"We don't see how happy you are staying here, are we curious about what's going on with you? You said that you met the person you have been thinking about for a long time, but we haven't seen him yet, and we want to know who he is. what kind of person."

"How is it? Xu, where is your sweetheart? Can we meet him?" Karina asked curiously.

"No, there is no way for you to meet now." Xu Jinyuan shook her head and said, she also knew that she was able to travel to the 22nd century plane from the Magic Continent because she was Mo Yichen's lover, and Mo Yichen was a grocery store The boss's teacher, she has touched Mo Yichen's light.

But her friends can't all have the same authority as her, can they? But... what if Mo Yichen came from a shop in the 22nd century to a shop in the Magic Continent?

She can go to the 22nd century, so why can't Mo Yichen come here? At that time, Karina and the others will be able to see Mo Yichen soon?

"You guys came quite suddenly. I'll discuss with him next time to let you meet him." Xu Jinyuan thought for a while and said.

"Well, we're still looking forward to it, and we're curious about what kind of man can make you so obsessed with it." Luna followed suit.

Metheus looked at Xu Jinyuan and didn't speak, he had nothing to say.

Misius has liked Xu Jinyuan for more than ten years, and many people have liked Xu Jinyuan over the years. After all, she is really a very attractive person.

But what Xu Jinyuan was thinking about was Mo Yichen. When she didn't let go of Mo Yichen, she didn't plan to accept other people's feelings.

Who would have thought? Before she could completely let go of Mo Yichen, her former lover, she met Mo Yichen again by chance, and the deep-seated feelings burst out, and now the two of them are deeply in love. , other suitors are even more invisible.

When Misius liked Xu Jinyuan, he was cautious and did not express himself. But I liked it when I was less than 20 years old, and when I was in my early 20s, I confessed, but Xu Jinyuan refused righteously.

Xu Jinyuan thought that in the past ten years, Misus should also let go of his love for her, but he didn't expect that Misus still has feelings for her now.

Metheus is not a stalker. At the beginning, Xu Jinyuan said that the person who had not let go of his heart did not intend to accept others, nor did he intend to let Metheus wait.

Misius himself didn't hold out much hope, and silently liked Xu Jinyuan for more than ten years, but he wouldn't be too sad because she waited for the person in her heart. After all, Xu Jinyuan treats him no differently than Calance and the others. Obviously, he has no special feelings for him, nor does he intend to use him as a backup.

Now he just wants to see the person who makes Xu Jinyuan miss him, and see how that person and Xu Jinyuan get along, so that he can give up completely.

Xu Jinyuan didn't know that Metheus still had some thoughts about her. After he rejected Metheus back then, he didn't show that he liked her anymore, so she didn't care.

Xu Jinyuan entertained Karina and the others, and she did not forget to ask her own cook to let him try cooking. She cooked a few simple dishes that she was familiar with and entertained Karrance and the others. By the way, she also let her satisfy her cravings.

"Meili, you remember to cut the tomatoes, then break up the eggs, fry the eggs, and then put them out. Add some oil to the pot, then put the tomatoes in and fry them until the water comes out, add a little water and boil them. , you can almost put the eggs you just scrambled in and fry them together." Xu Jinyuan looked at the recipe, and then translated while reading.

Xu Jinyuan didn't hide it from her friends when she came from time travel. Of course, it was only after she had been together for more than ten years that she told her about time travel, and her friends also knew that the person she was thinking of was before time travel. Dwarf lover.

Therefore, now Xu Jinyuan is holding a cookbook full of Chinese characters to teach her cooks to cook, which does not arouse any suspicion. After all, they all know that Xu Jinyuan is from another world, so it is not surprising that the words are different.

Under the guidance of Xu Jinyuan, today's meal includes scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried beef with green peppers, fried meat with bean sprouts, fried tofu, fried chicken with green peppers, braised fish, fried lamb with green onions, stewed chicken soup with mushrooms, etc. The main dishes are Just steamed rice.

Xu Jinyuan couldn't lift her head up because of this meal. Although the cook Mei Li's cooking skills were not as good as Chen Xiayue's, and because she had never cooked Chinese food before, the taste was not authentic, but she was still very happy and liked it very much. .

"It's so delicious, these dishes are so delicious." Karina and Luna were very satisfied, and the aunt and sister-in-law almost fought over the last piece of pan-fried tofu.

Cousins ​​Callance and Metheus were silent, but they put down forks and spoons very quickly. They didn't plan to eat slowly at all, because Xu Jinyuan and the others ate very fast.

After eating this very good Chinese meal, Xu Jinyuan became more confident. After staying up all night and translating a recipe into the text of the Magic Continent, she handed it over to Mei Li to study, while she went to Mo Yichen to let him meet her friends after crossing.

Of course Mo Yichen would not refuse. The past twenty years had been a blank period for him and Xu Jinyuan, and he wanted to know how she spent these years. Of course, the most important thing is to know whether anyone has pursued Xu Jinyuan over the years. His sense of crisis is still very strong.

In fact, even if Xu Jinyuan fell in love with another person for more than 20 years, he would have nothing to care about. After all, Xu Jinyuan did not know that he would be able to see him again one day after crossing the border, so she fell in love again in the Magic Continent or married someone else, and he had nothing to care about. of.

Now Xu Jinyuan is single, and they are back together after meeting, but he still wants to know how many rivals he has.

Xu Jinyuan's charm has never been small, and Mo Yichen, his former lover, knows it best. Even though she was with Xu Jinyuan back then, many people were still courteous to her.

Like Xu Jinyuan, both Mo Yichen and Xu Jinyuan have the authority to go to the shop on the other side's plane, but before every time Xu Jinyuan went to the 22nd century shop to see Mo Yichen, and Mo Yichen had never been to the Magic Continent. That's it.

This time Mo Yichen came over to meet his lover's friend.

And Mo Yichen knew that the other party liked Xu Jinyuan when he saw Misius for the first time, but Xu Jinyuan didn't seem to care about the appearance of Xu Jinyuan, or he didn't know what to do, anyway, it was the other party's feelings Xu Jinyuan didn't plan to accepted.

Mo Yichen's appearance, ability, and temperament are all outstanding. Even if he has just awakened his wood-type powers, his level is very low, and facing these few people who are either great martial artists or magisters is also very difficult. Not stage fright at all.

The meeting between the two parties was still very harmonious, and they all cared about Xu Jinyuan's feelings, and neither of them made each other ugly. Even if Mo Yichen knew that Misius liked Xu Jinyuan, he didn't make Misus look ugly in public, and Misus was the same, and he didn't thinklessly fight him because Mo Yichen was his rival in love.

Of course, after seeing Mo Yichen, Metheus also understood why Xu Jinyuan was obsessed with him. Although he didn't look like a magician or a warrior, his temperament was very different, and at a glance he could tell that he was an excellent person.

Xu Jinyuan and him are a very good match.

Therefore, he should give up completely and completely let go of this relationship that he has not let go of for more than ten years.

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