Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 428: brother and sister playing

When they were full, the two little sisters, An Ning and Nuan Nuan, played together. They were both one-year-olds. Chen Xiayue gave them building blocks and toys, and they really played together.

Find an open space on the side of the living room, spread an old straw mat and pour the building blocks on it, and the sisters had a great time. In particular, their brothers also played with them. Whether it was building blocks or toy cars, Zhang Weiguo and the other brothers could not refuse.

Chen Xiayue also gave Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo a Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube is a fourth-order Rubik's Cube, which is enough to make the brothers rack their brains to play.

Of course, the Zhang Weiguo brothers are now playing with toy cars, because the toy cars Zhang Chengchuan made for his daughter include trucks and tanks in addition to cars. They are small and easy to carry. Big toy cars are also a hassle.

"Dududu-the truck is coming--" Zhang Weiguo grabbed the toy car in one hand and pushed it along while reminding him manually, and then the toy car quickly drove towards An Ning and Nuan Nuan.

"Hahaha..." The little girls An Ning and Nuan Nuan were very happy with Zhang Weiguo, and the little sisters laughed very loudly.

The one-year-old doll, who is not yet sensible, only knows that the brothers are fun to play, and then laughs together. Seeing other people smiling happily, the two sisters would also laugh along with them.

"Be careful, An Ning Nuan Nuan, my brother is here—" Zhang Anguo also rushed over with a small train that he had just assembled. , and then rushed to the two one-year-old sisters.

"Hahahaha..." An Ning and Nuan Nuan laughed even more happily. An Ning got up and ran away when he was older, but Nuan Nuan didn't think that he would walk, and used his hands and feet to avoid the rushing brother. , but the laughter continued.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying sat on the side and watched the grandchildren having a good time, the second elder also had a smile on his face.

Emotions are contagious, especially when you see a child smiling so innocently and happily, adults can't help but smile, even when children laugh Laugh out loud, the kind that laugh out loud.

"Brother is here again - Nuan Nuan, brother is about to bump into you -"

"Wow ha ha ha ha--"

The four brothers and sisters really had a good time, and Wang Xuemei didn't interrupt their interest. She was actually happy to see her son and daughter having such a good time.

She is usually very busy, since her daughter was weaned at six months and handed over to her sons to take her back to work. It has been half a year now, and her sons have helped her to take care of her children when they are less than ten years old. She also hopes that they can relax and be happy today.

Wang Xuemei also talked with her parents-in-law, and the adults didn't bother to disturb the children playing with them, so she talked about some topics she was interested in.

Of course, most of what Wang Xuemei said was about Zhang Chengyue, and then about the life of her three children, so that her parents-in-law could know what their father, son, father and daughter were like in life and how they were doing here.

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan were murmuring. The couple got together to talk about their affairs, and occasionally they would say a few words to others, but more often they chatted in private.

Because the train was very tired, and everyone didn't play for a long time, Chen Xiayue and the others asked Zhang Deping and his wife to wash up first and then sleep, and the two of them washed later.

She didn't take a bath for four days on the train. Chen Xiayue remembered that when she was confinement, she felt that it was more uncomfortable to take the train than confinement. At least she could wipe her body with hot water when she was confinement, but taking the train Don't count on it.

After everyone was done grooming, An Ning and Nuan Nuan also fell asleep. Brothers Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo had a great experience, but it was already past nine o'clock in the evening and it was time for them to go to bed.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan finished their grooming. The couple didn't say anything. After taking a bath, they fell back and fell asleep.

"Tang Zhenguo! I just want my parents to celebrate the New Year with me, why are you against it?! My parents have raised me for so many years, why can't I spend the New Year with me?"

"Other people can celebrate the New Year with their parents, but what about me? I have been married to you for more than ten years, and I have not spent a single year with my parents. This year, I will spend the New Year with my parents whenever I say anything."

Early in the morning, Chen Xiayue was woken up by this sharp female voice, and it was also because this room was usually not crowded, so no mute wallpaper was pasted.

Moreover, Zhang Chengyue is a soldier, and Wang Xuemei is also a doctor. When the couple can't sleep, they can't hear the movement outside at all. They need to hear some noises to get up. Such as the siren of an emergency call, such as when someone calls them, they have to respond quickly.

So even if there is a silent wallpaper, Wang Xuemei only posted two walls or three walls, and the effect of sound insulation is not very obvious.

And the room where Chen Xiayue and the couple are living now has a silent wallpaper that is not posted. It is natural to be woken up early in the morning.

"It's so noisy." Chen Xiayue buried her face in Zhang Chengchuan's chest, hoping to block the quarrel outside.

But it's useless. She has long understood the sound insulation of houses in this era, and without mute wallpaper, she doesn't even want to block the sound of the outside world.

Chen Xiayue reluctantly reached out to cover her ears, but before she went back to sleep, her baby daughter had already woken up.

"..." After Nuan Nuan woke up, she went to find her mother. After a while, the sleepy little girl was already in a lot of energy, and she quickly crawled onto her parents, and the little fat hand patted her parents. Face.

"..." Nuan Nuan shouted while patting.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

"What time is it?" Chen Xiayue asked helplessly.

"Six in the morning." Zhang Chengchuan replied.

"Six o'clock?" Chen Xiayue wanted to cry without tears. At six o'clock in the morning, it wasn't all bright outside, okay? Everyone is so diligent so early in the morning. Although she usually gets up at six o'clock, she often goes back to sleep.

"Do you want to get up?" Zhang Chengchuan asked. To be honest, he also hoped that his daughter-in-law could sleep a little more, although his daughter-in-law had plenty of sleep.

"Forget it, I'm not going to sleep, you play with Nuan Nuan, and I'll deal with the farm." Chen Xiayue said.

"Okay." Zhang Chengchuan teased her with his daughter in his arms, watching his daughter-in-law click on the operation panel to put away the crops, meat and eggs on the farm.

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