Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 349: to give birth

"Xia Yue, don't you know? The Zhou Yunyue who married Zheng Shunze looks like she is ten years older." Hu Xiaofang whispered.

"Huh?" Chen Xiayue didn't understand what she meant. She almost forgot who Zhou Yunyue was. After all, she didn't know or contact her.

"Zhou Yunyue doesn't care about being a stepmother, but she is different from Tingting. Tingting had a job when she got married, so she didn't need to work at home every day to take care of children. But Zhou Yunyue was different. Tingting's job was sold. It is impossible for the Zheng family to find another job for Zhou Yunyue, so after she gets married to the Zheng family, she has to take care of the children at home, take care of the elderly and so on."

"It's hard to take children, especially the ones from the Zheng family." Hu Xiaofang looked at the young son who was sleeping soundly in the cradle and said, "The two older ones from the Zheng family can push Tingting to cause her to have a miscarriage. It can be seen that he is not a child who is easy to get along with. And the little one, who didn't understand anything when he was young, but is now an adult."

"It doesn't matter if you didn't give birth to three children by yourself, but if you didn't give birth to three children who didn't give birth to them and had a big opinion about them, it's not easy to take care of them." Hu Xiaofang has three children of her own, but every time she takes children, she also Very headache.

Her child is still her own. She can beat and scold her if the child is disobedient, but her stepson and stepdaughter have to weigh it up. After all, she has to consider whether she wants to be a vicious stepmother or something.

"She thought it was a good thing to marry Zheng Shunze? As soon as Tingting got divorced, she stubbornly joined her and laughed at us, Tingting. What kind of life is she living now? How dare you laugh at us Tingting?" Hu Xiaofang was very confused said happily.

When Zhou Yunyue wanted to marry Zheng Shunze, she was very arrogant. Although she was not so arrogant that she ran to Zhang Tingting's family to ridicule Zhang Tingting, she also said behind her back that Zhang Tingting didn't know what was good or bad, and said that Zhang Tingting was in the midst of happiness and did not know happiness, so she married in the city. When I got in, I couldn't seize the opportunity to be taken home.

Zhou Yunyue's behavior really made everyone in the Zhang family very disgusting. Since then, the relationship between the Zhang family and the Zhou family has become more tense - of course, there are many people surnamed Zhou and Zhang in the entire Yunhe Brigade. It's just Zhang Chengchuan, Zhang Changjun, the Zhang family who are very close, and Zhou Yunyue and the Zhou family who don't want to dislike it.

Just like Zhou Mingyi, the captain, has a good relationship with Zhang Deping. Aren't they also surnamed Zhang and Zhou? Their relationship did not deteriorate.

There used to be the family of Wednesday Lin, and now there is the family of Zhou Yunyue. The Zhang family and the Zhou family are really in conflict.

Of course, not all people with the surname Zhang are well-connected, just like there were people from the Zhang family who were far away from Zhang Chengchuan's family who had to come together to make Zhang Chengchuan angry, and shamelessly said that they were all surnamed Zhang, while thinking To take benefits from Zhang Chengchuan's side, he is still aloof, as if giving alms.

"I heard that the reason why Zhou Yunyue is so haggard is not only that she has to take care of the three children, but she also lost her child." Zhao Qiuju also followed.

Chen Xiayue and Hu Xiaofang all looked at Zhao Qiuju and said in confusion, "I've never heard of Zhou Yunyue's pregnancy, when did it happen?"

Zhao Qiuju thought about it and said, "It seems like two months ago, right? Someone went to the county hospital to see a doctor before my parents' house, and I happened to meet Zhou Yunyue."

"When I go back to my mother's house, I also gossip with my mother's family, so the people from my mother's house also know what happened here. Zhou Yunyue and they still know each other. When they went to the county hospital to see a doctor, they saw Zhou Yunyue's face was very serious. She looked bad, and later I heard from the hospital that her face was not good because she lost a child." Zhao Qiuju explained.

Chen Xiayue, who was pregnant, and Hu Xiaofang, who had just been born for two months, both frowned when they heard the words. They didn't gloat at the misfortune, but they were a little unhappy that the Zheng family was so miserable.

It was Zhang Tingting before, and now it's Zhou Yunyue. Their family still doesn't want children, why don't they know how to take good measures? Or if Zheng Shunze is sterilized, then don't you have to worry about having other children in the family? There is no need to let the new daughter-in-law shed the child again.

Chen Xiayue and the others were not very interested in Zhou Yunyue's affairs, that is to say, after talking about Zhang Tingting, the topic became crooked. They didn't care what kind of life Zhou Yunyue and Zheng Shunze lived after they got married, it wasn't her. Did you find it yourself?

After the weather became colder and colder, Chen Xiayue slowly stopped going out, and her stomach had grown from more than seven months to more than nine months.

On this day, Chen Xiayue was busy preparing things for the New Year.

Now I'm going to prepare to give something to Zhang Chengyue's family for the New Year, and Chen Xiayue's relatives from her mother's family also plan to send some. It was only given to her by her parents when she got to Chen's house.

Chen Xiayue still gave Zhang Chengyue and his family a few pounds of bacon, rice noodles and sweet potato vermicelli, and a few pounds of mushroom meat sauce.

The mushroom bolognese in her online store has been removed from the shelves and no longer sold, but when she wants to eat, she still buys some mushrooms or something to make the mushroom bolognese, and the meat she uses is not just pork, beef. Also useful.

The things for everyone are the same, whether it's Zhang Chengyue, Zhang Chengyu or the things from her parents' house, they are all four things: mushroom meat sauce, bacon and rice noodles, and sweet potato vermicelli, and candy for everything else.

The sugarcane on the farm is really very productive. After processing it into brown sugar and white sugar, Chen Xiayue also processed it into candies such as milk candy, fruit candy, and praline, and then gave it to relatives and friends.

She didn't give much, that is, she usually gave less than half a catty of candy, and it took a long time to give it to everyone.

When Chen Xiayue was arranging things, she couldn't help taking apart a nougat and ate it. She ate strawberry nougat. The strawberries are from the farm, and the milk is also from the farm. After making nougat, the taste is very good.

"Huh?" Chen Xiayue, who was arranging things while eating nougat, couldn't help frowning, she felt her stomach shrink.

Originally, Chen Xiayue felt a little uncomfortable last night, but she thought she wanted to go to the toilet, so she didn't take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, my stomach hurts a little today, she frowned and shouted, "Achuan, come in."

"What's the matter?" Chen Xiayue was nearly ten months pregnant recently, so Zhang Chengchuan followed Chen Xiayue almost every step of the way. He just went out to pour a glass of water for Chen Xiayue, and ran in after hearing her calling him.

"My stomach is a little uncomfortable, it should be about to give birth." Chen Xiayue frowned and said, it is not so painful now, and it is not as uncomfortable as when I have diarrhea, so it should not be near the point of giving birth, but the contractions will be necessary. Noticed.

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