Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 507: mother-in-law fight

During the nearly half a month when Zhang Chengchuan went to the army, Chen Xiayue was also busy evacuating the farm, and now the farm has been replenished with a lot of things one after another.

A crop like wheat only takes 20 minutes to mature. Chen Xiayue can plant many times a day, so even if the farm is emptied, she can replenish a lot of wheat in one day.

Chen Xiayue has nothing to do here. The farm will go in from time to time to harvest crops and plant them again, and then they will take care of the children.

Nuan Nuan is more than two years old, and then he is very energetic.

This child is really full of energy, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary children. Although a child over two years old does not have the strength of an adult, it is even stronger than an adult, but this girl's strength is still very painful. .

Also because of her strength, she is very energetic. Because of the existence of Nuan Nuan, the house girl, Chen Xiayue, is now used to taking her children out to spend energy instead of staying at home. The key is that Nuan Nuan will not give her a chance to stay at all. Thinking of having a good meal and going out to play.

Most of Chen Xiayue took her with her for an hour or two, and then left the person to Liu Guiying or other relatives' homes. Anyway, everyone had time to help her look after the child when they were not busy.

And Nuan Nuan is not difficult to take care of, and everyone doesn't need to watch her all the time. Children over two years old can play anything fun, and adults don't need to stare at her all the time.

Today, Chen Xiayue went out with the Nuan Nuan who was bored after taking a nap and had to take her out. Because the weather was good today, the mother and daughter all wore hats when they went out. Chen Xiayue didn't like to bask in the sun, although she only wore a straw hat. That is also sun protection, she still cares about her face.

When the mother and daughter went out, they went to Shaiguping. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiayue encountered a lot of excitement, and there was a fight in Shaiguping.

Chen Xiayue: "..." To be honest, it was quite unexpected.

It is true that there will be quarrels and fights in the Yunhe Brigade, but she did not expect that the one she saw today was actually a fight between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law.

Chen Xiayue picked up her lively daughter and looked at the pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were fighting not far away, wondering what was going on.

Although Chen Xiayue had been married to Yunhe Brigade for five or six years, she stayed at home most of the time, and it was impossible to say that she knew the entire brigade. But she knew that the pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were fighting now were Zhang Chengbing's mother-in-law and Zhang Chengbing's mother.

Chen Xiayue was very puzzled as to how they would fight. After all, they split up early, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't live under the same roof, why did they fight?

"Wu Huilian, you bastard, how dare you try to make my son not recognize his father and mother! You white-eyed wolf! Unfilial thing!" Zhang Chengbing his mother scolded while pulling his daughter-in-law's hair.

"Bah! Are we unfilial, or are you filial piety? We give you filial piety money every month, but you end up using it to subsidize other sons! The money you think of us as husband and wife came from the wind?"

"That's okay, you don't even give my family Sanya eggs to eat. What our husband and wife gave you will give to the little cubs of the old family to eat or not to my family Sanya? What do you mean? We are not filial? It's your grandchildren that you treat like this, why do we still give you things?" Of course Wu Huilian couldn't stand to beat her mother-in-law, and she also scratched a few red marks on her mother-in-law's face.

"Sanya is just a girl, lose money! What eggs do you eat?! Dalong and the others are boys and the backbone of the old Zhang family! What's wrong with me giving them eggs?!" Zhang Chengbing said angrily.

"The mainstay of the old Zhang family? I bah! Just like Zhang Dalong's bastard, the mainstay!" Wu Huilian scolded.

"Wu Huilian, you **** | How dare you say my son? You tore you up!"

Well, after Wu Huilian scolded her nephew, her sister-in-law joined the battle. Now it's two women fighting against one, and the battle is fierce.

But in fact, Wu Huilian's combat effectiveness is still very strong, even if one person faces her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, she still does not lose the wind and fights evenly.

Chen Xiayue looked helpless. Seeing that Hu Xiaofang, Zhao Qiuju, Huang Qiuyu and the others were watching the excitement not far away, they rushed up.

"Sister-in-law, what's the trouble?" Chen Xiayue asked Huang Qiuyu.

When Huang Qiuyu heard Chen Xiayue's words, she looked at her, but after seeing Nuan Nuan, she smiled and hugged Nuan Nuan. After she hugged her soft and cute niece, Huang Qiuyu also explained to Chen Xiayue what happened. something happened.

To put it simply, Wu Huilian and Zhang Chengbing will give their parents something every month, which was agreed when they separated.

As a result, Wu Huilian found out that the food they sent was not eaten by her in-laws, but to subsidize her eldest brother's house.

Forget it, Zhang Chengbing's mother still treats her differently. She is very kind to the children in the big room. She is just scolding Wu Huilian's daughter, and she doesn't even give her daughter an egg.

Although Wu Huilian also prefers sons to daughters, she just values ​​her son more. Although she is not so good to her daughter, she will not beat her casually. When the child is disobedient, she will scold her, and she will beat her only when she makes a mistake.

As a result, the mother-in-law treated her daughter like this, how could Wu Huilian stand it?

Especially the big dragon of the big house was very rude to Wu Huilian's daughter. This time, he robbed the cake Wu Huilian made for the child, and pushed Wu Huilian's daughter Sanya to the point of breaking her head and bleeding a lot. , Wu Huilian immediately slapped Zhang Dalong in anger.

