Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 422: way to find people

Zhang Chengchuan's face became even more ugly after hearing Brother Bing's retelling. This kind of heinous person really doesn't deserve to live.

"Has the confession been handed over to the police?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

"Give it." The soldier nodded.

After all, their mission is to protect the target person, not to help arrest traffickers, nor to investigate the case, so it is better to hand over these matters to the police.

Zhang Chengchuan nodded to indicate that he knew, and asked the soldiers to go back to rest. He was safe and had nothing to do.

"There is such a vicious person who sold his elder sister and younger brother and sister, and also kidnapped and sold other people's children. How did such a person survive until now?" Liu Guiying just heard Brother Bing talk about the old woman today. Time to hate itchy teeth.

"This kind of person must have been a traitor who betrayed others during the Anti-Japanese War! How did she live to this day and harm so many people?" Liu Guiying exploded with anger.

"Okay mother, don't be angry anymore. Now that she is caught, it's not a good end." Chen Xiayue comforted her mother-in-law and told her not to be so angry.

According to the current situation, as long as these traffickers are convicted, the only way left for them is to be shot.

Chen Xiayue has nothing to sympathize with. How many families and how many children have these traffickers harmed? They were not worthy of sympathy for being shot at all. She wished that human traffickers would be shot in a few decades. They didn't deserve to live.

But Chen Xiayue also understands that some people are right, and they can't push those traffickers into a hurry, otherwise they will not be able to live on their own and will not let others live with the idea of ​​​​backwards, and all the children and women they abducted will be taken away. What if I die?

Chen Xiayue patted Liu Guiying's shoulder and said, "It's almost dawn now, do you want to continue sleeping, parents?"

It has been about a few hours since I was woken up at 1 am. It is now 5 am. The train was supposed to stop at 2 am. The train was delayed because of the traffickers. The police on the side drove after that.

It's five o'clock in the morning, whether it's too early or too late, and I can still go back to sleep. Especially now that it is winter, the dawn is relatively late, and if you don’t make up sleep, you will be hungry and have no place to buy food, so let’s continue to make up for sleep obediently.

The family of four lay on the bed and couldn't sleep well. Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping were worried that some traffickers would touch them. They were worried that the traffickers' accomplices had not been caught, and that it would be bad if other accomplices retaliate.

And Zhang Chengchuan was thinking about whether he could take revenge and go back. The old woman was really hateful, and he couldn't take his breath.

Chen Xiayue was staring at her daughter. The little girl slept very sweetly because she was not woken up. She was still sleeping soundly at the moment.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if her child was stolen. It could be said that if the child was stolen, a family would be destroyed.

How can they live to find this child? Maybe even resent the other party, resenting why she didn't take good care of the child and let her be stolen?

Fortunately, her home is warm and well.

I don’t want to, I don’t want to, these are all things that have no shadow, I still don’t want to.

Chen Xiayue opened the operation panel of the farm system, because it was set to be visible only to him, so even if Chen Xiayue called out the panel in a fair manner, no one would see it.

She sent a message to Ans to see if there was any technology to prevent trafficking. Of course, it would be better if there were some targeted at catching bloggers or those children who had been abducted.

Now Ans must be here too. Chen Xiayue understands that since he got engaged, Ans spends more time with his fiancée to cultivate relationships, or to deal with affairs of the empire. He has less and less time to come to the store. .

However, the advantage of the upgraded farm system is that the light brain on Ans' side can receive the system's communication, so that she will not waste time when she is looking for Ans again.

Chen Xiayue thought about it, although the technology on Ans' side is very powerful, but it's not impossible for her to help her mother-in-law. Just like the magical continent of fantasy and self-cultivation, there must be magic black technology there, right?

There are things on the Xiuxian side that can rely on blood to find people, so what about the magic continent? Can the alchemists over there develop a magic circle that relies on blood to find people?

Chen Xiayue left a message for Chen Yi and Chen Er, who were guarding the store, and asked them to tell her when they met Xu Jinyuan if she could ask an alchemist to study the magic circle to find people. It should be very fast to rely on blood to find people. way.

Chen Xiayue felt a little sleepy after she dealt with it here, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying are in good health, but it is impossible for them to stay up late. They do not have the habit of staying up late. So he fell asleep at about 5:30 in the morning and almost 6:00 in the morning. Zhang Chengchuan did not fall asleep, but continued to look at the books he had saved. He had to study hard to see if he could help.

Magic Continent, in a grocery store.

"You said Xia Yue asked me if there is a magic circle that can find people? Is it the kind that relies on blood to find people?" Xu Jinyuan was surprised when she heard the news from Chen Er.

"Yes, the boss encountered human traffickers when she went out. Although the boss's children are all right, she wants to help families who have lost children to find children." Chen Er explained.

"Xia Yue met a human trafficker?" Xu Jinyuan frowned, as if she had forgotten the disgusting existence of human traffickers since she traveled to the Magic Continent.

Because human trafficking in the Magic Continent is legal, although she has encountered child abductors for so many years in the mainland, most people take the initiative to sell their children to slave traders. their fortunes.

Even those who were sold, a large part of them felt that they were sold for granted. Her rescue was not rescue, but to prevent them from living a good life.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, she remembered the word human trafficker because her lover's apprentice met a human trafficker.

Xu Jinyuan remembered that when she was on the earth before, she still did not put an end to the existence of human traffickers. Even in the 22nd century with advanced technology, human traffickers still exist, and things like human trafficking have not been eradicated.

Chen Xiayue said that she hoped to make a magic circle for tracing people. Xu Jinyuan was very interested in it. She happened to know an alchemy wizard, and the other party's alchemy was also very powerful. A simple magic circle for tracing people should not be difficult. The opponent's.

"Tell your boss that I know, and I'll find someone to try to make this magic circle for tracing people." Xu Jinyuan was not in a hurry to see Mo Yichen, and hurriedly left the grocery store to find someone to make a magic circle. The magic circle to find people.

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