Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 516: Upgrade to level 55

Chen Xiayue didn't take Lin Yue's provocation to heart, because Lin Yue left with her belongings the next day. If there were no accidents, she would never come back in her life.

Chen Xiayue didn't care so much. After Zhang Chengchuan handed in the computer and network information, he was busy researching the base. Chen Xiayue went to the shop on the Tang plane while Liu Guiying and the others were still standing there.

"Boss Chen, I'm here to buy something." When Li Chengqian saw Chen Xiayue when he came in, he couldn't help but smile, looking like he was in a good mood.

"The little prince is in a good mood?" Chen Xiayue asked with a smile.

"Well, because the crops in the fields have been harvested." Li Chengqian said with a smile.

The flow rate of time on the Tang side is also faster than that on the 20th century plane. Chen Xiayue's side is already in July and August, so of course Li Chengqian and the others are finished.

The high-yielding grains such as sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn have all been harvested. Many people are very happy with the yield of several thousand kilograms of grain per mu. Li Shimin is even more happy, and plans to promote potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. go out.

As for the seeds? Although the crops planted in the experimental fields on his Zhuangzi have a good harvest, they cannot be planted in the entire Tang Dynasty, but can't they buy seeds from the Xia Yue grocery store? He can buy it.

Li Shimin recently made a lot of money from salt, not only sea salt, but also a lot of well salt and lake salt, and he made a lot of money. Since a lot of money is made, it is still affordable to buy food seeds.

"Moreover, carrots and white radishes have had a bumper harvest. The yield of carrots is more than 10,000 catties. Aye is very happy." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "According to the book, eating carrots often can protect your eyes and make people feel at ease. It's not like being blind at night, Aye is going to promote carrots."

Chen Xiayue nodded and said, "That's right."

In the past half a year, Datang has developed very fast. Although it takes time to wait for the food to mature, it does not take so much time for other things, such as the promotion of various foods.

Because soybeans can be used to extract oil, they can also be made into tofu, soy sauce, soybean paste, bean paste, etc., so now the price of soybeans has gradually risen a lot, and many people have made some money after growing soybeans.

After all, soybeans don't pick up the land very much, and they have the effect of fertilizing the fields. If the price is so considerable now, of course, a lot of them will be planted.

Originally, Datang also encouraged land reclamation. After the price of soybeans rose, the common people reclaimed a lot of land to grow soybeans.

"The peppers and peanuts have also matured, and the peanuts can be used to extract oil. Aye is also very happy. As for the peppers, they have been made into various delicious dishes, and the prices are still very good."

"According to what you told us, the boss, pepper can dispel dampness and drive away the cold. It is very suitable for cold places and places with heavy humidity. Lingnan and Yizhou are also suitable. Aye means that in the future, We need to promote chili to Lingnan and Yizhou." Li Chengqian said.

"Very good." Chen Xiayue nodded, "So what did the little prince want to buy today?"

"I'm going to look at the book on gewu." Li Chengqian said, "I met Mr. Zhang from your boss when I came here. He said before that he could let me learn gewu. As a prince, I really can't just do it. I'm learning about things, but I'm still going to find some books to read, or do research for my younger brothers."

"Really? Then I'll find it for you." Chen Xiayue didn't find any modern books on chemistry, physics and biology for Li Chengqian, but gave Li Chengqian those books that were more suitable for the ancients.

Chen Xiayue found a lot of professional bigwigs from the 22nd century to help write it, so Chen Xiayue didn't worry about Li Chengqian that they couldn't understand it.

Chen Xiayue sent Li Chengqian away, and then watched with a smile that her farm had been upgraded again.

[Ding——Congratulations on upgrading the farm to level 55, rewarding Jelly Yulu and Chocolate Peach Beauty. 】

When Chen Xiayue just returned to the farm from the store, she heard the system's prompt sound. The crops she will be rewarded for upgrading to level 55 this time are two edible plants.

