Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 456: dental care

Karina was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, and said steadily, "I... I bought a lot of candy."

Not only sugar, Karina not only bought all kinds of sugar in the grocery store, but also bought all kinds of cakes, cheeses, cakes and other desserts, and Xu Jinyuan cultivated it after taking the recipe given by Chen Xiayue The chef's desserts were good, so Karina ate more.

If you eat too much sweet, of course Karina will have a toothache.

Chen Xiayue looked at Karina after she took out the painkillers in Xu Jinyuan and took them. She finally stopped being in pain, but her face was still a little bulging. Obviously, although the toothache was relieved by the painkillers, her dental problems were still there. needs to be resolved.

Chen Xiayue only remembered the problem of teeth at this time. She also thought about it before, but because she has a lot of things that can take care of her teeth, she is not afraid that her teeth will be damaged by eating.

And her daughter, because she has just grown a few millet teeth, she also strictly supervises her not to let her eat too much sugar or something. She rinses her mouth every day, so she doesn't have to worry about her teeth.

But Chen Xiayue thought about it, her parents-in-law's teeth should not be so good. Although everyone's hygiene habits have improved because of her arrival, the wear and tear of teeth in the early years cannot be recovered.

So should she also study the problem of teeth with her teacher, and how should she repair her teeth? What should be done?

"I'll ask Yichen about your toothache, you, don't eat so much sugar." Xu Jinyuan said helplessly, looking at Karina's slightly bulging profile, a toothache is not a disease, it can kill you when it hurts. It really fits anywhere.

Xu Jinyuan talked to Karina, and then talked to Chen Xiayue, and then went to Mo Yichen to ask if there was any medicine for toothache, and by the way, she solved her tooth decay problem.

Chen Xiayue thought about it, cleaning teeth, repairing teeth, etc., should try the power of technology. So, she should go to Ans and ask if they have high-tech products for teeth.

Ans, who received Chen Xiayue's message, came over quickly, looked at Chen Xiayue doubtfully and said, "What are you looking for? I've been very busy recently."

He is approaching the age of marriage, the royal family needs a big event, and he needs to get married when he is old. It is very good to develop a relationship with his fiancée recently, so getting married is a natural and logical thing, and he needs to be busy with a lot of things.

Unexpectedly, at this critical time, he was called over by Chen Xiayue.

"Are you busy?" Chen Xiayue smiled embarrassedly at this, and asked after apologizing to Ans, "Ans, do you have any good things for teeth treatment over there?"

"It's something that can clean teeth, repair damaged teeth, etc.?" Chen Xiayue asked.

"Are you talking about toothbrushes? Our toothbrushes all have this function. If you add toothpaste, it can clean teeth, repair teeth, and care for teeth." Ans said, "Most of us orcs used to be. They all eat food directly, and their teeth are of course well protected.”

"Orcs also have some of the habits of beasts, so of course teeth are very important to orcs. The care and maintenance of teeth are very important."

"If you want, I will give you a set of toothbrush and toothpaste. If you want to mass-produce and sell it, I can also give you the technology." Ans said.

"That's good..." Chen Xiayue nodded happily, but before she finished speaking, Ans planned for her.

"In exchange, my wedding is coming soon, and the wedding banquet is the top priority. Do you think you are going to be in charge of my wedding banquet or formulate the menu and recipe?" Ans asked.

Chen Xiayue: "...You should know that I can't go to your side at all. Even if I make it here and send it to you, I can't cook so many dishes by myself."

Chen Xiayue didn't want to take on such a hard job. She didn't have a very specific concept of how much orcs could eat, but after reading countless orc novels, she knew very well that orcs' food intake must be much larger than that of ordinary people.

And the wedding banquet, especially the wedding banquet of an imperial emperor like Ans, must be very grand, and there must be many guests. With so many people's food, how could she cook it alone?

"So, I'll choose to make a menu for you. When the time comes, I will send you the recipe." Chen Xiayue said helplessly.

Ans nodded, "I'll bring the things over later and put them directly in the store. Remember to take them away."

"Yeah." Chen Xiayue nodded. With the high-tech toothbrush and toothpaste from Ans and the others, the problem of teeth would be solved.

Chen Xiayue was overjoyed and waited happily for Ans to deliver the toothpaste and toothbrush technology. Although she didn't understand the words of Ans and the others, didn't Zhang Chengchuan understand?

Chen Xiayue's language talent is really not strong enough. She grew up in her hometown in her previous life, so she knows the dialect of their hometown, but she does not know the dialect of Qiongnan Province, even if she is a native of Qiongnan Province, her Qiongnan Provincial dialect can not speak a few words.

As for foreign languages ​​such as English, it is even more impossible. Her English grades are not very good. At that time, Gao Lao not only broke down in mathematics, but also in English.

The language talent is not good. After graduating from college, she also lived in Guangdong Province for a few years, but she still did not learn Cantonese. So ah, she has been in contact with Ans for several years and she does not understand Interstellar and Interplanetary Script at all.

On the contrary, Zhang Chengchuan, not only did he learn English, Russian and German well, but also the Interstellar Common Language and the Interstellar Common Script.

"Ans, can you find me some medical and medical books from your interstellar side? I plan to study and improve my knowledge." Chen Xiayue continued.

The worlds she is now connected to are more technologically advanced than the plane she is in, and of course medicine is also very developed. She can learn medical knowledge from the 22nd century, so why can't she learn from the interstellar and magical continents?

The most important thing is that there are countless medicinal materials on the Magic Continent and Interstellar, and some medicinal materials that are not found on Earth are also available there.

Especially in the interstellar plane, the technology is so advanced, and medicine must be very developed. If she learns a little bit, it will be much better and more useful than the 21st and 22nd centuries.

"Okay, I'll find it for you when I go back, and then you can ask Achuan to translate it for you." Ans agreed. As for the translation into Chinese? Sorry, even if he has learned Chinese, he is too lazy to translate for Chen Xiayue, he has no time.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

"Don't you have a translator? Can't you use the translator to translate those things into our words?" Chen Xiayue threw Ans a blank eye.

"Chinese is not our interstellar language. Even if I learned it, I haven't entered it into the translator. What's more, your words are really difficult to translate. So far, I can only understand and read it easily. I understand your words, let me enter it into the translator, do you think I'm so good?" Ans returned his eyes to Chen Xiayue.

His Majesty is in charge of all kinds of things, and it is very good to be able to learn Chinese in a few years. How can he be as proficient in Chinese as the native Chinese?

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