Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 335: pregnant 2

Since Chen Xiayue had already thought that she was pregnant, she had to see a doctor.

She did study medicine with Mo Yichen, but she didn't know how to diagnose her pulse, and she didn't have any equipment for western medicine to check if she was pregnant, so she could only go to Dr. Song Yusong.

Song Yu is a master of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. He has been a village doctor in the Yunhe Brigade these years. Moreover, Dr. Song diagnosed Yu Xiujuan's pregnancy before, so Chen Xiayue didn't think she was pregnant and couldn't find Dr. Song for examination.

"Achuan, you accompany me to the clinic." Chen Xiayue shouted.

"What's the matter? Where's the discomfort?" Zhang Chengchuan hurried to her side after hearing the voice, reached out and touched her forehead, "What's the matter? Do you feel dizzy or are you uncomfortable?"

"I just remembered that my period is almost two weeks late, and I want to go to Dr. Song to see if I am pregnant." Chen Xiayue didn't hide it from Zhang Chengchuan. Don't tell him anything yet.

Zhang Chengchuan's eyes widened. He has been very busy recently, and he has forgotten that his daughter-in-law is indeed late in her menstrual period. This negligence did not expect her daughter-in-law to be pregnant.

"Let's go, let's go and see Song Yu." Zhang Chengchuan happily dropped the things in his hand, took Chen Xiayue to go out and closed the door of his house, and then the couple went to the clinic together.

The expression on Zhang Chengchuan's face was both joyful and apprehensive, very complicated. After all, he really hopes that his daughter-in-law is really pregnant, but he is worried that if she is not pregnant, her menstrual period will be delayed by almost half a month. Is her menstrual cycle stable because of her poor health?

Chen Xiayue didn't think about it so much. It might be a hunch as a mother. After realizing that she was pregnant, she felt that she was really pregnant.

The couple quickly came to the clinic, and Song Yu was still busy at the clinic as always. Usually, he would spend one day collecting herbs, and then processing the herbs at the health center the next day.

It just so happened that Song Yu didn't go up the mountain to collect medicines today. When Chen Xiayue and the others came, Song Yu was reading a book of medical techniques and looked very leisurely.

"Doctor Song." Zhang Chengchuan greeted Song Yu happily after seeing Song Yu, took Chen Xiayue's hand and came to Song Yu and said, "Doctor Song, help my daughter-in-law to see if she is pregnant?"

Song Yu looked up at Zhang Chengchuan, then at Chen Xiayue, nodded and said, "Please take a seat."

Song Yu took Chen Xiayue's pulse, and after confirming it carefully, he nodded to Zhang Chengchuan and said, "It's indeed a slippery pulse. It's been about a month."

Zhang Chengchuan was so happy when he heard the words, he hugged Chen Xiayue for a few laps and then kissed her on the forehead, and said happily, "Did you hear my daughter-in-law? You are pregnant! I'm going to be a father!"

Chen Xiayue was also very happy. In fact, she was more infected by Zhang Chengchuan's feelings, and she also had a smile on her face.

Song Yu looked at the couple who showed their affection in front of him and said lightly, "For the first three months, **** was banned, Comrade Chen Xiayue is in good health, and he doesn't need to rest in bed, it's almost as good as before. You can exercise vigorously, and you can't eat cold food."

"There are no other requirements for the rest, and there is no need to take any contraceptive pills." Song Yu wrote on the notebook, and said while writing, "You should have a channel to get calcium tablets or something to supplement pregnant women. Get some calcium, and it’s good to add calcium and other nutrients during pregnancy.”

"Congratulations." Song Yu said after handing the written diagnosis sheet to Zhang Chengchuan.

"Hahaha...Thank you for your congratulations." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, and after paying Song Yu the medical fee, he happily went home with his daughter-in-law.

Song Yu didn't prescribe medicine, but Zhang Chengchuan could ask his daughter-in-law's teacher what kind of food his daughter-in-law could eat to make up for it, and what she should eat during pregnancy to keep her daughter-in-law and the cub in her belly healthy. ?

Song Yu watched the couple leave, and a faint smile appeared on his normally indifferent face.

Song Yu has also obtained a lot of medical materials from Zhang Chengchuan in the past two years, and Zhang Chengchuan certainly does not have any books on traditional Chinese medicine. Whether in the 21st or 22nd century, there are some Chinese medicine books that have been lost and can no longer be found.

Western medicine, on the other hand, is very developed. Even in the 22nd century, there are a lot of medical leaders, such as Mo Yichen, who are trying to restore the status of traditional Chinese medicine.

Zhang Chengchuan gave Song Yu all the books on Western medicine, but some of them were Chinese medicine theory, which was the research materials of Mo Yichen and the others.

Song Yu's medical talent is definitely higher than that of Chen Xiayue, but now Song Yu can only study by himself, while Chen Xiayue has a one-on-one teaching from Mo Yichen, so Chen Xiayue's progress is very fast.

Because Zhang Chengchuan brought Song Yu a lot of medical books, Song Yu's medical skills have also improved a lot in the past two years, and he has become more proficient in using these medicinal materials.

Song Yu is very grateful to Zhang Chengchuan because of the improvement of his medical skills. He remembers the help of Zhang Chengchuan and his wife very clearly, and usually takes care of the rest of the Zhang family, especially the two elderly grandparents.

According to the news from the Yunhe Brigade, those people were talking behind the scenes that Chen Xiayue wanted a child, and he knew it.

Song Yu knew about Chen Xiayue's physical condition. After all, as a doctor, Chen Xiayue would come to see him when she had a headache. He has good medical skills, of course, it can be seen that Chen Xiayue is actually very healthy, and it is not difficult at all to want a child.

Now that Chen Xiayue is pregnant, the rumors that Chen Xiayue can't have children can be put to rest.

Song Yu smiled and continued to read. Even when he came to this remote place to be a village doctor, Song Yu did not give up on his studies or improve his medical skills.

In any case, their family is not very good now, but Song Yu believes that the sky will be bright and the moon will be bright. As long as he can persevere, he can see the light.

And their family's ancestral motto is to save the dead and heal the wounded. As a doctor, you must always improve your medical skills so that you can save more people.

Song Yu was still single. He didn't meet someone he liked, so he didn't plan to look for it. Although the enthusiastic aunts and aunts of the Yunhe Brigade were eager to introduce him to someone, Song Yu had no such idea.

He feels that he is living a good life now. He has a stable income, and he can do whatever he wants without anyone's control. What a free and unrestrained life?

Although he couldn't leave the county, he could still go to the town and the county seat. Song Yu felt that this kind of life was very good.

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