Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 378: Double Mushroom Chicken Fillet

It took Chen Xiayue a day to dispose of the magical beasts collected by the store. Air-dried meat, bacon, sausages, etc. took some time, and the meat sauce and cold cooked food were also not handled properly.

Chen Xiayue was tired. When she came out of the farm, she couldn't help lying on Zhang Chengchuan's back and muttered, "I'm a little tired. Can you make dinner tonight?"

Although Zhang Chengchuan's culinary talent is not as good as that of Chen Xiayue, he has taken genetic evolution fluid no matter what, and with his good memory, he can accurately calculate how many seasonings a dish needs, how long it takes to cook, and how long it should be cooked. how big.

Therefore, the food made by Zhang Chengchuan is also very delicious. This is probably the cooking skill of a science and engineering man. The amount of ingredients and seasonings are accurate to the gram. The food made by the robot is not the same as the robot, but It's also a little less flavorful than what Chen Xiayue made?

But even so, Chen Xiayue has to let him do it, anyway, she can't take all the housework and let Zhang Chengchuan stand by. Why can't men do housework? It's not that she didn't make money.

Zhang Chengchuan is nothing. It's not that he hasn't cooked in the past few years of marriage. Even Liu Guiying, who is very disapproving of his son's cooking, has been conquered by his cooking skills. If the daughter-in-law doesn't want to cook, and she doesn't want to eat what she cooks, of course, she is willing to let her son cook.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't care about Chen Xiayue, as if the weight of his whole body was also on him, he put down his pen and sighed, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"I left a pheasant weighing 60 to 70 pounds. You can think of what to do." Chen Xiayue muttered, weak.

"Okay, you lie down for a while and take a nap. Nuan Nuan, I'll ask my mother to help you see, I'll make dinner tonight." Zhang Chengchuan said.

"Yeah." Chen Xiayue really didn't want to move. She was really tired of dealing with demon meat for almost a day. She planned not to put all kinds of medicines on the shelves tomorrow.

Zhang Chengchuan helped her back to the room and let her lie down, then turned around and moved out Nuan Nuan's crib, and asked Liu Guiying to take a look. If Nuan Nuan wakes up and is hungry, she can make milk powder for her drink.

Zhang Chengchuan came to the kitchen and thought about making three chicken dishes. Sixty to seventy pounds of chicken is big enough to cook three dishes, and only four people in their family eat, so there is no need to cook too many dishes.

Zhang Chengchuan thought about it and planned to make Kung Pao Chicken, Three Cup Chicken and Double Mushroom Chicken Fillet. It just so happened that all three dishes could be made with pure meat. He planned to use one chicken leg for the Three Cup Chicken, and use the rest for the rest. The meat in place is about the same.

Zhang Chengchuan took about half a catty of chicken breast, cut it into cubes, added salt and starch and mixed it well for later use. Dried red peppers are also chopped and set aside.

Put the oil in the pot and heat it, pour in the red pepper and saute until fragrant, add in the chicken and stir-fry, add the bean paste, fry the red oil and pour in the cooking wine.

Add sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, broth, and gravy and stir fry. Finally, add fried peanuts and stir fry evenly. A simple homemade Kung Pao chicken is ready.

After the kung pao chicken is made, it is three cups chicken. One chicken leg is still very large. Zhang Chengchuan chopped the chicken leg into pieces and scalded it with boiling water for a while, then removed it, cut the onion into pieces, cut the carrot into diamond-shaped pieces, and washed the green peppers. Clean cut diamonds.

Pour oil into the pot and heat it up, put in a few pieces and stir fry over high heat, then add carrots, onions and green peppers and stir fry until they are broken, then add rice wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce and sugar to taste, stir fry evenly over high heat to collect juice, a delicious dish The three-cup chicken is also ready.

Zhang Chengchuan used chicken mushrooms and matsutake mushrooms. Wash the two kinds of mushrooms, wash the chicken **** and cut into strips, and wash the rapeseed in half, cut them in half, blanch them, and put them on a plate.

Mix water starch, soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and salt into flavor sauce, then heat a pot and put oil. After the oil is hot, put in the chicken fillets and take out; Continue to fry the willow, add chili and continue to fry until the ingredients are completely cooked, then pour in the seasoning wine and serve.

After the three chicken dishes were ready, he simply fried a stir-fried rapeseed heart. Four dishes were enough. He didn't plan to make the soup. After all, he was eating porridge tonight. .

Although the dishes are very simple, it takes time to wash, prepare and stir-fry. Zhang Chengchuan has already finished his meal more than an hour later, and it is almost dark. have dinner.

"What's a good day today? Did you cook so many meat dishes?" Liu Guiying looked at the dishes on the table in confusion. Although their home was in good condition, they didn't eat meat every day.

How can I make three meat dishes in such a generous way today? And it looks like it's all chicken. When did the family kill the chicken?

"It's not a special day. Today happens to be a warm day for our family." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "We don't need to do anything big, but it's also a more meaningful day. It just so happens that our family will eat something. OK."

Liu Guiying looked at the dishes on the table, "There are only four people in our family, and we can't finish so many dishes. Let's send some to your grandparents' house."

Just give it to the grandparents. As for the third and fourth rooms, you don't want it. There is no reason for the elder brother's filial piety to the younger brother.

Zhang Chengchuan nodded. When he just made it, he also took into account that his grandparents had to give some away, so the portion was a little more. He took a plate and divided the three chicken dishes into the plates. All three dishes were put together on one plate and sent to Grandpa Zhang and the others.

After Zhang Chengchuan came back, it was time to start dinner. Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying first took the double mushroom and slippery chicken fillet to eat. The chicken fillet was particularly smooth and tender.

The taste of chicken mushrooms and matsutake mushrooms is also very good. These are relatively expensive mushrooms, and the taste is definitely not to be said.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying couldn't help but put them in their mouths with chopsticks. The taste of mushrooms was also very delicious, and they were not left out because they were not meat.

Chen Xiayue tasted the taste of Kung Pao Chicken. The chicken was very tender and the peanuts were crispy. The taste was very good and it was delicious.

Because Kung Pao Chicken has some chili, although it is not very spicy, Chen Xiayue didn't eat too much, so she eats more three-cup chicken and double-mushroom chicken fillet. Of course, stir-fried rapeseed heart is also her favorite.

"To be honest, I never thought that Ah Chuan's cooking skills were so good and the dishes so delicious." Liu Guiying said proudly while eating.

She used to dote on her little son very much. Although she wouldn't let him do anything, she wouldn't ask him to do laundry or cooking. But I didn't expect my son's culinary talent to be so good. After getting married, he was asked by his daughter-in-law to cook to be able to cook meals of this level.

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