chen Xiayue, asked suspiciously.

Chen Xiayue called Mo Yichen from the store. This was a long-standing habit. The time flow of the two planes was different, and Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan didn't know when they came over. Every time I come, I call to let the teachers know that they are coming, so they can prepare for class.

This time, Chen Xiayue wanted to ask her teacher if she had researched more uses for Yanyang flower. In addition to keeping the temperature of the well-growing Yanyang flower, can it be processed into other things and other uses? ?

After two years, the apocalyptic plane has gradually stabilized. Although there will be some natural disasters from time to time, everyone is used to it. People are very adaptable, and people still struggle to survive in such a harsh environment.

Also because Chen Xiayue's grocery store opened here, the troops slowly established a base near Chen Xiayue's store. Most of the troops were stationed at the base here, and then a large number of people were stationed here. All the experts and professors have been transferred here.

After all, Mo Yichen had accepted Chen Xiayue as an apprentice before, and Chen Xiayue, who respects her teacher, gave her teacher a lot of things. And although the more than a dozen Zhang Chengchuan teachers did not formally accept apprentices like Mo Yichen did, Zhang Chengchuan would send a lot of things to the teachers every time.

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan are so eager to learn, the bosses also need materials to survive, and they need research materials, so they can get what they need. The bosses taught the couple, and the couple provided the bosses with supplies and research materials.

Two years have passed, and the base has developed very well, and the rice fruit trees, oil fruit trees, salt fruit trees, etc. exchanged from the grocery store are also growing very well. Even after the system rewarded Chen Xiayue's bread fruit trees and steamed bread fruit trees, a lot of bread fruit trees and steamed bread fruit trees were exchanged here.

Because the store can exchange various things for materials, more and more people gather, and after the base is established, it attracts more people. There is abundant food and a stable environment here, and those who have suffered from displacement are of course more willing to come.

And those big bosses, after knowing the treatment of Mo Yichen and his group, all moved here one after another.

Of course, the base was really established, but it did not occupy the place of Yan Wenluo's farmhouse. He was still the owner of the farmhouse.

After there were more bosses, Chen Xiayue felt that they should be able to research the use of Yanyang Flower, right? She didn't believe that these bigwigs would hold back when they saw the magical plant like Yanyanghua. This is the instinct of scientific researchers.

"You mean, you want to study the thermal use of Yanyang Flower, right?" Mo Yichen came to the store to chat with his apprentice, and heard her needs.

"What you said is really okay." Mo Yichen said with a smile, "Didn't you send me several Yanyang flowers because of the cold weather here? Those old guys just thought It’s a waste to grow Yanyang flowers like this, they can try other uses of Yanyang flowers.”

"Of course, they also studied the thermal effect of Yanyang flower. If it is a flower, then if a flower is picked, it will bloom and whether the picked flower can be processed into other thermal items. ."

"I really let them study it. The flowers of Yanyang flower can be picked off, and new flowers will continue to grow within two years, so that the heat preservation effect of Yanyang flower will always be maintained."

"Those old guys thought that even if the heat preservation effect of Yanyang flower was taken off, it would not disappear in a short time, so they were going to try to incorporate Yanyang flower into the fabric to make warm clothes."

"The effect of the silent flower is similar to what you said before. Since the silent flower can be integrated into the wallpaper and maintain its characteristics, why can't Yanyang flower?"

"No, those old guys made a few sets of clothes from the flowers of Yanyang Flower and the seaweed extracted from Chlorococcus algae. If you want, I can send you a set to try." Mo Yichen Said with a smile.

"Really?" Chen Xiayue was also very excited when she heard her teacher's words. The effect of Yanyang flower is indeed very good, but the effect of a live Yanyang flower cannot be widely used.

The fibers extracted from Yanyang flower and Chlorococcus can be made into warm clothes, which can be mass-produced, so that more people can wear such warm clothes.

"Teacher, I'll send you some more Sunflowers and Chlorella, hoping to ensure that the soldiers are still warm in winter, so that the soldiers will not be frozen." Chen Xiayue said happily.

No matter which plane the soldier is, as long as it is the People's Liberation Army who defends the family and the country, she will not be stingy to give them things. She can live in such a peaceful and quiet environment because of the dedication of these soldiers who protect the family and the country and maintain law and order, of course she will not be reluctant.

Of course, in addition to the soldiers, the police are also needed.

Chen Xiayue is going to prepare Yanyang flowers and Chlorococcus in large quantities for everyone. The processing methods of Yanyang flowers and Chlorococcus are directly given to them. After they have learned to produce them in large quantities, they only need to ensure that these things are given to the soldiers. And all the ordinary and great people who keep people safe can wear it.

Chen Xiayue said that she wanted to give her teacher a lot of Yanyang flowers. She had given them ten Yanyang flowers before, and now Chen Xiayue gave them fifty Yanyang flowers. Chlorella also sent them a lot of seeds, anyway, Chlorella must have a variety of species.

Chen Xiayue got the formula of thermal clothes made by the yanyang flower and chlorococcus extracted fiber researched by the bosses, and then went back happily.

Chen Xiayue sorted out the recipe, bought 50 Yanyang flowers and a batch of chlorococcus seeds to sell to the research institute. Of course, the money she received was from Yanyanghua and Chlorococcus algae, but she didn't charge for the formula.

After Chen Xiayue sold her things, she thought about their plane. She put Chlorococcus algae directly in the ocean, and Yanyanghua also put in a batch, and then she thought of a way to hand over the formula of warm clothes to the right people.

This time, neither Chen Xiayue nor Zhang Chengchuan came forward. This formula Chen Xiayue just kept secretly in a suitable place, and then the right person found it.

No matter how much Chen Xiayue is, it is good to be able to get benefits anyway.

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