Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 354: Western Magic Plane

Zhang Chengchuan also understands that it takes a lot of things to build railroad tracks and spread trains all over the country in this era, but he has taken them all into consideration.

As for money, Zhang Chengchuan believes that the above can find a way to earn it. There are more and more things that can be exported. Of course, more money can be earned for construction.

Zhang Chengchuan wrote the last bit of information and put it in the kraft paper bag. The materials he got had filled more than a dozen kraft paper bags, and then they were all put into a box, ready to hand over all this stuff.

After Zhang Chengchuan finished these things, his baby daughter woke up. The child who just woke up was hungry, Zhang Chengchuan quickly took out the breast milk from the fresh-keeping warehouse and put it into a feeding bottle to feed the child.

As for Chen Xiayue, Zhang Chengchuan let her continue to fall asleep, and she would take care of the child when she had enough sleep and energy.

Holding the baby while feeding and coaxing, the little baby continued to sleep without drinking half the bottle of milk. Zhang Chengchuan put the bottle in the farm warehouse, and feed the baby when he is hungry.

Zhang Chengchuan also learned the news that the farm had been upgraded to level 40. He is the deputy farmer, and his authority has never been as high as that of Chen Xiayue. But the deputy farm owner also knew about the news of the farm upgrade, but he couldn't read the rewards without Chen Xiayue's authority.

Now Chen Xiayue gave him permission, and he also saw the reward.

Water puffs and thorn trees are not very useful to him and Chen Xiayue, but they are useful things anyway, depending on who they use. Zhang Chengchuan and He agreed with Chen Xiayue's practice of releasing these things. The thorn tree is not without natural enemies. After all, humans can still chop it down to make furniture, beams and other things.

The water puffball is even more so. After picking its fruit and processing it, it is very useful, and if the branches and leaves are dried in the sun, can they be burned? It is also possible to study whether it can be rotted and composted into fertilizer.

What Zhang Chengchuan is more concerned about is this new plane. Is the Western Magical Plane the same as in the novel, not only has magic but also fighting spirit, and even monsters, elves, dwarves, dragons, demons and other species plane?

There are even many novels in which there are gods in the magical world. The one with the highest sense of existence is the **** of light, followed by the **** of darkness or the **** of demons.

Zhang Chengchuan is most interested in the alchemy of the magic world. I wonder if magic alchemy can be as magical as the refining tools in the cultivation world. Who made the farm still not connected to the plane of cultivation? He can only hope that there will be an alchemist on the magic plane, an alchemist with a particularly high level of alchemy.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't do much after looking at it. After all, he, the deputy farmer, couldn't connect by himself until the farmer opened the connection to the new plane for the first time. Although he was curious about the magic world, he was not that much. Desperately want to meet soon.

Zhang Chengchuan covered his daughter-in-law with a quilt, and his daughter also tucked the quilt and went out. He had to hand in the sorted things. The channel or something is of course through his second uncle. After all, the information he sent is not any weapon information, so it is not necessary to find Lu Zhanguo and them.

Zhang Chengchuan thought about the information about satellites he had obtained from the teachers before. He wanted to get the Internet out sooner, so he still had to try satellites. The Internet is really a good thing. He, a pure 60s person, likes it very much. After getting used to the days with the Internet, if there is no Internet, it will be very dull.

The information on satellites and missiles was obtained from the apocalyptic plane of the 22nd century. The country of China two hundred years later would be very powerful, and if it weren't for the sudden end of the world, it wouldn't have been so difficult.

And Zhang Chengchuan's teachers are a group of big bosses. Although they can't teach Zhang Chengchuan the latest and most cutting-edge technology, the technology of the 21st century is possible.

After Zhang Chengchuan got the information on satellite missiles in the early 21st century, he thought that his own research would not work. Although he was very confident that he was smart enough, he could not afford such a large research, so he planned to hand over the information. Let others research.

Zhang Chengchuan got the satellite data and missile data out, and put them in the place where they put other data before, which happened to be the location of the research institute.

And he put it in the place of the Northwest Research Institute, which is more suitable for studying satellites and missiles than the capital or the northwest.

Zhang Chengchuan gave the second uncle the information about the train, bought some more things, and went home.

When Zhang Chengchuan returned home, both Chen Xiayue and Nuan Nuan woke up. She hugged Nuan Nuan and prepared to enter the farm, and then contacted the Western Fantasy Plane.

As for why you dare to bring your children when you have just come into contact with a new plane - is the protection mechanism of the farm system fake?

She can't go to other planes, and people from other planes can't enter her native plane except to come to the store. And there is also a protection mechanism in the store, any attack is invalid, and anyone who wants to attack the farmer will be kicked out.

As for viruses on other planes... as long as they enter the protection range of the system, they will be sterilized unconsciously, and the protection range of the system is the entire farm. The shop is also the scope of the farm.

If it weren't for the protection mechanism of the farm system, the people from so many planes that Chen Xiayue came into contact with would have been killed by viruses from other planes, and they would have suffered serious crimes.

The protection of the system is very strong, and the little baby Nuan Nuan does not have to worry about what viruses or being attacked by people who come into contact with other planes.

The little baby, who is just over a month old, has not even been vaccinated.

"By the way, what should we do with our Nuan Nuan vaccine?" Chen Xiayue was worried about her daughter's health. After all, there were not as many vaccines in the 1960s as in the 21st century. How should her daughter be vaccinated?

"Can we find a way to get the vaccine and let Dr. Song help?" Zhang Chengchuan said after thinking about it. After all, the couple would not be able to get injections.

Chen Xiayue is studying pharmacology, but she is not a nursing student and can't give injections. She can't even diagnose the pulse, and she can't even prescribe medicine to see a doctor. How can she give injections?

"Okay..." Can Chen Xiayue object? She doesn't know how to get injections. If she vaccinates her daughter by herself, wouldn't it be her daughter who will suffer from it?

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan stood on the side of the store with their children, and then turned on the button to connect to the magic plane, ready to welcome friends from the magic world.

"Huh? There's actually a shop here?"

Chen Xiayue and his wife were with their children. Nuan Nuan was awake originally, but when Nuan Nuan fell asleep and put her to bed in the crib, they finally welcomed the first guest from the magic plane.

When Chen Xiayue heard the voice and looked over, she saw a royal sister with a very good figure, a particularly beautiful face, and a particularly bright and beautiful appearance. She wears soft armor similar to that of female warriors in many games, but the opponent's soft armor is not as revealing as in the game.

Chen Xiayue looked at the black-haired and black-eyed appearance of the other party and blinked, wondering if this Western Magical Plane was real or fake? Why is there a particularly oriental face?

Moreover, Chen Xiayue remembered that the sentence the other party entered the store just now was not translated by the system, but in very pure Chinese.

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