"Wow—Uncle, there are so many shells—"

Zhang Weiguo, who was following Lu An and the others to the reef, shouted in surprise, watching the shells in the water with great joy.

"Crabs! There are crabs!"

"Brother, there are octopuses and squid here, bro-"

The young people cheered on the beach, and a lot of seafood can be seen in the shallow sea, most of which are shellfish. Different types of shellfish such as scallops, white shells, clams, clams, clams, and clams are scattered around the stones or in the sand. You can find these shellfish with a little search.

"Wow, a lot of shells--" Lu Ding's sister Lu Wen was amazed by the shells in the sea, and only hated that she didn't bring anything to put it on.

"Lots of shells—"

The other people who originally went to the beach to look at the sea all ran over after hearing Luan and the others. They were pleasantly surprised when they saw the shellfish in the sea. .

The Chinese New Year is almost here, so it is not bad to be able to eat a good seafood meal until the New Year's Eve.

"Xiaowen, go back and bring a few baskets, or bring a bucket, let's pick up shells." Lu An calmly said to his sister.

"Okay." Lu Wen was also very obedient, and ran home happily, while others also called their younger siblings to go back and get things to put shells. Today's harvest is really good.

And there are not only shellfish in this sea, they also saw some seafood such as octopus or squid, which is also a good meal.

Zhang Anguo also rushed home, happily going home to find a bucket or a bamboo basket or something to pick up the shells.

"Grandpa, come here, there are a lot of shells here." Zhang Weiguo greeted his grandfather. Of course, he didn't forget to call his uncle too. The more people there are, the more things can be picked up, right?

Chen Xiayue calmly looked at the happy children and smiled. She didn't go over to join in the fun. She put on a straw hat for her daughter and niece and stayed on the beach, and took it from the basket she just brought. Out of an umbrella opened to block the sun.

Chen Xiayue took out another piece of fabric with a poor material and spread it on the beach far from the sea, so that you don't have to worry about getting them all wet when the sea rushes in for a while.

After laying the cloth, Chen Xiayue put her daughter and the little girl Anning on the cloth, pretending to be out of the basket but actually took out the juice from the farm warehouse for the little girls to drink. Her juice is blended with milk, sweet, sour and nutritious.

Nuan Nuan and An Ning both drank juice and milk with milk bottles in their arms, while Chen Xiayue sat behind them and watched everyone on the beach picking up shells in full swing.

In fact, she put in other seafood besides shellfish, but the most in the shallow sea is shellfish, so Chen Xiayue put in a lot of shellfish.

Chen Xiayue and Ans bought a lot of seafood, most of which were crabs, shrimps and various shellfish, but Chen Xiayue didn't put them all out, most of them were stored in the warehouse and waited until they wanted to eat them. Eat, and do not plan to release a lot at once.

Now the seafood she put out can almost make the whole island eat several meals, but she didn't put it out all at once, but put it out bit by bit, just worried that some people didn't have time to catch it and let it go. These seafood are flooded.

"Wow—Uncle has a lot here." Zhang Weiguo turned over a piece of sand and was very happy to see the clams with their shells exposed. He doesn't know much about seafood, but he has eaten this kind of shells, so of course he knows it. looks like.

Seeing so many clams now, Zhang Weiguo is very happy.

Zhang Deping and his grandson were also very happy when they were picking up shells. Different types of shells were edible, and they were all picked up anyway.

"Wow - I saw a fish!" a young boy shouted in surprise, he saw a palm-sized mullet swimming past, and the palm-sized mullet was not too small.

Of course, the little boy didn't know that this was a mullet, but it didn't look much different from a freshwater fish.

People who went back to get buckets and baskets all came back, and everyone was excited to pick up all kinds of shellfish on the beach.

Zhang Chengchuan saw the oysters on the reef. The fresh oysters tasted very good. Zhang Chengchuan tried it to see if he could pry the oysters off.

As for the other shellfish, let others pick it up, and he carefully picks up the oysters. Zhang Chengchuan also found some abalone, and the quality of the seafood his daughter-in-law put out is also very good, right? Oysters such as oysters are not very precious, but abalone is quite precious, especially the size of abalone is not small.

When the little boys and girls went back to pick up the baskets and buckets, the adults in the family area also heard the movement. There are very few people in the family area who have jobs like Wang Xuemei, and most of them are still like Hu Qinglan and Sister Meng. I don't have a job, I just do housework, grow vegetables and raise chickens.

So when I heard the children say that there are a lot of shellfish at the beach, everyone went to the beach with buckets and baskets.

Chen Xiayue took the children on the beach and didn't join in the fun. After all, she brought two one-year-old children. If they go to the sea, the risk factor is relatively high, so don't go there.

After seeing the sisters-in-law in the family area, Chen Xiayue took a look and wanted to see if her mother-in-law came with sister-in-law Meng.

It was said to ask how to buy New Year's goods, but it was not so fast, so the lively sister-in-law Meng and her mother-in-law at the seaside should also join in the fun, right?

Her mother-in-law has never seen the sea or picked up seafood before, so she will definitely not miss such a lively event this time.

"Xia Yue—" Of course Liu Guiying came over, she followed Zhang Anguo, and now Zhang Anguo took the bucket to his grandfather and they came to Chen Xia Yue.

"Aren't you going to join in the fun?" Liu Guiying asked, looking at her daughter-in-law who was holding an umbrella and shielding the two children from the sun. Her own daughter-in-law didn't go to play in such a lively scene?

"I'm bringing warmth and tranquility. If I go there, I will let the child fall into the sea. I won't go there. Mom, go and pick up shells with Dad and the others. I think they are very happy to pick them up." Chen Xiayue Pointing to Zhang Deping and his two grandsons smiling brightly, he said.

Of course, Liu Guiying also saw her old man smiling happily. To be honest, she was also itching to try to pick up these sea shells by the sea. Is it different from picking up clams from the river?

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