Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 331: motorcycle

[Ding - Unlock a new crop, white radish. 】

After Chen Xiayue handed over the formulations of Yanyanghua, Chlorococcus and warm clothes, she continued to watch videos. For the New Year, she still watched some festive things to pass the time.

As a result, she watched the video for a while, and the farm beeped.

She originally planned to unlock the white radish in November and December, but she didn't expect that it was already February, and it was already New Year's Eve, so she just unlocked the white radish?

Chen Xiayue opened the farm operation panel, looked at the white radish that was just unlocked, and then saw that the new crop to be unlocked turned out to be watermelon.

Chen Xiayue suddenly became energetic.

She still likes to eat watermelon. Compared with strawberries, a fruit that she hadn't eaten when she was a child and liked to eat it when she grew up, Chen Xiayue prefers watermelon.

I like to eat watermelon since I was a child. The only fruit I ate when I was a child and still liked when I grew up is watermelon.

After all, when Chen Xiayue was a child, she liked to eat papaya, guava, banana, plantain, fig, mango, jackfruit, pineapple and other fruits. She even liked star fruit for a while, but she didn't like it when she grew up.

Those fruits were too much to eat when I was young and I didn’t want to eat them, but I didn’t eat a lot of watermelon when I was a child, and I didn’t eat a lot when I grew up, so I was able to maintain the attitude of always liking watermelon.

And Chen Xiayue believes in the farm very much, and the watermelons it grows must be delicious. Chen Xiayue doesn't care what kind of watermelon the farm unlocks, anyway, she knows that the watermelon produced on the farm must be delicious.

Chen Xiayue quickly collected the mature crops in the farmland, and then planted the white radish, ready to unlock the watermelon as soon as possible.

White radish can be harvested in an hour, which is exactly 60 minutes. The yield of white radish per mu is 5,000-6,000 catties, and Chen Xiayue believes that she will be able to unlock watermelons soon.

Chen Xiayue looked at the conditions given by the farm to unlock the watermelon, that is, the white radish needs to produce 50,000 kilograms of output to unlock the watermelon. 50,000 white radish, isn't that easy to unlock?

It doesn't take a day to complete the task of white radish, and you can unlock the watermelon.

Chen Xiayue happily planted white radishes, then collected all the harvest from the farm, and closed the operation panel after feeding the animals on the farm.

Chen Xiayue planted other crops after the first crop of white radishes was harvested. She didn't want to get up at night to harvest crops, she just wanted to have a good sleep.

Zhang Chengchuan came back in the middle of the night, and Chen Xiayue had fallen asleep after he came back, so he didn't have to quarrel with her and talk about anything, and went to bed after grooming himself.

On the first day of the New Year's Day, and on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Xiayue didn't have time to plant white radishes, but instead planted crops that took longer to harvest. After all, there was no time.

It was not until the fourth day of the new year that Chen Xiayue was free, and the crop of white radish was enough to unlock watermelon.

[Ding - congratulations on unlocking a new crop: watermelon. 】

Chen Xiayue saw the prompt message, and happily put away all the white radishes before planting the watermelon.

The ripening time of watermelon is 20 hours, so Chen Xiayue will leave it alone after planting it and be busy with other things.

These few days have been very busy. If it wasn't for the fact that she had stocked up a lot of Mingmu pills before, she felt that there were not enough Mingmu pills in the online store to sell.

Of course, there is a huge demand for Mingmu Pills in the 21st century. Chen Xiayue is just one or two hundred Mingmu Pills on the shelves every day. It is guaranteed to be replenished every day, but it will never be too much.

When Zhang Chengchuan was arranging the data of trains and high-speed rails, he sorted out the data of motorcycles and handed it over to Chen Xiabai.

Anyway, there is a machinery factory in the county, and my second uncle is still in the technical department of the machinery factory. It can save a lot of trouble by handing over the drawings of the motorcycle to him.

Chen Xiayue was busy making Mingmu Pills every day, while Zhang Chengchuan was sorting out information. The couple were not as busy as last year, but they were not very busy either.

The crops are also growing well after the spring. The sweet potatoes that were planted last year can be harvested. Now the rice seedlings are full moon, and the sweet potatoes can be harvested and transplanted.

This year, the sweet potatoes were not harvested until now. It was also because Zhou Mingyi and the others felt that the sweet potatoes could grow bigger and better after they had grown long enough, so they postponed the harvesting of the sweet potatoes, and the planting of the rice was also delayed by a month or two.

But it doesn't matter, the southern side can be planted all year round, there is no difference.

Outside, they were busy collecting sweet potatoes and planting rice seedlings, but Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan didn't go out. Chen Xiayue was busy making Mingmu Pills, and Zhang Chengchuan was busy arranging materials, and then he came up with a solar battery.

This solar battery is made by himself, not bought. The materials used are also available in the 1960s. Although the materials are not common, they are not very precious. Zhang Chengchuan has made solar batteries that are not too expensive with not too precious materials.

After it was done, Zhang Chengchuan got the production materials for the solar battery made by himself, and handed in the finished product together with the materials.

Zhang Chengchuan also gave it directly to his second uncle. Zhang Chengchuan's work was linked to the county machinery factory. After the troops retreated, everything Zhang Chengchuan took out was handed over to the second uncle for him to help hand in.

Chen Xiabai himself studied all kinds of books and materials that Zhang Chengchuan found for him. Now he has a lot of knowledge reserves, and he has a wide network of contacts, which can ensure that the materials that Zhang Chengchuan handed in can be delivered safely.

After all, Mu Chengting and the others are still in the provincial capital. After Chen Xiabai called to find Mu Chengting, they would send someone over to take away the things that Zhang Chengchuan handed in from Chen Xiabai.

Now the machine shop is still researching motorcycles, but they have complete drawings and materials, and they will be able to make a motorcycle soon.

"This car is really much better than a bicycle." The director of the machinery factory who made the motorcycle looked at the black motorcycle and laughed so hard that he could not see his teeth.

This motorcycle is made of very common materials, so the motorcycle is not completely black, and there is a little rust red in some places, which can be said to be very miserable.

But the director of the machinery factory has tested it. The motorcycle is really very useful and very fast, and it can run as long as there is gasoline.

"Since this car is really usable, then we will increase production, and we will be able to keep up with the supply after we fight for the reputation!" The director of the machinery factory said happily.

Not only the factory manager, but other cadres are also very excited. After all, it is the motorcycle they made by themselves, which is very fulfilling.

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