Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 333: The twisted marriage of the third brother

This little guy, Chen Guohua, can be said to be the favorite of the Chen family. Even his aunt, Chen Xiayue, loves him, and will give him any good things in the family.

But none of the Chen family dote on their children. Even though Chen Guohua is the only grandchild and a boy, they will not indulge when it is time to teach them strictly.

"Auntie, I will recite "Silent Night Thoughts"." Chen Guohua said happily to Chen Xiayue, "I will also recite "Climbing the Stork Tower"."

"Oh, is our Guohua so smart? Then will you be used by the ninety-nine multiplication table?" Chen Xiayue asked with a smile.

Although Chen Guohua is only a first-year student, who made his father a high school math and physics teacher and his mother a primary school Chinese teacher? When others might learn addition and subtraction within ten, addition and subtraction within one hundred, his parents had already begun to make him memorize the nine-nine multiplication table.

"I can recite... 11 get 1, 12 get 2..." Chen Guohua recited the ninety-nine multiplication table for Chen Xiayue with great expressiveness, but this little guy didn't memorize it after halfway through it. Not very proficient yet.

"Our Guohua is awesome." Chen Xiayue pinched Chen Guohua's face and praised, and then gave him an egg yolk cake as a reward.

Li Guifen looked at how happy her daughter and grandson were getting along, looked at her daughter's face and said, "How is your body now? Are you better?"

Of course, as her maiden family, she is very aware of the problems of her daughter's body. But after two years of conditioning, her daughter's body should be better, right? Can you have a baby?

"How is it? Have you seen a doctor? Has the doctor said you can have children?" Li Guifen asked.

It's really because it's not just those people in the Yunhe Brigade who say that Chen Xiayue has been married for the past two years and still has no children. In the county town, the neighbors of the Chen family also have such gossip.

Especially the acquaintances in the county town know that Chen Xiayue's body cannot be excited because of heart disease. How can heart disease patients have children? If the child has not yet been born, the mother's body will not be able to bear a child because it can't bear it.

Li Guifen is really annoyed by the gossip that those people are talking about, but her daughter is not in good health, and she has no way to refute even if she has been married for two years and has no children.

The most important thing is that she was worried that the Zhang family would have opinions. Even if everyone said that their daughter was not in good health and might have no children when they said they were pro-marital, the Zhang family agreed.

But Li Guifen couldn't really believe that her daughter would not have children, and the Zhang family would not change or complain about her daughter for the rest of her life.

People can change, and it's not like she hasn't seen someone who swore at the beginning easily overthrow her words after a period of time, maybe a few years or a decade, and then accuse the other party of what's wrong.

When her daughter first got married, Li Guifen believed that the Zhang family really didn't mind the fact that her daughter might not have children, but two years later, she was worried that the Zhang family would change their minds.

"If you can give birth, give birth to one yourself, and play with Guohua every time. If you don't know, you think Guohua is your child." Li Guifen said.

"Guohua was brought by me before, isn't it normal for me to kiss him?" Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "And even if I have my own children, I will definitely love Guohua, who will make him sensible?"

Chen Xiayue is not always smiling and good-tempered every time she faces Chen Guohua. If Chen Guohua loses his temper and makes a bear, Chen Xiayue also likes to reason with the little guy and scold people.

Chen Guohua raised his face and showed a bright smile to Chen Xiayue, and then said to Li Guifen, "Grandma, don't you hurt me? Aunt is good to me, aren't you happy?"

Li Guifen: "..."

"By the way, when will the third brother get married?" Chen Xiayue asked, knowing that when he talked about his third brother last time, he mentioned the Liangxiu girl who was in the back kitchen of the canteen of the food factory. There is no progress.

"How is it? Is the third brother married?" Chen Xiayue asked.

She doesn't count on her second brother. Anyway, the second brother is very demanding, and looking at his current appearance, he looks like he has no intention of falling in love and just wants to pursue a career, so she doesn't ask him about his personal affairs.

But the third brother is different. The third brother, who has always been quiet and sensible, does not have a high sense of existence, but the whole family still cares about him very much. Chen Xiayue wanted to know when her third brother, who was born on the same day as her, would get married. After all, she had been married for two years.

"I originally planned to match your third brother and Miss Liangxiu, but..." Li Guifen shook her head and said, "That girl has a target, and her target is the workers in our food factory workshop."

"Huh?" Chen Xiayue raised her eyebrows. The Liangxiu girl was able to receive good reviews from her father. It seemed that she had a good character.

Such a girl is popular, but she remembers to keep a distance from **** men. She can make friends without breaking the rules. It can be seen that she is a very transparent person.

Such a girl is of course popular, and her third brother has a relatively stable personality, and is not the kind to take the initiative to fight for. It is really not uncommon to miss it.

"Miss Liangxiu has a partner, that's a pity." Chen Xiayue sighed, after all, this girl is transparent and full of affinity, which is quite complementary to her quiet third brother.

"The target of Liangxiu is also very good. She has always been an excellent talent in the production workshop. It is also very good for Liangxiu to find such a target. The girl herself is excellent, and the target she is looking for is also very good. It is a good match." Li Guifen is also not I feel so angry that the daughter-in-law I like didn't marry my son, but found someone else. After all, the girl didn't explicitly say that she liked her son, and she didn't hang him.

The relationship was good before, probably because her son was too quiet, and the girl felt that it was not good to not integrate into her colleagues, so let's reconcile it.

"The third brother... is he okay?" Chen Xiayue looked at his third brother, wouldn't his third brother fall down after such a big breakup?

It was usually very quiet, but now that you are broken up, will you hold it back in your heart?

"He, he seems a little lost, but he didn't get that share." Li Guifen shook his head and said, his son really likes Liangxiu, but after all, he hasn't started, and he won't hate others just because they find someone.

"I've been looking for someone to introduce him recently, but this kid just didn't say what he likes." Li Guifen sighed.

Chen Xiayue whispered, "Don't the third brother like Liangxiu? Look for it according to the character of Liangxiu."

"Don't think about it, it's not that I haven't introduced a character similar to Liangxiu, but your third brother doesn't like it." Li Guifen shook his head.

Chen Xiayue also understands that her third brother likes Liangxiu, but it doesn't mean that the person she will find in the future will be similar to Liangxiu. Isn't that looking for a substitute? That's bad.

"Forget it, your second brother is not in a hurry, and your third brother doesn't need to be too anxious." Li Guifen said.

Anyway, there is a second son on it, and the third son is not in a hurry. As for holding grandchildren? She had very little time to hold her eldest grandson when she was a child, and now she doesn't want to retire and go home to take care of the child, so she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry...

Chen Xiayue also agrees. After all, her mother still has to go to work. If the three brothers are all married and have children together, her mother will not have time to take them.

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