Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 410: National Day

Chen Xiayue was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to realize what Li Guifen meant, and she couldn't help laughing and crying, "Mom, you are thinking too much, the second brother is in good health. The second brother, the medicated recipe that I used to take care of, has eaten several times. It's been a year, and any dark wounds should be healed."

"Second brother doesn't get married, maybe it's because you don't have this idea, so don't worry about getting angry." Chen Xiayue comforted her.

"Forget it, there's no way to tell. Can I still force him to marry? Can I force him to marry someone, and can I force him to have a child with someone?"

"Whatever loves it, just like what you said, it's fine for him to do whatever he wants now." Li Guifen remembered some of the young people she knew who were quite dashing before they got married, even people of her generation After the appearance of being bound by the family, I couldn't bear to let my son do the same.

Forget it, if you don't want to get married, you won't get married. Anyway, as long as you have your own son, you don't have to worry about anyone in your 30s or 40s wanting to marry him.

Wei Chenxi and Chen Xiahua moved out after they got married, but they still lived with their in-laws for a week before moving out. And after Chen Xiahua and the others moved out, Chen Xiabai moved back.

Chen Xiabai is now a senior mechanic, so even if he moves back to live with his parents, he still has his own dormitory, and he can still live in the dormitory when he is busy with work and does not go home.

A little bit of time passed, just after the National Day, Chen Xiayue got news from her parents' family that her sister-in-law gave birth to a son on the day of the National Day, named it National Day.

Chen Xiayue; "..." The eldest son's name is Guohua, and the second son's name is Guoqing, eldest brother, you are really talented.

Sister-in-law gave birth to a baby, and Chen Xiayue also went back to take a look. She brought a can of milk powder and some chicken, duck, fish eggs and other things back to her sister-in-law so that she could eat it during confinement.

Because Li Xinmeng gave birth to a child, they moved back to live with the two old people. This time, Li Xinmeng asked for leave to give birth, but the school said that she would not be paid during her vacation. After all, she had to take care of her children after confinement.

Li Xinmeng was assigned to the county primary school as a teacher after graduating from a serious university, so although she has no salary during her vacation, she can still go to work as usual when the child is older and does not need her to bring the child by herself.

Li Xinmeng's job during the vacation is to find a temporary teacher to come over to substitute the class, and this is how the temporary workers come. At worst, the other party has to graduate from junior high school. If the teacher doesn't understand what he has learned, how can he be a teacher?

Especially when compared with Li Xinmeng, a teacher who graduated from college, she was embarrassed to take her class without a junior high school degree.

"Sister-in-law, it looks like you look very good?" Chen Xiayue looked at Li Xinmeng's face and said, you must know that most people don't look very good when they are confinement. Of course, the complexion is unlikely to be very good.

Li Xinmeng is not the same as before she had no children, but she is also much better than other women who are confinement. Of course, it's not as good as Chen Xiayue, after all, she drank the recovery potion to repair her body trauma after giving birth.

"With my mother helping me take care of the children, I slept well, so I look better. And I eat well, can I be better than others?" Li Xinmeng said with a smile.

"That's good." Chen Xiayue put the milk powder on her sister-in-law's bedside table, and Zhang Chengchuan took the ingredients such as chicken, duck, and fish eggs to the kitchen.

"I brought the milk powder. If you don't like to drink milk powder during the National Day, you can drink it, sister-in-law, and you can also drink some for Guohua." Chen Xiayue urged, "I can still afford a can of milk powder, sister-in-law, you can drink it later. But you have to remember me."

The last sentence Chen Xiayue said with a funny face, anyway, Li Xinmeng remembers her better than her bad, right?

"Okay, I will remember what our family Xiayue has done to me." Li Xinmeng said with a smile, she also understood that although the little sister-in-law has a little problem, it is human nature, and people are imperfect, she can still Do you want a little girl who is perfect everywhere and makes herself satisfied everywhere?

And my sister-in-law helped her a lot when she was born in Guohua, and even helped her to take care of her children when she was at work, she was very grateful.

When the sister-in-law got married, the Chen family gave such a generous dowry. She just whispered behind her back and didn't make any trouble. It was also because the sister-in-law helped her take care of the children.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Xinmeng knew that the entire Chen family was in favor of giving Chen Xiayue so much dowry. She, a daughter-in-law, raised an objection. Not only did her in-laws hate her, but she must also be at odds with her husband.

Although Li Xinmeng is not very smart, but being able to get into the university shows that she is not a fool either. She could also understand the thoughts of her husband and her husband's family at the beginning, and she herself was very grateful to her sister-in-law. Even though she was distressed for money, even though she felt uncomfortable watching her in-laws give her sister-in-law something like this, she didn't stop her.

Now it's right to see that there was no trouble at the beginning. Even if the little girl is married, she still thinks of her parents' family, and she has gained a lot of benefits as a sister-in-law. Look, she has never seen the can of milk powder on the bedside table, but she knows the quality must be very good.

"National Day looks very similar to Guohua. If it weren't for the difference in age between the two brothers, they would look like twins." Chen Xiayue looked at Chen Guoqing sleeping on the bed and couldn't help but sigh.

In her memory, Chen Guohua looked like this when she was a child. The two brothers really look alike. Although Chen Guoqing has not grown up yet, Chen Xiayue thinks that the two brothers may be seven or eight similar when they grow up.

Some twins are not necessarily seven or eight alike.

Chen Xiayue looked at Chen Guoqing's bright red face and said, "How is Guohua doing recently? Is she happy after having a younger brother?"

Chen Xiayue was a little worried about her nephew's mood. After all, the little guy was the only child in the family before. Even if he had a cousin like Nuan Nuan, he didn't need to get along with his cousin every day and night, but now his younger brother is different.

Chen Xiayue was a little worried about his nephew's mood, worried that he would be in the same mood as those children who suddenly had second siblings, and worried that he would be sad that his parents would neglect him after having other children.

"It's good, he is very happy, and he happily comes back to see his brother every day." Li Xinmeng said with a smile.

Li Xinmeng is on vacation, but Chen Xiasong and Chen Guohua both need to attend classes, so father and son come back from school every day to watch little Chen Guoqing.

Chen Xiayue nodded, and she realized that the children of this era are not children from decades later, but now there is no only child, and they are not so glass-hearted.

Chen Xiayue spoke with Li Xinmeng. After Chen Guoqing woke up, she hugged him, and put him on the bed in a few minutes.

Children should not be hugged often, otherwise adults will not have much time to hug them after they have developed a habit, and the children will definitely cry by then.

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