Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 375: borrow money

Fragrant fruit is really delicious, but Chen Xiayue still wants to eat more fruit. Just like when she was a child, she often ate papaya, jackfruit, guava and other fruits, but she didn't like to eat it when she grew up. After all, she would get tired of eating too much of certain things.

There are also strawberries that Chen Xiayue thought very delicious and liked to eat before. After all, in her previous life, she hadn't eaten them when she was a child. When she grew up, she seldom bought strawberries because they were expensive. She has always been obsessed with strawberries.

But after her farm unlocks strawberries, she can't eat them all the time. She doesn't like to eat strawberries all the time now, either as jam or dried fruit. Anyway, she has reduced the number of strawberries.

After all, she didn't want to get tired of eating strawberries in the future, like papaya and jackfruit, she lost her appetite and continued to eat. Of course, apples are also a fruit that she is tired of eating, and now she has no idea of ​​what she wants to eat.

Chen Xiayue still likes a variety of fruits, um, this season is very suitable for eating peaches, peaches, nectarines and the like are also very good.

When Chen Xiayue was looking through the online store to see if she could buy peaches from the 21st century, two uninvited guests came to her home.

"What did you say? Borrow money from me?" Zhang Chengchuan was very puzzled by the words of the person in front of him. How did the other party ask him to borrow money so confidently?

"Yes, Ah Chuan, aren't you quite rich now? You and your mother-in-law have a fixed salary every month, and you don't spend much money, so you must have saved money. In addition, your elder brother must have sent money. Go home, and then you must have money to lend me."

Zhang Chengchuan was going to laugh at this, "Even if my eldest brother sends money, it's filial piety money to my parents, what's my business? Also, don't we need to support my family with my wife's salary? Don't we need to raise children? You asked me to borrow money as soon as you opened your mouth?"

"What kind of child do you raise? Isn't your child just a girl's film? Can't you just feed it? How can a girl be so delicate? Ah Chuan, you lend me money, and you can see that my family has no money to build a house now, I'll pay you back when my house is finished."

Zhang Chengchuan sneered, "Zhang Chenglin, why are you so shameless?"

That's right, it was Zhang Chenglin and his wife who came to borrow money from Zhang Chengchuan. After they split up, they still lived in the old house, but they wanted to move out. They wanted to move out as soon as possible like Zhang Chengbing and the others, but their husband and wife had no money, or were reluctant to use private money to build a house, so they approached Zhang Chengchuan and wanted to borrow money.

"Achuan, what are you talking about? What's wrong with the written text? You must have a little girl's movie that won't cost you much, so what's wrong with borrowing some money to build a house for us? You." Zhang Chenglin's mother-in-law Yang Niandi also followed.

Zhang Chengchuan was really **** off, "You guys are really big, how dare you say that my daughter is not good when you come to my house to borrow money from me?"

"Don't say that you say good things about my daughter, just compliment me well, and you dare to say that my daughter is not good? Let me treat my daughter harshly? What? What do you think you are? My daughter is much more expensive than you. "

"I tell you, it is impossible for me to lend you money. Don't say that I have no money, that is, I have money. If I tell you that my daughter is not good, I will never lend you money!" Zhang Chengchuan said sternly.

As he said that, he grabbed Zhang Chenglin and pushed him out, "You two, get out of here! Do you really think you are uncles? How dare you speak in such a tone when you ask someone to borrow money, and how dare you say that my daughter is not good? Get out! "

Zhang Chengchuan threw Zhang Chenglin out, Yang Niandi didn't dare to do anything with Zhang Chengchuan, so he ran out to support Zhang Chenglin who was pushed by Zhang Chengchuan.

"Why are you doing this, Ah Chuan? What's wrong with what we said? Why don't you lend us money when you have money? We are relatives anyway. Why don't you lend us money when you are so rich? Are you so cold-blooded?" The man blamed.

"Lend the money to you? As soon as you and your wife enter the door, you look righteous, making it seem that the money belongs to your husband and wife, but it was only temporarily placed with me. Now you come to the door and ask me to give you money. This is how you look. Are you borrowing money?"

"Lending money to make you look so good, do I owe you what I owe? Also, what's wrong with my Nuan Nuan family? I can afford my own daughter, why am I willing to spoil her? Spend yours Do you still eat your rice for money? Mind your own business!"

"I don't know how to pretend to be a grandson and look like an uncle when I ask someone to borrow money. Who will lend you money? Get out! Stay away from my house in the future. I don't want to have anything to do with your family." Zhang Chengchuan said blankly .

Moreover, Zhang Chengchuan threw people out of his yard at the moment, so the people nearby saw what happened to Zhang Chengchuan's house and heard their conversation.

"Achuan, you..." Brother Yang Nian wanted to say something, but was blocked by Zhang Chengchuan.

"Hurry up! I'm just telling you that my family is not warm enough, so I can't lend you money! What's more, there are several brothers in your family, I lend you money, and your other brothers also ask me to lend money? I Do you have so much money to lend you?" Zhang Chengchuan said with a cold face.

"Hurry up! Look for someone to borrow money and pay it back. Those who didn't know thought it was because I lent your money and didn't pay it back. That's why you two talked to me like that." Zhang Chengchuan didn't give Zhang Chenglin and his wife at all. face.

Zhang Chenglin and Yang Niandi wanted to continue what they wanted to say at this moment, but the people watching the lively around pointed at them, and it was not easy for them to continue.

Yang Niandi's actions still caused discussion among others. The separation of Zhang Guoping's family was originally caused by Yang Niandi's son Goudan who pushed Wu Huilian and almost fell. Now Yang Niandi wanted to borrow money from Zhang Chengchuan and even paid her a debt The way it looks is really annoying to everyone.

Chen Xiayue also heard the dispute between Zhang Chengchuan and Zhang Chenglin. She carefully recalled the novel of less than 200,000 words she had read, and found that Zhang Chenglin and his wife could be said to be the most hated by the heroine Wu Huilian.

The husband and wife Wu Huilian and Zhang Chengbing are the best in themselves, but the husband and wife Zhang Chenglin are not far behind.

She didn't expect that the couple's idea hit her family after the separation. There was nothing about Zhang Chengchuan in the original plot. After all, there are not many things that can be written in a novel of more than 100,000 words, so Zhang Chengchuan doesn't even have a name. no.

Unexpectedly, because she and Zhang Chengchuan are doing well this time and their family conditions are better, Zhang Chenglin and the others will want to borrow money from her family after they split up.

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