Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 337: unlock cotton

After she was pregnant, Chen Xiayue didn't change much. Although everyone was happy that she was pregnant, it was impossible to make her treatment better - after all, her treatment was good enough.

The clothes are washed with a foot-operated drum washing machine. She only needs to dry the clothes. She also cooks and occasionally does not cook. Zhang Chengchuan's cooking skills are also very good under her influence, and she is not a kitchen novice.

Apart from washing and cooking, Chen Xiayue really has nothing to do. She occasionally does cleaning and so on, but Liu Guiying does more. Zhang Chengchuan and his father and son will also help.

So Chen Xiayue really has nothing to do. She lives like this when she is pregnant or not, and it is impossible to have better treatment.

There is nothing different about Chen Xiayue being only one month pregnant. It will not affect her to do other things until she is six or seven months old.

[Ding - congratulations on unlocking a new crop: cotton. 】

The day after Chen Xiayue found out she was pregnant, her farm unlocked the cotton crop. Chen Xiayue was overjoyed, after all, the role of cotton is really great.

Moreover, the farm workshop can process cotton, whether it is processed into face or into cotton jacket.

Chen Xiayue collected all the ripe watermelons in the farmland, and then planted cotton.

Cotton takes 80 hours to grow, which is probably the longest growing crop on her farm. After Chen Xiayue planted the cotton, he applied fertilizer, and after watering, he didn't care, and continued to collect the meat, eggs, milk, etc. in the farm.

After collecting the things, Chen Xiayue plans to go to the end of the 22nd century to see her teacher, and by the way ask him if there is any medicine suitable for her pregnant woman. Of course, she didn't expect that much, just wanted to consult Home teacher what should she eat.

For example, folic acid, calcium tablets, etc., of course, you have to ask your teacher if it is suitable. Of course, it is also necessary to tell the teacher that he is pregnant. Such a happy event, or to tell their relatives.

"Hey, Xia Yue, why did you come here today?" Mo Yichen was a little surprised when he received the call from Chen Xiayue. After all, Chen Xiayue has rarely come over recently. Even if the time flow in the apocalyptic plane is fast, according to the 60th century of the 20th century In terms of time, Chen Xiayue doesn't come here every day.

"Teacher, I'm just here to tell you that I'm pregnant." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "and I also want to ask you, what advice do you need when you're pregnant? Do you have any recommendations for nutritional supplements? ?"

"Ah? Pregnant?" Mo Yichen asked in surprise.

"Why do you ask me such a question? Do you think I am someone who can study how pregnant women should supplement their nutrition?" Mo Yichen was really surprised. After all, his apprentices in the past also knew a little bit about it. You must know that his lover can't. raw.

His lover was unable to have children due to physical reasons, and he had no contact with anyone who was pregnant after the death of his lover. And now surrounded by big men like Yan Wenluo, Qiu Yuan, and Lu Zhaoming, how could they possibly know how to take care of pregnant women?

The medical boss is also not good at it, and he used to not want to study about pregnant women, so that his lover misunderstood that he really wanted children, and later he did not want to contact about this. It can be said that he is not interested in things like pregnancy and childbirth. understand.

"I don't know much about what pregnant women should eat, but folic acid, calcium tablets for pregnant women, etc. should be eaten, right? You can eat it as long as you can." Mo Yichen thought for a while and said, "As for other things, I I don't know."

Chen Xiayue: "..."

She was also dazed with joy, and even asked her teacher about this kind of thing, knowing that her teacher was a single person for decades.

"By the way, if you are pregnant, I will also prepare some gifts for you. Although we are relatively short of supplies, I think we can still give you something that you can use." Mo Yichen said, " Wait, I'll bring you a present, don't leave yet."

"Okay, teacher." Chen Xiayue replied.

When Mo Yichen accepted the apprentice, he received so many apprenticeships. Now that the apprentice is pregnant with such a happy event, of course he, the teacher, also gave her gifts to express his concern as an elder.

Knowing that Chen Xiayue's side is definitely not short of food, so Mo Yichen prepared a pharmaceutical machine for Chen Xiayue, a machine that helps to process medicinal materials. And this machine is still intelligent, of course, it is certainly not as intelligent as a robot.

"Teacher, you actually gave me something like this?" Chen Xiayue was surprised when she saw this pharmaceutical machine. The machine is not too big, but it is about one meter high, and it is not too small.

"Teacher, you should know that I lived in the 1960s. There must be no such machine at that time. What if I take it back and put it at home and don't find it?" Chen Xiayue said in distress.

"Are you stupid? There must be a way for you to travel back and forth between two planes. It's just a pharmaceutical machine. Who told you to keep it in your house?" Mo Yichen rolled his apprentice a glance.

This apprentice is really not smart enough. Although his memory is good, his understanding is really far from her husband's. Compared with his last student, Mo Yichen still likes this apprentice who is sometimes stupid.

"By the way, teacher, I may come here rarely in the future. In the future, Chen Yi will help to watch the store. If you have anything to say to Chen Yi. If you want to find me, you can also tell Chen Yi." Chen Xiayue said .

After she is pregnant, she must come over very rarely, especially in the second trimester, she will reduce the number of times she comes over. After all, she must have some inconvenience in the later pregnancy.

"It's okay, it's okay, just stay at home to have a baby, and don't come here casually." Mo Yichen didn't care either, his life is pretty good now, and the apprentice's study has come to an end, and he doesn't need it recently. She comes here often.

"Recently, some of our old guys are studying how to grow medicinal materials, and I am also busy making medicines. You may not be able to find me every time you come here." Mo Yichen said.

After all, he is a pharmacist with a very knowledgeable medical knowledge, and now their side has stabilized a little, but they still need a lot of drugs. Of course, he, a pharmacist, also has a heavy responsibility to make more medicines to treat more people.

"Teacher, I'll go first." Chen Xiayue said goodbye to Mo Yichen, took the pharmaceutical machine he sent, and left the apocalyptic plane.

Chen Xiayue put the pharmaceutical machine in the bungalow on the farm, and then bought folic acid and calcium tablets for pregnant women online from the 21st century. Chen Xiayue is not worried about buying fake medicines, after all, there is still the farm system to help her review.

After buying folic acid and calcium tablets for pregnant women, Chen Xiayue also began to eat folic acid and calcium tablets every day to raise her baby with peace of mind.

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