Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 399: Acne Cream 2

Wu Hongmei's younger sister is called Wu Lamei, she is a 17-year-old girl. The other girls in their team have already started kissing at this age, but Wu Lamei is not interested because of the acne on her face.

This girl, Wu Lamei, has had acne since she was fourteen or fifteen years old. From the very beginning, a small part of her has developed, and now it has grown very seriously. The nose, cheeks, forehead and chin are all covered with acne, red and swollen. She looks ugly to herself.

Because when Wu Lamei first started getting acne when she was 14 or 15 years old, she couldn't control her hand to squeeze the acne, and then left a lot of acne marks. In addition, it is not well maintained, and there is no such condition to maintain, so Wu Lamei's skin condition is not good, and the pores are very thick.

Wu Lamei went to see the doctor with her eldest sister, but it was useless to go to the county, and went to see the doctor at the health center at her eldest sister's in-law's house. The prescription prescribed by the doctor needed to be adjusted slowly.

Of course, Wu Lamei knew that it would be good to take care of her face slowly, but the doctor also told her that it could be done well, but he couldn't solve the problems of acne scars and large pores. Conditioning according to this formula can only make her no longer have acne in the future.

Of course Wu Lamei does not accept such conditioning. She hopes that the acne on her face will disappear, and the acne marks will also disappear. She hopes that her pores will become smaller, and she hopes that she will become more beautiful.

When she was a child, she was very cute and beautiful. After the age of 14 or 15, Wu Lamei, who was called an ugly girl by the people in the brigade, had a low self-esteem and hoped that she could become beautiful and blind the eyes of those who said she was an ugly girl.

Wu Lamei has been conditioning her body recently, and she has to drink bitter traditional Chinese medicine every day. Dr. Song said that she needs to drink it for a few months and then see if she needs to change the prescription, and it will take longer for her to stop getting acne. conditioning of time.

Wu Lamei just finished drinking the bitter medicine, and now she is washing clothes with a wrinkled face. It's not good to have acne in the first place, her parents don't let her go out very much now, and it's easy to get tan in the summer.

And according to her eldest sister, she goes out in the sun without wearing a hat or the like, and if her skin is damaged, it will be bad for her face, so Wu Lamei's family does not let her in the sun when the sun is very strong. It's time to go out, that is, let her do the laundry when the sun just came out in the morning, and go out in the afternoon when the sun is about to go down.

Wu Lamei was washing clothes by the river with her red and swollen face. Other girls about her age didn't want to get close to her, and even one girl sneered when she saw Wu Lamei.

After all, even if Wu Lamei has acne and is called an ugly girl, her family treats her very well. Although she was not treated the same as the baby, she was not enslaved and enslaved like a slave in the same way as someone else's patriarchal family.

While washing clothes, Wu Lamei thought about what her eldest sister had told her before to ask for help to see if she could find medicine that could treat her face. Unlike the medicine prescribed by Dr. Song to regulate her body, it is a medicine that can quickly heal her face.

"Lifen, I heard that your family has set a marriage plan for you? Is the other party from the seventh team of the Red Star Brigade? Or the son of the seventh team captain?"

"Wow, Li Fen, are you so nice to your family?"

"I heard that Li Fen's target is very capable. It's the scorer of their brigade."

"Wow, Lifen, your partner has a serious job and is a paid person?"

"Li Fen, you have found a good home. Your parents are too kind to you. They found such a capable and good family partner for you."

"Hey, who asked Li Fen to be a flower in our team? Li Fen looks so good-looking, of course she can find someone with good conditions."

"Yes, Li Fen is the most beautiful girl in our squadron. When did those young guys not look at Li Fen eagerly?"

"Li Fen is good-looking, so it's not surprising that a person with such good conditions is at all. Unlike some people, who are ugly, no one has come to say kiss."

"Hey... I can't help it. People who are ugly don't like it. Who wants to marry an ugly person and go home? Don't be scared to death at night?"

"It's just..."

The young girls washing clothes on the side chatted, and at the end they didn't forget to mock Wu Lamei who was not far away, with a particularly bad tone.

Listening to their words, Wu Lamei's face was very ugly. She just had acne, and she had a very good foundation. Her eldest sister Wu Hongmei is so good-looking, she was also very good-looking when she was a child, and she is not ugly herself.

However, since she got acne, she has been called ugly by many people. They seem to have forgotten how good-looking she was when she was a child, and that when she was eleven or twelve years old, every time someone saw her, she would praise her for being good-looking. .

Wu Lamei didn't dare to shout at others. She was inferior but not cowardly, but if she quarreled with those people, they would intensify their efforts to catch her acne.

Wu Lamei has no confidence to entangle with them. Although she is not afraid of trouble, it does not mean that she can have a strong heart in the face of so many people who say he is ugly and abuse her for her acne.


Just when Wu Lamei endured her anger and tried her best not to get violent and fight with those who mocked her, she heard her elder sister's voice.

"Lamei, have you washed your clothes?" Wu Hongmei hurried over and asked after seeing her sister washing clothes by the river.

"Eldest sister, are you back?" Wu Lamei was instantly happy when she saw her eldest sister, and just wanted to ask her if her eldest sister had something to do with the medicine, but she thought that there were still a few people next to her who were not pleasing to her eyes and were looking for trouble for her. , she swallowed the following words.

"Sister, my clothes are about to be washed." Wu Lamei neatly washed the clothes when others were holding the girl named Lifen and stepping on her. Now she just needs to rinse the clothes with water. That's it.

"It's almost ready? Then I'll help you." Wu Hongmei rolled up her trousers and went down to help her sister wash her clothes. The sisters moved quickly, and they washed all the clothes in a while, and the sisters gave the washed clothes to the move home.

"The eldest girl of the Wu family has returned to her mother's house? Her husband's family actually made her come back so diligently?" Looking at the backs of the Wu Hongmei sisters leaving, the middle-aged women in their 40s who were washing clothes by the river were also very concerned. Doubt.

Of course, it's more envy. Whose daughters can go back to their parents' homes frequently after they get married? Not to mention that the husband's family is unwilling, and the mother's family does not like her daughter to go back to her mother's house, especially a daughter who returns to her mother's house empty-handed is absolutely not welcome.

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