After cleaning up, Zhang Chengchuan hurried in to see the mother and daughter lying together. The baby's face was red and wrinkled, but it didn't look like it was growing, but the hair was very thick.

Children from other families have very little hair when they are first born, and even some children are born with bald heads. However, Chen Xiayue's child has very thick hair. Although it clumped against the scalp because it was not washed, it was very dark and jet-black.

Chen Xiayue looked at the child, and the more she looked, the more she liked it.

"It's a girl." Zhang Chengchuan grabbed the baby's little hand and looked at it, the smile on his face did not fall, and he said with a smile, "It's good."

Chen Xiayue looked up to see how happy he looked, and a smile appeared on his face. The couple looked at the child lying beside her stupidly, and they really liked it more and more.

Aunt Yun had already been sent away by Liu Guiying, and Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zhang also went back, but they didn't say anything bad because Chen Xiayue gave birth to a daughter.

Although it is said that the countryside values ​​the birth of a son very much, and the mother-in-law will dislike the birth of a daughter, but this issue is not a problem for Liu Guiying. It's not that Liu Guiying doesn't have grandchildren. She was also raised by her parents, and her daughter was also spoiled by her. She didn't like her granddaughter for no reason.

And what happened to the daughter?

The daughters of the Zhang family are still doing well. Look at Zhang Tingting, who was taken to high school by Zhang Guosheng and the others? Although she has experienced a rough time, isn't she going to college now?

Let's look at Chen Xiayue, the mother of this little girl who was just born. Although she was in poor health before, and she doesn't work in the fields now, she just relies on her own brain to make money.

So what's wrong with my daughter? Chen Xiayue can have a daughter, but can't she also have a son in the future?

In the countryside, the reason for having a son is to earn more work points when there are more people and ability to work in the fields, but isn't Zhang Chengchuan a big man who usually doesn't work in the fields except when the farming is busy? He didn't even work in the fields last year when the farming was busy.

So what is the difference between boys and girls in Zhang Chengchuan's family? If you don't work in the fields, what's the difference between having a boy and a girl?

As for the inheritance of incense... how do you say that?

It's not that the family has a throne to inherit. Even if there is a throne to inherit, isn't there still a female emperor?

Therefore, giving birth to a girl is a very common thing in Zhang's family, especially Zhang Chengchuan's grandfather's line.

The news that Chen Xiayue gave birth to a daughter quickly spread, and those who saw that Zhang Chengchuan and his wife were not pleasing to the eye laughed happily, and still lamented that God has eyes, Zhang Chengchuan has only a daughter.

Those who don't see Zhang Chengchuan's goodness are very happy that Zhang Chengchuan has no son. After knowing that his mother-in-law gave birth to a daughter, he smiled very happily. Some people even said bad things about Chen Xiayue in front of Liu Guiying, and they were still talking about a girl. What, the tone of schadenfreude is particularly obvious.

"What happened to the girl?" Liu Guiying looked coldly at the middle-aged woman in front of her who said it was okay to have a daughter, and said, "Aren't you a girl? Your parents were also lost when you were young. You, right? You lost your daughter too? No wonder you don't have a girl in your family, so you lost it all?"

"It seems that you not only lost your daughter, but also your granddaughter, right? We heard the news that your daughter-in-law was pregnant, but we didn't see the child when she gave birth, so you took the child away. lost?"

"How can you be so wicked and wicked, how dare you make me as wicked as you?" Liu Guiying said coldly, "What happened to the girl?"

"You are just jealous of my family's Achuan and his mother-in-law's good life. Seeing that my family's Achuan is now holding a fixed salary, doing research from time to time and getting bonuses. You are envious of my family's Xia Yue researching prescriptions at home and getting bonuses, you are jealous of my family Have a good time."

"What's the use of jealousy? Who made your son have the ability without my Achuan? Who made your daughter-in-law have the ability without my Xia Yue?"

"What's wrong with the girl? My Xia Yue is smart and capable. Even if she doesn't work in the field, she still relies on her brain to make money. It's useless for you to be envious."

"As for my granddaughter, we will raise her well. In the future, she will be admitted to university and will have a rice bowl, while your kid can only roll in the ground all his life. Because they have a grandmother like you, they will not have Promising." Liu Guiying said coldly, ignoring the yin and yang of the woman who was unable to speak to her, and left.

What happened to the baby girl? Her granddaughter is so cute, is she afraid of not being able to support a girl after a good life in her family?

Even if girls are naturally weaker than boys, so what? It's not that all girls are the same, and it's not that she has never seen a girl who can do something, or a boy who can't do anything. Does she think she is such a superficial person?

Zhang Deping patted his mother-in-law on the back to calm her down, "What do you care about with that group of people? They can say whatever they like, and it's enough for our baby to hurt himself."

"They just envy our family's good life, and envy that our family Cheng Yue and A Chuan can do it well, so that our old couple can live a good life. Now they have finally grasped the point that A Chuan only has one daughter and then talk nonsense, you are angry Isn't that what they want?"

"Also, our little granddaughter is very pretty and cute, don't you like it?" Zhang Deping comforted.

Zhang Deping didn't care about whether it was a boy or a girl, he liked it whether it was his grandson or granddaughter. He is also very happy every time his granddaughter comes over, and he also loves his granddaughter very much.

They are all his grandchildren, and he loves and loves them equally.

Chen Xiayue gave birth to a child, and she got news from her parents' family. Her mother, Li Guifen, specially asked for leave to come to see her daughter, and Chen Xiasong's family also came along.

Chen Xiabai often asked for leave before, but this time he did not ask for leave when Chen Xiayue gave birth to a child. It was Chen Mingying and his wife Chen Xiasong who brought Chen Guohua to see Chen Xiayue. Both Chen Xiabai and Chen Xiahua continued to work.

"It's good to have a daughter." Li Guifen stroked her daughter's hair and said, although she also came from a family that favored sons over daughters, she didn't have the idea of ​​favoring sons over daughters.

Back then, she seldom took her daughter because she had a job. Her sons were healthy and didn't need her to take her with her. Her daughter was not in good health, so she was sent back to her parents' house for her to watch.

With someone like her who needs to go to work every day, how could she be staring at her daughter all the time? And her daughter is not in good health, what should I do if she accidentally falls ill while she is away?

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