Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 356: Xu Jinyuan 2

If it wasn't for the actions of the Mo family after the car accident that filled her with resentment, she would not have vented her resentment on Mo Yichen before she died.

She was actually very happy to be able to meet again.

"Okay." Xu Jinyuan said, she followed her own thoughts and wanted to see Mo Yichen again.

Chen Xiayue looked at Zhang Chengchuan and asked Zhang Chengchuan to check on the magic plane to see if there were any other guests. She took Xu Jinyuan to the apocalypse plane to find Mo Yichen, and took away the sweetly sleeping Nuan Nuan child. .

The shop was quickly connected to the apocalyptic plane. After the shop was upgraded, the space folding technology became more powerful. As long as she, the shop owner, wanted to prevent people from different planes from meeting, she could meet if she wanted to. .

Now she brought Xu Jinyuan to the apocalyptic plane. Xu Jinyuan stood in a shop that was no different from just now, and found that Zhang Chengchuan's figure was gone, and the outside of the shop changed from a lush forest to a familiar building.

This is... Really came to her original world?

Xu Jinyuan just wanted to go out, but she was blocked by an invisible barrier in the store, and she could not enter the apocalyptic plane. Because she is already dead on this plane, and after she has crossed over to the magical plane, she comes back by default, and she is a person from the magical plane and cannot enter the apocalyptic plane.

"Really... I'm really back?" Xu Jinyuan's hand seemed to be propped on an invisible glass window and looked at the scenery outside. It was a scene of 22nd century architecture that she had missed for more than 20 years.

Although she had no impression of this place, she was still very happy, because it was an architectural style that the wizarding world did not have, and it was a familiar modern building.

"Well, teacher, I'm here, can you come to the store? I have something to ask you." Chen Xiayue ignored Xu Jinyuan, but called Mo Yichen first.

Nuan Nuan was still sleeping, Chen Xiayue brought Nuan Nuan upstairs and then came down to bring Xu Jinyuan upstairs.

The windows upstairs can also see the outside scenery, and Xu Jinyuan also knows that it is useless to stay in the store downstairs, and she can't get out at all.

Xu Jinyuan was a little nervous when he was about to see Mo Yichen.

More than 20 years have passed, and I don't know how much Mo Yichen has changed. I don't know if he will recognize him when he sees that he looks a bit similar but not exactly the same.

Xu Jinyuan was very nervous. After Chen Xiayue brought her some food and drink, she was nervous and stuffed snacks into her mouth.

Chen Xiayue: "..." According to the age in his heart, he should be in his fifties. It turned out that there were times when he was so unstable.

Mo Yichen came quickly, he thought that Chen Xiayue was so anxious to call him over because something happened. He lives in Yan Wenluo's farmhouse next door, so he came quickly.

In less than ten minutes, Mo Yichen appeared on the second floor of the store.

"Xia Yue, is there something wrong with you calling me here in a hurry? You didn't take care of your confinement child or what happened?" Mo Yichen actually wanted to ask whether Nuan Nuan was sick? But it felt like asking such a question was like cursing the child, so I didn't ask such a question.

"Xia Yue..." Mo Yichen just wanted to continue asking, but when he looked up, he saw a woman sitting on the sofa in the living room holding a cup, and instantly froze in place.

Xu Jinyuan also froze a bit, but she still didn't overturn the cup in her hand, but slowly put the cup on the coffee table, and then raised her head to look at Mo Yichen, who was still tall and handsome.

"Achen, long time no see..." Xu Jinyuan smiled stiffly.

"A-Yuan!?" Mo Yichen hugged Xu Jinyuan from the past. Even though he didn't look much like before, he could recognize him at a glance. It was the love he had missed for more than 20 years.

Xu Jinyuan also reached out and hugged Mo Yichen's waist. Although she was tall at over 1.7 meters tall, she was still quite short compared to Mo Yichen, but they fit in very well when they hugged.

Chen Xiayue didn't say anything looking at the two of them. She took the child into the room where she was in class before, and left the living room space for the two of them to have a good chat.

"A Yuan, have you... come back?" Mo Yichen hugged her and didn't let go, but when he came back to his senses, he asked the question that he cared most about.

"I'm afraid not." Xu Jinyuan shook his head.

She told Mo Yichen that she wanted to go out just now, but was blocked by the barrier, and said that she was from the magic plane and could not enter the apocalyptic plane.

Mo Yichen also understands that, having known his apprentice for so long, he also knows that even the shopkeeper, his apprentice, cannot enter other planes, let alone the customer Xu Jinyuan?

Although it is a pity that he cannot be with his lover all the time, he is happy enough to see his lover again. Maybe there is a way to keep him together for such a long time in the future. Now we can only meet for a short time.

Originally, he thought that his lover had left him forever, but when the end of the world came soon, he thought of giving up on himself and trapped in the place where he lived.

Fortunately, fortunately, Yan Wenluo and the others called themselves over.

Fortunately, he met Chen Xiayue and his wife and let him survive.

Otherwise, he and Xu Jinyuan would definitely miss it.

Xu Jinyuan was able to cross into the magical world after the car accident rescue failed. Who knows if he will cross if he also dies? Or even if he was lucky enough to cross, what if the plane he crossed was different from the plane Xu Jinyuan was in?

So, I am really glad that he is still alive and can meet his lover again.

Mo Yichen and Xu Jinyuan reunited after a long absence. They already had deep feelings for each other, and now they have countless things to say.

Xu Jinyuan told Mo Yichen how she was doing after she entered the magical world, how she has cultivated from a small warrior to the realm of a great warrior in the past 20 years, and she may even be promoted to the realm of martial arts. .

Talking about her experience of traveling in the mainland, there are too many differences between the magical world and the earth in the 22nd century, so there are many things that Mo Yichen doesn't know, Xu Jinyuan likes to tell Mo Yichen very much.

Of course, maybe she really couldn't forget Mo Yichen. When she traveled the mainland over the years, she often came across some good herbs and picked them up and stored them.

But at that time, she didn't even know that she would be able to see Mo Yichen again. When she saved those herbs, she just did it subconsciously. Later, those herbs also helped her a lot.

The ability to identify medicinal herbs was taught to her by Mo Yichen. She has a very good memory, especially after crossing the border, so she also remembers the things that Mo Yichen taught her at the beginning.

Mo Yichen listened to Xu Jinyuan talking about her battle with the Frost Giant Wolf, listening to her talking about visiting the elves and being chased by the elves and running around the forest, listening to her talking about trading with dwarves and asking them to help forge weapons to go out to participate in the competition, listening to her talking I have seen magical things like the dragons flying across the sky and so on.

Mo Yichen has some yearning, if he can also go to the plane where she is located, how great it would be? Although his fighting power is much worse than that of his lover, he still wants to follow her and accompany her through all this.

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