The magic continent is really lively. After the appearance of the magic mobile phone, there are more computers one after another, radiating from the Warcraft Forest to Karans and their imperial capital, and then slowly radiating from this area to others place.

With computers and mobile phones, all kinds of software are gradually being perfected, so of course other industries are also emerging. Of course, music and film and television have also begun to develop.

Of course, games were developed at the beginning. Xu Jinyuan’s side initially made stand-alone games. Later, her friend, the young master of the mercenary association, suddenly thought of making an adventure game, and then began to study online games. .

Of course, Xu Jinyuan has no objection. Of course, it is better for people on the Magic Continent to study on their own than she has been carrying things on the earth.

Xu Jinyuan was too lazy to take care of it later. After communicating with Mo Yichen and Zhang Chengchuan, she would only make a few suggestions, and then leave the rest to others.

What Xu Jinyuan cared about most was cultivation, and strength was the most important thing. Even though the Magic Continent has now begun to develop towards magic technology, strength is the most important thing.

So after leaving things to others to do, Xu Jinyuan was cultivating most of the time, and Mo Yichen on the other side was also cultivating. In the 22nd century plane, the spiritual energy recovered, and after he also awakened his ability, he began to practice according to the magic practice method given by Xu Jinyuan.

Although they are in different time and space planes, they are in the same pace. Although they are occasionally busy with other things, the most important thing is to practice, that is, they will do other things to pass the time after practice.

For example, Mo Yichen taught Chen Xiayue, or followed her to study the prescriptions and medicinal materials of the interstellar plane; Xu Jinyuan played games and listened to music in his spare time.

The young master of the mercenary association is the most adventurous person. After Calance and the others returned to inherit the family business, and Xu Jinyuan stayed in the forest of monsters for love, he continued to take risks.

After he got the magic phone, he didn't worry about losing contact with other friends. Then, because of the adventure, he traveled to many places in the magic continent, and the various beautiful scenery he photographed made people fascinated.

The scenery of the Magic Continent is not the same as the scenery of the Interstellar Plane. Although they are both beautiful, they are indeed different scenery. So Chen Xiayue also changed a lot of landscape pictures from her mistress, and asked Ans to make a silent wallpaper pattern.

Of course, it is more that Chen Xiayue stored it herself or made pictures for collection, such as physical albums, put them away for collection.

The development of science and technology on the Magic Continent is vigorous. When Xu Jinyuan is busy, Chen Xiayue's life here is still passing, and the time will soon come to the New Year.

Last year, Zhang Chengyue's family didn't come back. It was Zhang Chengchuan and the others who went to his place to celebrate the New Year. This year, Zhang Chengyue wanted to come back, but he has another task temporarily.

In addition, the college entrance examination is going to end this year. Although Zhang Chengyue is in the navy, he is very busy, so he has no way to come back.

Zhang Chengyue's family didn't come back for the New Year, and Zhang Deping and Zhang Chengchuan didn't go either. I saw it last year, and this year, let’s stay in the Yunhe Brigade to celebrate the New Year with my grandparents.

"New Year's-"

The two-year-old Nuan Nuan ran around in the yard, holding the windmill Zhang Chengchuan made for her out of red paper in his hand, running around and letting the wind blow the windmill.

The little girl has short hair, because she has a lot of hair, so even at the age of two, she doesn't want to have as little hair as other children. With slightly long hair, Chen Xiayue tied two claw braids, and tied a bow with red rope for her.

The clothes on her body are also tender red, because it is still a little cold and not warm, so Nuan Nuan is not wearing a skirt but long-sleeved trousers. Although it is not as thick as a cotton coat, it is not very thin.

Nuan Nuan, who was dressed in a festive red dress, was very happy. On the afternoon of New Year's 30, Chen Xiayue gave her a bath and changed her clothes early, and let her put on new clothes and dress up beautifully to play.

"Nuan Nuan - we're here to play with you -" Zhang Guoxiang and the other little girls also came to find Nuan Nuan, and it was only when the older New Year's children played together that they were happier.

"Nuan Nuan, let's go to see my brother set off firecrackers." Zhang Guojiao also came over to hold Nuan Nuan's hand and said.

Young children like Nuan Nuan, Zhang Guoxiang and Zhang Guolan cannot set off firecrackers, but teenage children like Zhang Guoxuan and Zhang Guocheng can.

Children like to get close to their brothers and sisters to see them during the Chinese New Year for easy shooting. This is only a once-a-year opportunity, and everyone is very excited.

"Cannon-fire cannon-" Nuan Nuan was also happy, she also liked to watch people set off firecrackers, and ran away when her sisters were pulling her.

"Jiaojiao, Xiangxiang, you go out with Nuan Nuan, don't play with sand, don't play with mud, you know? You've all taken a bath, so don't get your clothes dirty." Chen Xiayue didn't stop the children from going out, but just asked them to pay attention Don't get your clothes dirty.

She is not too worried about Nuan Nuan's safety. She has told Zhang Guocheng and Zhang Guoxuan brothers before that they should not let Nuan Nuan and their young children approach the firecrackers, otherwise it will be bad if they blow up.

Fortunately, the firecrackers set off by the children were very small. If the firecrackers were as big as torpedoes, they might be dangerous.

These days, the firecrackers that people play with children are all small ones. Although it hurts to blow up, a single firecracker can't hurt a person's hand.

Chen Xiayue had seen a eldest brother several years older than her who was missing a few fingers in a previous life. According to the elders of Chen Xiayue's family, the elder brother injured his hand playing with firecrackers when he was a child, so his fingers were A few are missing.

Chen Xiayue also instructed the children and adults to play with firecrackers and only light small firecrackers one by one.

Watching Nuan Nuan follow her sisters out, Chen Xiayue turned around to continue preparing for tonight's New Year's Eve dinner.

This year, Chen Xiayue is going to make something else. For braised pork, she has already given the recipe and brine to the concubines in other rooms. She has no plans to make braised pork this year.

Chen Xiayue made roast goose. The big goose made by Chen Xiayue was very large, with a net weight of about 25 pounds. She had already cleaned up the big goose a few days ago, and then processed and marinated it for a long time, and only started to make roast goose this year.

The roast goose in the stove continued, and Chen Xiayue began to process other dishes.

Chen Xiayue planned to make Wanfu Pork, a famous imperial dish, which she cooked when she was a food blogger in her previous life. At that time, she failed several times to make this dish successfully, and now she is not worried about her failure.

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