Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 425: Finder Compass 3

The five tracing compasses were bought by the public security organs, and the price was not very expensive. Chen Xiayue did not want to make money by selling this compass, so the price of a compass is only 50 yuan, which is really not expensive.

The public security organs didn't really have any hope. They just bought this tracing compass out of their trust in Xia Yue grocery store, thinking that if they could try this compass, if it really worked, it would be much easier to find people.

The police in J City bought a tracing compass. They didn't buy too many, they just bought two, and they spent 100 yuan. To be honest, it's really not that expensive.

After getting the compass, they thought about trying to see if the compass was real.

"Try the effect? ​​Okay, let's try it with a drop of blood and see if it can find immediate relatives." A young police officer suggested.

The captain and the vice-captain looked at each other and felt that this approach was feasible, so they discussed it and asked the captain to **** his fingertip with a needle and drop a drop of blood on the blood drop on the compass. turned.

"Captain..." The young man looked at the direction of the pointer on the compass, and then looked at the captain.

"Go and have a look."

The others followed the direction pointed by the compass. Originally, they deliberately went the wrong way, but the needle of the compass still pointed firmly to the original direction. No matter how the compass was adjusted, the needle would turn back to the original direction.

Following the direction of the pointer compass, the captain frowned, "My parents' house is not in this direction, and my daughter's school is not in this direction."

The captain is already in his thirties, his daughter is already a primary school student, and the direction pointed by the compass pointer is not the direction of his daughter's school at all.

"Could it be that the uncle and aunt are not at home?" The deputy captain frowned at the direction of the compass pointer.

The captain frowned and felt that what the vice-captain said was quite reasonable. It's impossible for his parents to stay at home all day without going out, so the compass should point to his parents?

However, the fact was beyond the expectations of these police officers. The pointer was not pointing to the captain's parents, but to the captain's daughter.

As for why it wasn't the direction of the captain's daughter's school, it was because the little girl was kidnapped. If it wasn't for the compass captain's daughter, she might have been in danger.

Because several police officers followed the compass to the exact location quickly, they rescued the little girl very quickly without putting her in any danger.

"Dad..." The little girl is eight years old, but after seeing such a thing, she also cried with lingering fear in her father's arms.

"Dad... woo woo..." The little girl cried very sadly, the captain hugged her daughter and coaxed him, and he also had lingering fears.

If he hadn't experimented with the effect of a tracing compass on a whim today, his daughter wouldn't know what kind of danger he would encounter.

The suspects who kidnapped his daughter were in revenge for him. He was the captain of the criminal investigation team and had offended many people. But now the other party knew that he had an eight-year-old daughter, so he kidnapped his daughter to get revenge on him.

Fortunately, luckily caught up. Fortunately, nothing happened to his daughter, who is now safely in his arms.

"Fortunately, this compass has really done a great job." The young policeman looked at his captain and the captain's little princess, looked at the compass again, and said with emotion.

"Hmm." Others agreed.

The captain comforted his daughter, and left the deputy team to do other things. After the dust settled, the captain's daughter-in-law and his parents came over and took the frightened little princess home.

And this time the public security held a meeting, not only talking about the kidnapping incident of the captain's daughter, but also about the effect of the compass.

This tracing effect is really useful, so those families who have lost their children will definitely be able to find their children through the compass.

The public security is busy, contacting the families who have lost their children who have reported the case before, and asking them to come and try the effect of the compass to see if they can find their children through the compass.

Although it is said that the children who may have been lost have been abducted to a place hundreds of thousands of miles away from their hometown, they also need to be tracked and searched according to the guidance of the compass to see if they can find these children.

Of course, when the police were helping families who lost their children to find their children, the Xia Yue grocery store added ten more tracing compasses, which were then bought back by the public security system.

In addition to helping parents who are looking for their children to find their children, they also help those children who are begging in the city to find their parents. Even though they knew that they must be being watched by someone, the police still rescued them and used the tracing compass to find their immediate family members.

The tracing compass is really useful. These fifteen compasses are driven by the same magic element, and the effect is still very good. There are only these fifteen, and the rest of the compasses can be mass-produced but are not driven by magic elements, but research takes time.

Xu Jinyuan has not researched it yet. Zhang Chengchuan has already modified the safety bracelet and translated the text. Now Chen Xiayue has sent the information to the research institute.

This safety bracelet can be made even in the 1970s, so Chen Xiayue sent this information not only to the 21st century, but also to the 70s.

Zhang Chengchuan translated the things on the train, and then handed the materials to the soldiers who protected him, asking them to find a way to hand them over.

This is to protect children. Even if some people can't afford the safety bracelet, those families with background and background are absolutely willing to buy it.

If you can protect some children, you can protect some. Anyway, if you hand in something, it is someone else's business to make it or not to buy it. Zhang Chengchuan only has compassion for all his children. He hopes that more people will avoid the pain of losing their children, so he doesn't care how much the safety bracelet is sold for or how many people buy it.

After the safety bracelet was handed in, it was produced very quickly. The 21st Century J City Public Security Captain knew the news, and quickly bought a few safety bracelets, one for his daughter, one for each of his parents, and one for his wife. One.

With this safety bracelet, he no longer has to worry about kidnapping of his daughter, and he can do his job with more peace of mind.

This work of his means that many people have been offended, and it also means that those who were sent to prison by him will take revenge on his family. Now that he has a safety bracelet, he can also feel a little more at ease, and he no longer has to worry about those guys taking revenge on his family.

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