According to the information provided by the system, jelly jade dew is a plant that looks very similar to the succulent jade dew. The leaves are thick and round, and the taste is exactly the same as jelly.

And there are many colors of jelly jade dew, what kind of color represents what kind of taste.

The transparent color is of course lychee, the pink is strawberry, the milky white is milk, the yellow is mango, the bright red is watermelon, the orange is orange, etc. These jelly yulus have a total of Ten flavors.

Chen Xiayue narrowed her eyes, the ten jelly jade dew that happened to be rewarded by the system are in ten flavors, right? Chen Xiayue was very satisfied, she could give it to her daughter, and she also tried it.

Of course, Chen Xiayue can make jelly herself, but since she already has pure natural and delicious jelly and eats it directly, why does she have to work hard to make it herself?

Another reward plant is called Chocolate Peach Beauty, which also has the same appearance as the succulent Peach Beauty, and the taste of Peach Beauty is of course not as much as Jelly Yulu.

It seems that the chocolate beauty has only a few flavors such as Bai Qiao, Hei Qiao, and Jiu Xin. Of course, whether it is black Qiao or Bai Qiao, the chocolate peach beauty is sweet and not very bitter.

Chen Xiayue doesn't really like sweets, but it's okay to eat them occasionally, and occasionally eating sweets will bring people a sense of happiness.

There are only two kinds of rewards for level 55. As for the rewards, Chen Xiayue doesn't care. Now her life is still good, even if the things that the system rewards her are not what she or the environment she is in needs, she doesn't care anymore.

After taking out ten jelly jade dew and ten chocolate peach beauties, Chen Xiayue placed them on the shelf in her corridor.

Because Chen Xiayue likes to plant flowers, part of the empty space in the yard is planted with vegetables, and part of it is planted with flowers, which seems to take up a lot of space. Chen Xiayue asked Zhang Chengchuan to make a shelf. Several shelves can be placed with a lot of flowers and green plants.

Most of the shelves are filled with dolphin flowers, fragrant snowballs, strawberries and other plants, and now it is also good to put jelly yulu and chocolate peach beauty.

"Summer Moon."

Just when Chen Xiayue put things on the shelf, she heard the voice of her eldest brother, and when she looked up, she saw Chen Xiasong riding a bicycle parked in front of her house.

"Brother? Why did you come here?" Chen Xiayue was very puzzled, why did her eldest brother come here?

"Come here and tell you about buying a house." Chen Xiasong said with a smile, stopped the bicycle and entered the yard, picked a fruit in the yard and ate it without saying hello to his sister.

"I received a notice that I would be a math teacher at Yangcheng University. Your sister-in-law also received an invitation from a university over there in Yangcheng, asking her to be a Chinese teacher." Chen Xiasong said with a smile, it seemed that he was in a real mood very good.

Li Xinmeng has not been idle in these years even as a language teacher. She is still enriching herself by reading a lot of literature books, and occasionally writes articles and submissions. Her manuscript fee alone is more than her fixed salary. .

Chen Xiasong and Li Xinmeng had good grades in college. Later, they were assigned to teach in their hometown after graduation. They have also done well over the years. In particular, Chen Xiasong's mathematics is really very good. The school hired him to teach at Yangcheng University after careful consideration.

Don't let him teach senior students at once. He starts teaching from the freshman year. If his teaching quality is good in the future, he will definitely be able to get promoted.

As for Li Xinmeng, her articles over the years have been really well written, so she was invited to be a Chinese teacher at the university, and she also taught her from her freshman year.

Both the husband and wife have received invitations from the university, and they will not refuse, and plan to accept the invitation to be university teachers.

"Because my sister-in-law and I are going to teach in Yangcheng, the house is left to Xia Bai. Didn't we buy a piece of land? The house is already built, but we don't plan to live in it now. , leave it to Xia Bai to take care of it."

"As for your house, it's almost finished now," Chen Xiasong said.

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