Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping both came to drink water. Chen Xiayue brought a lot of lemon brine and gave some to other relatives. There are a lot of people working in the fields now. The young men of the Zhang family are either not working like Zhang Chengchuan, or they have gone to work in the county like Zhang Chengming and the others. Few of them have stayed at home to work in the fields. .

Now it is Zhang Deping and his generation who are working in the fields and earning work points, as well as the younger generation of daughters-in-law who are in the fields. The work points are within their means. Anyway, the men in the family have jobs and wages and can afford to support the children at home. .

To be honest, Zhang Chengchuan and their relatives get along very well. Even if Wang Cuifang, the eldest Bom, is rather annoying, it has not aroused everyone's anger. Even the eldest daughter-in-law of the third room, Huang Qiuyu, has a distasteful personality, but everyone gets along with each other. Still no revenge.

Usually, everyone hates each other as much as they hate each other internally, but as long as someone bullies them into their own home, they will be unanimous externally. Even if the family is separated, they are still a family, and the whole family spends the New Year together during the Chinese New Year.

When Chen Xiayue delivered water, she also drank lemon brine for everyone. Anyway, there are a lot of lemon trees in Lemon Tree Village. Although there is no lemon tree in her house, there is a lemon tree in Hu Xiaofang's house next door. There are also many lemon trees in other mountains. It happens to be the season when lemons are ripe, and it is suitable for soaking in water, so you are not afraid of not drinking enough.

Hu Xiaofang asked Chen Xiayue while drinking water, "What are you busy with recently? Is Nuan Nuan cold?"

Hu Xiaofang's man Zhang Chengmin also went to work in the machinery factory. Four people in the Zhang family became workers in the machinery factory at once. Not to mention how surprised the Yunhe Brigade was, there were also many people in the county town who were surprised.

Zhang Chengmin's skills are not as powerful as other brothers, but now he is a worker, and Hu Xiaofang is also honored. And before she went to the county to see her own man, she just came back today, and she went to work immediately when she got home.

Hu Xiaofang also heard about Nuan Nuan's cold. When the little girl caught a cold, her grandparents, her parents, and her parents were very anxious. Fortunately, her mother was good, and the little girl didn't suffer very much when she caught a cold.

"It's much better, it seems that she has the energy to come out with me now." Chen Xiayue said with a smile as she looked at the Nuan Nuan who was playing with her grandparents under the tree next to her.

Hu Xiaofang also nodded, "I met your second brother when I went to the machinery factory this time. He asked me to greet you and ask how you and Nuan Nuan are doing, okay?"

Chen Xiayue smiled happily when she heard the words, "Thank you my second brother, you have seen my second brother, how is his work? Is it okay?"

"According to what my family Cheng Min said, your second brother is of course living a good life. Although he is not married, he is handsome and free." Hu Xiaofang sighed, then leaned over and bumped Chen Xiayue with his shoulder and asked, " Hey, your second brother really doesn't plan to get married? Is he almost thirty?"

"I can understand if it's in the army, but your second brother is now in the machinery factory, so you don't need to be so busy as the army that you don't even have time to deal with personal marriage matters, right? Your second brother, he is true. Don't you want to get married?" Hu Xiaofang was very curious.

It's really because Chen Xiabai is so good, especially after her husband entered the machinery factory, she can often hear from her own man how powerful Chen Xiabai in the technical department of their machinery factory is, and she is more and more promising with the chief engineer.

In addition, he is Chen Xiayue's second brother, Zhang Chengmin pays more attention to Chen Xiabai. The more he pays attention, the more surprised he is, how can such a person be so good?

But Zhang Chengmin just didn't understand why Chen Xiabai didn't get married. There were many girls who admired him, but he didn't take it to heart at all. He only wanted to do research and learn more knowledge from the chief engineer.

"My second brother..." Chen Xiayue wanted to say something, but an aunt came over and said to Chen Xiayue, "A Chuan's, your second brother isn't married yet?"

She had just heard Hu Xiaofang's words, and also knew that Chen Xiayue's second brother was not only good-looking, but now he is also a technical engineer in a machinery factory and has a promising future. Most importantly, she is not married yet.

"Achuan's family, look at our Qiulian, she is eighteen years old this year, when she was young and beautiful, do you think your second brother is a good fit? Your second brother is almost thirty, our Qiulian is She's only eighteen..." The aunt's words meant that Chen Xiabai was almost thirty, and it was a blessing for her eighteen-year-old girl to fall in love with him.

Although the aunt's expression was still somewhat flattering, to be honest, she just felt that her daughter was 18 years old, when she was young and beautiful, and it was really an honor for Chen Jiatian to see the second brother of Chen Xiayue's family who was almost 30 years old. .

Of course, Chen Xiayue also heard what the aunt said, and her face was a little ugly.

What's the meaning? I fell in love with her second brother's work, and because of her second brother's good salary, how dare you marry her second brother, and even dare to dislike her older brother's age?

The man has forty-one flowers, her second brother is not yet 30 years old, and he is still a flower bone. How dare you despise her second brother for being old?

Hu Xiaofang was also a little funny, looked at the aunt and said, "Er son of a bitch, are you thinking too much? What happened to your Qiulian at eighteen years old? How many years have you read? Do you have a job now? Does my Xia Yue look good?"

"Isn't it? Without you, how dare you say that you have a crush on Xia Yue's second eldest brother, and you still think your daughter is at a loss for Xia Yue's second eldest brother? People don't look down on your Qiulian."

"Our second brother Xia Yue said that his future mother-in-law will graduate from high school, and it would be better if he went to college. To have a stable job, the salary does not need to be as good as his, but not too bad. The most important thing is not to look too different from him."

"You said, where is your Qiulian suitable?" Hu Xiaofang said mockingly.

Although this Qiu Lian girl was eighteen years old, at a young and beautiful age, she was not bad looking, but she was not the prettiest among the unmarried girls in the Yunhe Brigade.

Moreover, Qiu Lian's parents prefer sons to daughters. They like her brother Ergouzi the most. Qiu Lian and her younger sister have never read books, and they need them to do all the housework. Even if he looks good, he is definitely not suitable for Chen Xiabai in other aspects.

It's not that Hu Xiaofang's mouth is poisonous, or that she doesn't understand Qiu Lian, it's that Qiu Lian is not a character she likes. It may be because of the character developed in the family atmosphere of her family. According to Chen Xiayue's words, Qiu Lian's character is a bit like that of white lotus and green tea.

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