Oh wow! This slap just poked a hornet's nest.

When Wu Huilian broke up at the beginning, her mother-in-law became more and more disliked by her daughter-in-law, who was quite satisfied at the time. As a result, she even hit her precious grandson now, how could Zhang Chengbing's mother endure it?

No, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law started fighting.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

"The child is injured and bleeding. Have you sent him to the doctor?" Chen Xiayue asked. Maybe after she had the child, she focused on the child. I wonder if Sanya from Wu Huilian's family sent her to the doctor.

"Go and go." Hu Xiaofang nodded, "Zhang Chengbing and his wife sent it to Dr. Song to see. After Dr. Song dealt with it, Chengbing's mother-in-law came back to fight with her mother-in-law."

"Zhang Chengbing took his daughter home now, but he should be here too." Wu Hongmei also said.

It was because of Zhang Chengbing's absence that Wu Huilian was able to fight with her mother-in-law. If she was there, it would be impossible.

Compared with Wu Huilian, who is a mother, Zhang Chengbing doesn't care about her daughter even more. It was good to be able to take her to the doctor when her daughter was injured. It was impossible for Wu Huilian to fight with her mother.

Chen Xiayue didn't express any opinion. She was too lazy to think about what a man should do in such a situation where his wife and children were in opposition to their mother. Putting such a thing on Zhang Chengchuan, she is not sure whether what he did is perfect, so there is no good judgment.

"Okay, don't fight." Zhang Chengbing really came over as quickly as Wu Hongmei said, stopping Wu Huilian's movements.

Zhang Chengbing's brothers also came to stop the sister-in-law and their mother. The three mother-in-law and daughter-in-law almost got red-eyed, and even scolded their mouths when they were stopped.

"Mother, it's not right for Hui Lian to hit you, but Da Long robbed Sanya of my family's things and beat her to death. It's not like that. The medical expenses of our Sanya have to be paid by the eldest brother's family. ." Zhang Chengbing said with an expressionless face.

His mother had loved him since he was a child. Of course, Zhang Chengbing could not let his mother-in-law continue to fight with his mother. But the eldest brother's child bullied his daughter, even if he didn't value this daughter so much, he couldn't let his nephew bully his daughter without showing any sign of it.

Saying that the nephew is a boy and his daughter is a girl, so even if his daughter is bullied, he has to swallow it up? That's impossible. It's not like Zhang Chengbing has no son, so why should he spoil his eldest brother's child?

"What do you mean? Your mother-in-law beat me and you still want us to pay for it? Zhang Chengbing, what do you mean? You are such an unfilial son... God **** it..." Zhang Chengbing's mother was upset and scolded Zhang Chengbing in tears.

"What do you two mean? A girl's movie, loses money, and even wants us to lose money after hitting it? What are you dreaming about?" Zhang Chengbing's sister-in-law also did not accept Zhang Chengbing's statement that it was absolutely impossible to ask for money.

"Chengbing...what do you mean? It's just a girl movie, is it just a little injury?" Zhang Chengbing's eldest brother also frowned and said.

"No matter what, my family's third girl was broken by Dalong, and she also needs money to see a doctor. This money should be from the eldest brother's house."

"What? Mother, are you planning to pay this money?" Zhang Chengbing looked at his own mother with a firm gaze.

In the past, his parents loved him the most, and even his mother-in-law was very favored. But since the separation of the family, the parents have been with the eldest brother, and the son who moved out rarely swayed in front of the parents, so the relationship gradually faded.

Zhang Chengbing was too lazy to care so much, and firmly said that his eldest brother's family had to pay for the medical expenses. It makes no sense that his eldest brother's child did not need to pay for any responsibility for his daughter's damage, that's impossible.

Chen Xiayue was helpless to see the trouble with Zhang Chengbing's family. She didn't go to see the injured Sanya. After all, she didn't have a good relationship with Zhang Chengbing's family.

When Zhang Chengbing and his family split up, his second brother was still busy with Zhang Chengchuan, so Chen Xiayue didn't communicate much with Wu Huilian and the others later.

But the little girl was indeed a little wronged. Chen Xiayue asked her sister-in-law, Huang Qiuyu, to help bring three taels of brown sugar when she came to see Sanya, and asked her to take it to see Sanya.

The medicine doctor Song has already prescribed it, and Chen Xiayue did not let Huang Qiuyu bring the hemostatic medicine, scar removal cream or the like to the little girl. Anyway, Doctor Song's medical skills have become more and more exquisite, and this injury can still be cured.

Zhang Chengbing's family really made trouble so that his eldest brother lost a fortune, but the relationship between the two families became even worse. Zhang Chengbing's parents also disliked seeing this young son. They always felt that pampering the child was in vain. A white-eyed wolf or something.

Chen Xiayue couldn't help sighing after seeing the excitement.

Even the youngest son, who was so dear to him back then, is slowly not as dear as he was at the beginning after the separation. After the separation of the male and female protagonists, they had a good life, but the relationship with the husband's family was getting worse and worse.

The farming texts and chronological texts that get up early are probably similar, and there are really not many female protagonists who can get along with everyone in the husband's family.

And there are not many people like her who are lucky enough to meet these in-laws and relatives who have more or less minor problems but no major contradictions.

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