In the 1970s, a unit in the Sichuan-Tibet area.

"Chief, there is a notice that we should go to the train station to receive supplies." The little soldier in the communication room hurriedly notified the head of the logistics.

"What supplies? Where did they come from?" the logistics chief asked suspiciously. He hadn't received the news that any supplies were sent, how could there be a notification?

"I don't know where it was sent, but the train station on our side called and said that there were a lot of supplies sent to our troops."

The head of logistics frowned and thought for a while, then nodded to show that he understood.

Although they are still very confused about where these materials were sent, they still intend to go and see, what if?

The head of logistics took people to the train station, and the person in charge of the train station showed them the supplies and said to the head of logistics, "I heard that these things were sent from abroad, and we don't know where they are. It was sent, but we checked the items, and they were all food and clothing."

The ability of the system is very strong. In the 20th century, everything here was sent in the name of foreign countries. It is not known who sent it, but the source must be foreign.

Of course, they are also worried about what local forces abroad have done, but seeing so many good things, they don't understand that if the local forces really want to harm people, they are reluctant to use so much food to harm people.

To be honest, there are really a lot of these materials. Rice noodles, sweet potato powder, biscuits, candies, tea eggs, dried fruits, preserved fruits, jams, etc. are not counted. There are also dried vegetables and dried meat, bacon, meat sauce and matured. of braised pork.

Those tea eggs are even more, so many tea eggs are really very greedy to look at. Of course, it's not just the tea eggs, the cooked meat, the biscuits and the dim sum club are all very greedy.

"Sent from abroad?"

"Yes, and it's not just sent to your side. According to our contact with the customs side that first received the materials, they said that these things were sent to about a dozen places, ten of them were sent to the troops, and a few more One was sent to the police stations in various places."

"We've checked all of them, all of them are food and clothing. We haven't checked whether the food is poisoned or not. These are the ones you bring back to check." The person in charge of the railway station said.

"Okay." The head of the logistics department nodded, and after receiving the supplies, he asked the soldiers he brought to bring all these things back.

This time, there are a lot of things sent to the troops in the Sichuan-Tibet area. There are about 100,000 catties of rice flour, sweet potato flour, flour and other grains alone. Plus other things, it will be even more.

The logistics chief is still worried about who sent the things. It is because their troops have received a lot of things. If you add more than a dozen others sent out, it will be even more.

So many things, such a big hand, who would it be? Can local forces do so much to harm people?

These grains, vegetables, fruits, snacks, clothing and other items were all taken away. The logistics chief contacted the top and reported the situation. Of course, the materials brought back are for the military doctors to check and check. no problem.

Troops are a very important place, and it is normal to be cautious and cautious.

The results of the inspection are of course no problem. After several years of development, the medical development of Huaxia has improved a lot. Although those medical equipment are not as advanced as those in foreign countries, they are not far behind. slow.

Especially in the top priority of the military hospital, the equipment of the military doctors must be the best, so the test results came out soon, and the results also showed that these materials were no problem.

And most of the things can be stored for a long time, so even if you are worried about what chronic things have been put on these things, you can try them slowly.

Of course, it is impossible to be poisoned by some chronic things. At this time, most of the chronic things are contaminated by some elements that can be detected by machines. These medical equipment can be detected.

After the chickens, ducks and ducks I raised have tried these foods without any problem, and after reporting the source of the materials mentioned above, the results also showed that the food is okay and everyone can eat it.

As a result, not only the troops in the Sichuan-Tibet region, but also more than a dozen places in the southwest, northeast, northwest, southeast and other regions that received these supplies all ate delicious food.

The materials used by Chen Xiayue are all of excellent quality. The things produced in the farm, the things from the interstellar plane and the things from the magical continent all contain energy, and they still have very good energy for the human body, and the taste is even better. Incredibly.

So people who eat these foods all praise the deliciousness of things.

"Did the people in the cooking class perform exceptionally well today? Isn't the food today too delicious?" a young soldier said while eating bacon and fried noodles.

"I don't know, but these are too delicious, right?" a soldier from the north said while nibbling on the steamed buns. "This steamed bun is also very delicious. I think it is much better than the steamed buns on the steamed bun fruit tree."

"The steamed buns on the steamed fruit tree have no taste, and ordinary steamed buns are better than them." The little soldier who ate sausage fried rice retorted.

After several years of popularization, the steamed bun fruit tree has grown a lot, and it also bears fruit. Of course, rice crackers and oil fruit trees are the same, it's time to bear fruit.

It just so happened that the troops in the Sichuan-Tibet area also planted a few mantou fruit trees and breadfruit trees. Although the number of fruit trees was not large for the first time, a small number of soldiers also ate the mantou fruit.

I have to say that the taste of mantou fruit is really bad, but it is also food after all. Although the food production is relatively high now, there are still some people who are not full. It should be said that most people are not full.

For many people, steamed buns are definitely a delicacy in the world. For those who are hungry, it is good to have something to eat. For them, what they can eat is a peerless delicacy.

"These things are also delicious. I like this tea egg. It's so fragrant." The little warrior who ate bacon fried rice continued.

Today, everyone in the army has been allocated a tea egg. With so many people in the army, it is very good that everyone has a fragrant tea egg. After all, this tea egg is made from very good quality tea leaves, eggs of very good quality, and some other materials.

But eggs, it is already a lot to have so many people in an army.

Tea eggs are really fragrant. Those materials such as pepper and star anise do not cover up the fragrance of tea leaves at all, and you can smell the fragrance of tea leaves before you eat them.

After peeling off the egg shell, you can still see the brown pattern on the egg white, which is very beautiful. The tea egg liquid is completely tasted by the smell of tea and spices, and it is full of fragrance in one bite.

After eating the tea eggs, I can still feel the aroma of the tea leaves in my mouth, which is more fragrant than drinking tea. It is simply addicting.

"Well, this tea egg liquid is so delicious." The little soldier who was eating bacon fried rice said contentedly after taking a bite of the tea egg.

"Yes, it's so fragrant." The little soldier who ate the steamed bun also nodded, because the tea eggs were so fragrant.

Everyone in the cafeteria is very happy. Today, I ate such delicious food and such fragrant tea eggs. It really makes me feel a lot better, and the exhaustion of heavy training is almost cleared.

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