Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 420: steal children

At night, Nuan Nuan was quickly coaxed to sleep.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and the weather is relatively cold, so it is not so hard not to take a bath on the train. If it is summer, when the temperature is 20 to 30 degrees, if you don't take a bath for several days, it is definitely a biochemical weapon level.

Chen Xiayue was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Originally, she planned to sleep with Nuan Nuan on the bottom bunk, but then Zhang Chengchuan and Nuan Nuan had enough fun and slept directly on the bottom bunk, so she slept on the top bunk.

Chen Xiayue slept in a daze, and she didn't have the habit of waking up at night.

There are many women who have not taken good care of their bodies after giving birth, so they always wake up at night, and her body does not have such sequelae. She still sleeps until dawn or only wakes up once in the middle of the night as before, and she is still sleeping. Drink a lot of water before.

Chen Xiayue slept soundly, while Zhang Chengchuan looked at the time after it was completely dark, and he was ready to go to sleep at nine o'clock in the evening.

Before going to bed, Zhang Chengchuan opened the energy protection cover he was carrying, and was able to wrap the private room without worrying about any danger.

It's not that Zhang Chengchuan doesn't know anything. It's easy to meet traffickers on the train, and he took his daughter out this time. Who knows if the traffickers will target him?

After opening the energy protection cover, Zhang Chengchuan carried his daughter, who was sleeping soundly, to the top bunk beside her mother, or on the inner side, so that she would not accidentally roll over and fall off the bed.

Putting his daughter away, Zhang Chengchuan also lay down and fell asleep.

At one o'clock in the morning, there was no other sound on the train except for the sound of chirping and whistling, but there were a few dark shadows looming in the quiet aisle.

The train will stop at two o'clock in the morning, so some people will get off the train at this time, and some people will choose to do something at this time, and when the train arrives at two o'clock, get off directly.

At this moment, several people were sneaking around on the train, and one of the shadows gradually approached Zhang Chengchuan's private room.

A figure about 1.6 meters tall appeared in front of Zhang Chengchuan's box. The man opened the door and looked, but did not see the target child.

But since there is news that the child is in this private room, it should be here. The man opened the door gently, and it was impossible for the door in this kind of train compartment to stop an old hand, and it could easily be pried off.

The man took a look after entering the door, because he could not see anything clearly in the dark room, and he almost touched the wrong place. Fortunately, someone was sent over to take a look before it got dark, and it was confirmed that the upper bunk on the right was the place where the young woman slept, so the child must be on it.

The man crept in, but Zhang Chengchuan opened his eyes in the darkness just as he came in.

His energy shield will remind him when strangers are approaching, and the system's protection mechanism is also very strong. When strangers approach them at such a late time, of course, the alarm is quickly issued.

Zhang Chengchuan's night vision ability is still very strong. Although he can't see clearly as well as in the daytime, he can still see that it is a man who has touched their private room with a faint moonlight outside the window. what.

"Where's the promised baby? Where is it? Hehe, is he sleeping with that young lady? Just touch..." The shadow muttered in a low voice, but because the private room was not big, This person was still standing in front of Zhang Chengchuan, so he could hear it clearly.

After hearing this guy's words, Zhang Chengchuan's face was ugly. Whether this person's target was his daughter or this person still had such a wretched idea of ​​his daughter-in-law, he was very unhappy.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't wait for the scum to get close to his daughter-in-law before he started. He simply stretched out his hand and grabbed the man in front of him, breaking his arm back.


The man was caught by Zhang Chengchuan's clean movements. Zhang Chengchuan almost twisted his arm with such great strength, and the pain swept over instantly, and he suddenly cried out in pain.

"Daughter-in-law, wake up." Zhang Chengchuan shouted to Chen Xiayue on the bed while tying up the person he caught.

Chen Xiayue slept soundly, but with the help of the system, Zhang Chengchuan called her and she woke up. She took out the flashlight and turned it on, and saw Zhang Chengchuan grabbing a strange man.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xiayue didn't think that Zhang Chengchuan went out and arrested someone and returned to their box. Why did he arrest a stranger back when he had nothing to do?

"This person touched us at night and wanted to steal the child." Zhang Chengchuan said coldly, and after he said it, he tried hard, and the man who was caught cried out again.

"Stealing a child?" Chen Xiayue's face was filled with disgust when she heard this, and then she climbed down and kicked the other party, walked out of the box and shouted loudly, "Someone has stolen a child—"

"Someone stole the child—"

Chen Xiayue shouted loudly, and even took out a loudspeaker from the farm when no one saw it in the dark, and then shouted again: "Someone is stealing the child—"

Chen Xiayue's shouting suddenly woke up many people, and all the people who were very close to them were woken up, and then the people who had stolen their children also cried out.

"Comrade Zhang."

Several people in the private room next to Zhang Chengchuan ran out and saw the wretched man who was being held. One of them hurried over to help **** him away, while the others stayed to protect Zhang Chengchuan and the others.

Zhang Chengchuan nodded and said to them, "I hope you can help catch the traffickers. These scumbags who abduct other people's children must be dealt with severely."

"No problem, Comrade Zhang, we will help." The soldiers who changed into ordinary clothes nodded. One of the four originally escorted the wretched man away, and the other three stayed to protect Zhang Chengchuan and the others. Two also went out to help.

"It turned out to be a human trafficker, stealing children in the middle of the night! These bastards!" Liu Guiying was also awakened, knowing that someone trafficker wanted to steal her granddaughter, and she was suddenly angry.

"Don't worry, we are very safe here." Zhang Chengchuan reassured his mother, not to mention that there are four soldiers guarding him next to him, that is, he is also protected by the energy protection cover and the farm system, so he doesn't have to worry about encountering too much danger. .

Chen Xiayue frowned, "Why did you steal the child and turn it into our house?"

Chen Xiayue didn't understand. After all, girls are really worthless these days. Is it necessary to abduct and sell little girls?

It's not that Chen Xiayue looks down on girls by herself, but she values ​​her daughter very much, but others don't necessarily.

Although she had never heard of anyone who gave birth to a girl and then lost or killed her child after she married Yunhe Brigade, she had heard of other battalions and other villages.

In such an era and in such an era and environment, she believed that an older girl would be abducted and sold as a daughter-in-law, but who would want to raise a girl who was only one year old?

Why are these people staring at her precious daughter?

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