Because Chen Xiayue poured hangover soup, and Zhang Chengchuan washed himself inside and out again, so he didn't have a headache when he woke up the next day, and he didn't wake up very late, about seven o'clock in the morning.

"I'm going to the county town today." Chen Xiayue didn't forget to turn around to meet Liu Guiying when she was packing, "Mother, are you going back to your mother's house with my father today? Or are you waiting for the eldest sister to come back at home?"

"Wait for your eldest sister, I and your father will go to the seventh team on the eighth day of the new year." Liu Guiying said that if she has a daughter and her daughter is married, she will of course return to her parents' home on the eighth day of the new year, and wait for her daughter to come back on the second day of the new year. .

"That's fine." Chen Xiayue nodded to indicate that she knew, and then took out some fabrics and the bacon, meat sauce and other items she made and put them on the living room side, "These are the gifts I prepared for the eldest sister, when the eldest sister goes back. Just let her take it back."

When Chen Xiayue returns to her mother's house, she will definitely stay at her mother's house for one night, if possible, for a few days. Then she must not be able to keep up with the eldest girl to go back to her mother's house, so she can only leave the gift she gave to the eldest girl's family.

"Okay, I understand." Liu Guiying nodded to indicate that she understood.

Chen Xiayue prepared things, and asked Zhang Chengchuan to put Nuan Nuan in front of his bicycle when he was riding a bicycle with a lot of gifts. Chen Xiayue himself rode a relatively small bicycle suitable for girls.

The couple went out with one bicycle, Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue waved to Liu Guiying and rode away.

"Huo-Achuan is going to move the whole family to his father-in-law's house?" The old lady of the Wang family next door couldn't help but said when she saw the back of Zhang Chengchuan and his wife leaving.

She looked at Liu Guiying who was standing at the door and said, "I said Cheng Yueniang, what is your Achuan doing? Bring so many things to his father-in-law's house. Are you going to evacuate your house?"

"Tell me, this little daughter-in-law of your family does nothing all day long, but she brought so many things with her when she returned to her parents' house. What is this kind of daughter-in-law going to do? Hurry up and marry someone who can do it. what."

"If you don't do anything, you are still a loser. Is your old Zhang family not at a loss?" The old lady of the Wang family said yin and yang strangely.

Even though Mrs. Wang's third daughter-in-law, Hu Xiaomei, has a good relationship with Chen Xiayue, she is still a cousin with her daughter-in-law, Hu Xiaofang, in another room of the Zhang family. She still mocks when she mocks the Zhang family.

The most important thing is that she is jealous of the good days of the next-door neighbor Zhang's family. Their eating meat every now and then makes her jealous.

Especially now that several of Zhang Chengchuan's cousins ​​have gone to work as workers in the machinery factory in the county seat, and her sons are all farming at home, and she is even more jealous.

"My A Chuan and his mother-in-law can make money, what's your business?" Liu Guiying was not provoked by Mrs. Wang at all, she looked at her coldly and said, "Jealous about my Achuan and Xia Yue's ability? Jealous of my Xia Yuehui Your mother brought a lot of things? Jealousy is useless, it is impossible for your daughter to bring you so many things."

Liu Guiying didn't want to say much to Mrs. Wang. Although the two families were neighbors, Liu Guiying felt that her relationship with her concubines might be better than Mrs. Wang. She likes Hu Xiaomei and her husband's family from the Wang family. As for Mrs. Wang, they are not very popular.

Liu Guiying went home to pack up and prepare to wait for her daughter to come back. She ignored Mrs. Wang, who was also very aggrieved, but she couldn't rush up to quarrel with Liu Guiying. What's the noise of the New Year's Eve? unlucky.

It took Chen Xiayue and the others more than two hours to finally return to the county seat. Chen Mingying and the others had already prepared lunch for them.

"Big brother and sister-in-law have returned to their parents' home?" When Chen Xiayue arrived home, she knew that her eldest brother and sister-in-law had returned to their parents' home only by seeing the second and third brothers.

Li Xinmeng's family was also in the county seat, so it was very convenient to go back to her family. But on the second day of the new year, she usually goes back to her parents' home, and it is impossible for Li Xinmeng not to go back to her parents' home on this day, and her relationship with her parents' home is not so bad that she doesn't go back on this day.

"Where's the third sister-in-law? You didn't go back with my third brother to celebrate the New Year?" Chen Xiayue looked at Wei Chenxi and asked.

"Next year, I won't go back this year." Wei Chenxi shrugged. Her parents' home is a little far from here, and it would be more troublesome to go back to her parents' home for the New Year.

This year, she just married Chen Xiahua not long ago, so she will spend the New Year at her husband's house first, and it will be the same when she will go back next year. That is to say, her in-laws are not the kind of old-fashioned person, and will not stop her from taking Chen Xiahua back to her parents' home for the New Year.

"Nuannuan, come and give grandma a hug." Li Guifen ignored her daughter and opened her hands to her granddaughter to hug her.

The only two grandchildren in the family are two boys. Although everyone likes boys these days, Li Guifen also hopes to have cute and cute granddaughters.

However, the eldest son's family has only two boys, the second son is not married, and the third son just got married and has no children, so she can only put her love for the **** her granddaughter.

In particular, Nuan Nuan combines the advantages of her parents and looks very cute. The two-year-old baby is soft and cute. When she grows up, she will definitely be a beautiful beauty. The beauty of the prosperous age may be more beautiful than her second uncle.

"Grandpa and grandma—" Nuan Nuan rushed over happily. Although she didn't go back to her grandmother's house often, she still liked her grandfather and grandmother very much.

Chen Mingying and Li Guifen happily took their granddaughter to play for a while, and then they had dinner. When Chen Xiayue and the others came back, it was just after eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock at noon, just in time for lunch.

"Today's lunch is quite rich." Chen Xiayue sighed while looking at the table full of dishes.

Chen Mingying and Chen Xiahua really worked hard. Today's lunch has a lot of good dishes, such as stewed chicken with mushrooms. The mushrooms used are still more precious chicken mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, morel mushrooms, etc. of. Then there are the famous and delicious dishes such as tea fragrant chicken, duck in Foshan Zhuhou sauce, Tibetan sheep with fish belly, and golden shredded bamboo shoots with chicken velvet.

Chen Xiayue was really overwhelmed by the cooking skills of her father and third brother, especially her father's skills were really good, she racked her brains to praise while eating.

Chen Mingying is indeed an old chef for decades, and his talent is the envy of Chen Xiayue, and his cooking skills are very good. Chen Xiayue, who has not systematically learned the cooking skills and only relies on her own talents to explore the wild way, is always self-repentant when facing Chen Mingying.

Just like the mushroom stewed chicken Chen Xiayue mostly relies on the quality of the mushrooms to stew the chicken soup very deliciously, but Chen Mingying can combine the mushrooms with the chicken, so that the mushrooms will not overwhelm the deliciousness of the chicken. .

And the dish of Tibetan sheep with fish belly was made by Chen Xiayue, but it does not mean that the appearance is good and the taste is delicious. When she was a food blogger before, she made this dish, but she could only guarantee the appearance, but there was no way to guarantee the taste.

After all, you need a good-looking dish to make a video. Anyway, the audience and fans can't taste the taste of her cooking, so the fish-bellied Tibetan sheep made by Chen Xiayue is good-looking and delicious, but it is not as good as Chen Mingying. made.

Even her third brother, who has only learned cooking for a few years, may not be able to compare to Chen Xiayue—she has only been busy studying pharmacology in recent years, and has seldom specialized in cooking. Cooking is not as good as working hard The third brother who is studying is understandable.

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