Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 497: apocalypse 2

Now there are also many people with strong combat power on the Magic Continent who are going to catch seafood. If those marine monsters are careful, they can still catch a lot of seafood.

Now Lu Zhaoming's comrades are buying these prawns from Xiayue grocery store. Yan Wenluo and Qiu Yuan are there to reward Lu Zhaoming and the others, so they don't feel bad about things or money to buy a lot. Let the chef make braised prawns for them to eat.

"Aluo, I also want to eat a fried shrimp ball." Seeing the comrades eating prawns with relish, Lu Zhaoming shouted to the kitchen.

Let these few eat the braised prawns, he eats fried shrimp balls.

"You're asking a lot." Yan Wenluo couldn't help but reply, "If you want to eat fried shrimp balls, just come over and peel the shrimp shells for me. I don't have that much time."

"Come on." Although he was hungry when he saw his comrades eating, Lu Zhaoming obediently went to help Yan Wenluo peel the shrimp shells, and he would eat the small stove made by Yan Wenluo and not be with the group. Eat a big pot of rice.

Yan Wenluo's speed is still very fast. The method of boiled pork slices and fish-flavored shredded pork is relatively simple and fast, and he will leave it to Lu Zhaoming for minced chicken and other things. When Yan Wenluo made the boiled pork slices and the fish-flavored shredded pork, Lu Zhaoming had already peeled off the shrimp shells and picked them out, so he made fried shrimp **** directly.

After peeling the shrimp shells and leaving only the beautiful shrimp tails, marinate the shrimps with salt, cooking wine and onion **** water to remove the fishy smell, then wrap them in egg liquid and bread crumbs and fry them, and the fried shrimp **** are quickly prepared.

The shrimps that Yan Wenluo bought were really big. One shrimp was about **** thick. After peeling off the shrimp shell, it was not too small. The fried shrimp **** were also good-looking and delicious.

The last diced spicy chicken Yan Wenluo marinated enough to fry once, and then started frying. The diced spicy chicken he fried wasn't very burnt, it was probably tender on the outside and tender on the inside, so that it was easy to eat.

Yan Wenluo remembered the diced spicy chicken he made before. At that time, the fried diced chicken was relatively hard, and it was very difficult to eat. After eating a plate of diced spicy chicken, he felt sore and tired in the cheeks.

After all the dishes were prepared, Yan Wenluo brought it out to Lu Zhaoming to eat. He saw that the time was almost up, and he also filled a bowl of rice to eat with Lu Zhaoming.

"Wow - boss, are you too happy? There is a small stove?"

The other people who saw Lu Zhaoming go out with a few dishes immediately shouted, although the big pot rice they ate was also very good, the ingredients were good, and the chef's cooking skills were also very good, but the big pot rice was really rough compared to the small stove a lot.

They also want such a small stove, they also want to eat such a delicate small stove, they are really envious.

"Go, go, eat your food." Lu Zhaoming didn't give them a chance to eat their meals at all. He protected them tightly by not giving them any chopsticks.

"Boss, you are really unkind. You asked Brother Yan to open a small stove for you. I also want to eat boiled meat slices and fried shrimp balls." The young warrior, now in his twenties, After eating the braised prawns, I am still very jealous of my boss's fried shrimp balls.

"Go, go, eat your meal, I'm still hungry." Lu Zhaoming waved them away, took the rice handed over by Yan Wenluo, and ate it. The boiled pork slices and fish-flavored shredded pork were special. When I was hungry, the spicy chicken and fried shrimp **** were also very delicious. Lu Zhaoming ate it with great relish, and the comrades who watched it were very envious.

"Your brother Yan is very good to your captain. Don't look at it. Eat yours. Your captain won't give you points." Qiu Yuan said helplessly, always feeling that the braised pork in his bowl And the braised prawns are not fragrant.

A few soldiers were just teasing their captain. In fact, they had almost eaten at the moment. Although they were also very jealous of Lu Zhaoming's small stove, they didn't have to eat it. Therefore, under Qiu Yuan's "persuasion", they died down, and they all gathered together to talk about what happened this time.

"Is it so chaotic outside?" Qiu Yuan was called here by Yan Wenluo half a year after the end of the world. Later, because of the existence of grocery stores, a base was established here, as well as rice fruit trees, bread fruit trees, and steamed bun fruit trees. The existence of plants, he actually did not suffer much.

I really didn't expect the world outside to be so chaotic. Many people robbed and even killed people for food, which was unimaginable for Qiu Yuan.

"Although the order on our side has stabilized, our country is so big that we cannot take care of many places." Lu Zhaoming's friend sighed.

Not to mention those remote areas, even some originally prosperous cities, as well as some third-tier cities that are relatively not prosperous but not remote, are also very chaotic.

There are not too many power users now, but they are not as few as they were at the beginning. Those who have awakened their powers feel that they may be the king and hegemon in the world like the end of the world, so they start all kinds of recruiting and provoking chaos. Things buy hearts.

This time when they went out, they received news that there was a force somewhere in the south that was going too far. It was not enough for them to squeeze ordinary people to enslave ordinary people. thing.

Lu Zhaoming and his team, or most of the soldiers in this base, drank a lot for them because of the medicinal recipes provided by Chen Xiayue and the genetic evolution fluid exchanged from Ans. Less broke through the boundaries and awakened the ability.

Originally, most people on this plane could have awakened abilities, but Lu Zhaoming and the soldiers were all very healthy and well-qualified in all aspects. Awakening abilities was only a matter of time. With the genetic evolution fluid, their awakening speed is much faster.

After awakening their abilities, they had Xu Jinyuan, a man who had been in the Magic Continent for more than 20 years, and after translating the cultivation methods of magicians and warriors over there, their abilities also had a way to cultivate them.

Because the fighting strength is strong enough, this time they will be sent to suppress the rebel forces over there.

Xu Ke has often acted with Lu Zhaoming and his team since the Xiayue grocery store first appeared on this plane. After the troops were stationed here and established a base, Xu Ke would also bring his own team to Lu Zhaoming from time to time. Zhaoming and they went on a mission together.

Of course, Xu Ke did this because Yan Wenluo had a farmhouse here. The environment was comfortable and the food was good.

This time the mission was also assigned to the two captains to go out with the soldiers under their hands, but in fact they were also with other teams.

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