Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 345: Scar Cream 4

However, because the scar removal cream has a relatively fragrant smell, although it is not very strong, it smells very good. Wu Qian feels awkward every time he applies the medicine. After all, someone who is almost forty years old has a scent on his body every day, isn't it awkward?

However, the effect of the scar removal cream is very good. After a bottle of scar removal cream is used up, the scars on Wu Qian's body have faded a lot. Maybe if I use another bottle or more, the scars on Wu Qian's body can really be removed. Lost.

"Dad, the scars on your body have really faded a lot. Don't worry, I grabbed another bottle to see if the scars on your body will really disappear after the remaining two bottles are used up." Wu Xiaoling said happily.

The scars on her father's body used to be really big, and the scars that grew out were sometimes bulging, and Wu Xiaoling felt uncomfortable every time she saw it. But now, the scars on her father's body are much smaller, and they are not raised or obvious. She believes that the scars on her father's body will heal.

"Dad, I see a lot of people saying that they have removed the scars." Wu Xiaoling said happily, "I saw a sister who had a scar on her chin since she was a child, but she has not used up a bottle of scar cream. The scars are healed."

"Dad, I believe you will be fine too." Wu Xiaoling said with a happy smile, of course she would believe it, the scars on her father's body have faded a lot.

Wu Qian looked at his daughter's happy appearance, and then looked at his wife's happy glasses, and smiled.

The scars on his body have troubled the family for six or seven years. Although their family is doing well, the scars on his body are large and serious, and it is impossible to remove them by surgery.

But now things have taken a turn for the better. A bottle of 120 scar cream can lighten his scars so much. In the end, maybe two or three bottles of scar cream can get rid of his serious scars.

Wu Qian thought of countless comrades who were firefighters like him. Even if he didn't know some of them, he also understood that firefighters could not be injured. There are many people who will be burned like him and will leave these scars.

The scar removal cream gave them hope.

Wu Qian is still fortunate. When he was burned, he was at the age of getting married and having children, and his daughters were all in elementary school. And some people are still very young, and they have such scars without a girlfriend, and finding a girlfriend is a problem.

Now that there is a scar removal cream, I hope it can help his countless comrades in arms.

Wu Qian's scars finally healed after using two and a half bottles of nearly three bottles of scar cream, and all the scars on his body were eliminated.

Seeing her father without any scars, Wu Xiaoling cried with joy. And Wu Xiaoling's mother also cried. She used to cry when she saw Wu Qian lying in the ward, who didn't know her life or death. This time, she cried again after seeing her husband finally remove the scar on his body.

Even though her husband had told her that these scars were his medals over the years, she was still sad. Especially when the weather is hot, his uncomfortable appearance is even more distressing.

Well now, he finally doesn't have to endure the itching scars every time because of the heat.

Wu Xiaoling happily posted pictures of her father's recovery to Chaohua. Her father's scars are not the most, but they are not too few. After using two and a half bottles and three bottles of scar cream, her father's scars finally healed.

In the super chat, there are many netizens whose scars were not serious before, and posted pictures of their recovery. They all naturally took pictures of themselves before using the scar cream and after using the scar cream. The comparison is really good. is too obvious.

After Wu Xiaoling's picture was posted, many netizens were congratulating her, because Wu Xiaoling had said before that her father was a firefighter. Although he was in his forties, he still insisted on his post. And the scars on his body are from his work.

Now that the scars on this hero have healed, many netizens are sincerely happy for him, and everyone is congratulating Wu Xiaoling.

Wu Xiaoling was also very happy, looking at the remaining half bottle of scar cream and thinking of her mother.

Wu Xiaoling shouldn't know about stretch marks when she is a teenager, but it's not because of the scar cream, so I saw many sisters and aunts who have given birth to children in the super talk and posted pictures of themselves using the scar cream to remove the stretch marks. ?

Now her father's scar has healed, and the remaining half bottle of scar cream can be used by mother. Before, because father's scar was too serious, all three bottles of scar cream were used by father. Now that father is healed, mother can use it. .

Wu Xiaoling's mother looked at the scar removal cream that her daughter handed her, and her eyes were red again.

"Mom, Dad has recovered, and he can't use the scar cream anymore. I'll give you the rest of the bottle? I've seen many sisters and aunts use them, and their stretch marks on their stomachs are gone." Wu Xiaoling said seriously.

"Mom, thank you for giving birth to me." Wu Xiaoling said with red eyes, "If you hadn't given birth to me, mom, you wouldn't have left such marks on your stomach. Now mom, you can use this scar cream to remove it."

Wu Xiaoling's mother cried and hugged her daughter, "I don't regret giving birth to you, Xiaoling, you are my and your father's favorite child."

"Well, I know." Wu Xiaoling responded.

Of course she knew that her parents loved her. Even though she was a rebellious teenager and sometimes lost her temper, her parents were still very tolerant of her.

When she opened a second child a few years ago, her parents told her that she would not have a second child, because she was the favorite child of her parents, and they would not have another child to put pressure on her.

Compared with the missing second child, what they care about most is the daughter they have raised for more than ten years, and they don't want their only daughter to be sad.

Wu Xiaoling also wouldn't agree to her parents having a second child. Her father is in his forties, and her mother is in her early forties. She still has a child at such an old age, and it is her mother who is working hard.

And Wu Xiaoling doesn't want her parents to transfer their love to her younger siblings. She can't guarantee that she will love her younger siblings. When she doesn't get along well with her younger siblings, it's not her parents who are sad?

The Wu family got out of the haze because of the scar removal cream. After Wu Qian recovered, he no longer had to endure the itching of the suffocating scars every time the weather was hot or when the clothes were too thick. The whole person felt a lot more comfortable. .

And Wu Xiaoling's mother used the remaining half bottle of scar cream to remove the stretch marks on her stomach. Even if she is in her early forties and her daughter is already in her teens, she will not think about stretch marks. You don't need to remove it after more than ten years.

Everyone in the Wu family is very happy now, and Wu Xiaoling thanked the store in the super chat, and thanked the store for the scar removal cream developed by the store. Because of the scar removal cream, her parents are getting happier and more relaxed now, the family atmosphere is much better, and she is also very happy.

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