Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 484: mobile game 1

An imperial duke's mansion in the Magic Continent.

"This phone is really good. It's very good to be able to contact another person at such a distance." Callans really likes the magic phone.

As an heir to the duke's palace who is about to inherit the title, Calance needs to deal with a lot of things, and all the orders he sends need to be contacted. The duke's mansion is very big, and the duke's mansion also has territory.

Callans and his duke's mansion are on the side of the imperial capital, but the territory is quite far from the imperial capital. It takes a long time for an order to be sent to the territory. But with a magic phone, it's different. Even if the duke's mansion is in contact with the territory, it only takes a few breaths of time.

For example, his side is far away from the Warcraft Forest. Even if the magical airship is a means of transportation, it will take about three or four days to travel from the Imperial Capital to the Warcraft Forest.

But at such a long distance, it was also very convenient for him to contact Xu Jinyuan in the forest of beasts. When he was on the phone, it was like talking face to face.

"I heard Xu said that there are still many ways to play the mobile phone, and she has not perfected the way to play the mobile phone." Luna also said while fiddling with her mobile phone, "Listen Xu said that the mobile phone can also play games, listen to music, watch songs and dances and watch dramas. Video, she's getting ready to perfect it."

Callance nodded, "Xu said the computer is also ready for research. Although the mobile phone is very convenient, I think the computer is more convenient for handling official business."

Luna also nodded, the mobile phone is too small, a duke heir like Calance needs to be busy with a lot of things, and a small mobile phone cannot handle it.

Although Xu Jinyuan was just an ordinary great martial artist who was about to be promoted to Martial Saint, who would let her know friends who were either the young masters of the Mercenary Association, or the heirs of dukes and princes of major empires?

Callans and the others have a lot of connections to Xu Jinyuan. After researching the magic cell phone and signal tower, they built it from the Warcraft Forest back to Callans and their imperial capital and built signal towers. The countries they encountered along the way There are also several, and these are all discussed well.

After the magic phone was successfully researched and the signal tower was built, it was put into production. The difficulty of making a magic mobile phone made of level 5 magic crystals is not too high but not too low. Neither alchemy apprentices nor junior alchemists can make them, and it requires intermediate or above alchemists to make them.

Therefore, Callans, Metheus and others cooperated to open a magic mobile phone production factory. They believed that magic mobile phones could make money.

Moreover, Xu Jinyuan and the alchemists have developed a network. Although there is no huge Internet on earth, they can log in to the application market to download the newly updated applications.

For example, the various stand-alone games that Xu Jinyuan and the others have made were made on the fifth day that Xu Jinyuan went to the 22nd century to learn the scriptures.

"Luna, the alchemists and I have already researched the game. Remember to check out the app market that existed on your mobile phone before logging in. Now we only have games on our mobile phones. We will study other things after a while. function application." Xu Jinyuan said.

"By the way, have you ever played with the camera function? I recently took a lot of pictures of the Warcraft Forest to share with my family, Achen. Have you ever taken any pictures?" Xu Jinyuan called Luna excitedly.

In fact, the magic phone did only have the functions of calling and sending messages at first, but there are still basic functions such as taking pictures and photo albums. Mobile phones can not take pictures, how much less fun is that?

Xu Jinyuan used his mobile phone to take a lot of photos of the Magic Continent and shared them with Mo Yichen. Who told Mo Yichen that he could only go to the store on the Magic Plane and not enter the Magic Plane? There are many landscapes in the Magic Continent that he couldn't see with his own eyes.

In order not to let Mo Yichen have too many regrets, and to share the various beautiful scenery he has seen over the years, Xu Jinyuan took a lot of photos for Mo Yichen to see.

"Is there still a camera function? I don't know. I thought it only had the function of making calls and sending messages." Luna really didn't know that the mobile phone could still take pictures. She was also asked by Xu Jinyuan about what it was like to take pictures before. Yes, immediately became interested.

"Okay, I have to inform others. You go to the app market to see what games you want to play and download them." Xu Jinyuan said with a smile.

Although stand-alone games are free to download, sometimes some free game items are very expensive. These single-player games they make now don't cost much, but they may be in the future.

Xu Jinyuan notified the others again, and before waiting for the alchemists to rest, he ran to tell them that he wanted a social software, and it would be nice if he could form a group.

After all, I know a lot of friends, and I also know each other, so group chat is more convenient, isn't it?

Just like now she tells her friends that there are new features in the app market, and she has to call them one by one to notify them. If there is a group chat, you only need to say a word in the group, and friends can see her notifications in the group. , do not need her to call one by one.

What else can the alchemists say? In fact, they themselves are also very interested. After finishing the first batch of magic mobile phones, they have already made the second and third batches. All of them alchemists have a mobile phone.

They also think the group chat function that Xu Jinyuan mentioned is very good, so that the group of alchemists can chat in the group when they exchange technology, which is more convenient.

Although they want to play the game now that the game is online, they want to do research even more. Every time they make something good and popular, they feel a sense of accomplishment.

So, when the alchemists went to study the group chat function, people who had already got their mobile phones started to open the app market to download the game.

Lianliankan used the pictures provided by Xu Jinyuan as the material. She recently took her mobile phone into the forest of monsters and took a lot of pictures of monsters, and all the pictures of Lianliankan were made with pictures of monsters in the forest of monsters.

The pictures in the Warcraft version are very good-looking. Of course, they are not the patterns made by the most real photos, but the cute version.

After Xu Jinyuan took pictures and saved them, he ran back to the 22nd century to find a painter. The base next to Yan Wenluo’s farmhouse was built quite large, so of course there are talents like painters.

These monsters are all cute pictures, and each monster looks very cute. Looking at the monsters on the phone and thinking about the monsters in reality, people who play games have a confused feeling.

However, the girls like such beautiful pictures very much, and they are very happy when they play Lianliankan.

Girls like Luna and Karina prefer Lianliankan, and of course the children at home also like Lianliankan. Men play too, but their favorite is Tetris.

Calance, the heir to the duke who needs to deal with a lot of affairs every day, will find time to play games. This way of relaxing is really very good, and Calance feels much more relaxed.

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