Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 527: popular metheus

Metheus is still single and has not met a girl he likes, so the girls from the major noble families are fond of him, and even some married ladies also think of him.

However, Misuses keeps himself clean, in other words, Calance, Misuses, and the others who mix with Xu Jinyuan have not only dated one girl from beginning to end, but they don't have the habit of cheating.

For example, the nobles and even the wealthy businessmen on the Magic Continent have a wife, but there are also countless mistresses. Even Karance's father had several lovers besides him and Karina's mother.

Only Calance and Luna grew up as childhood sweethearts, and apart from Luna, they did not flirt with any girl. And Misius, this kid likes Xu Jinyuan and knows very well that Xu Jinyuan doesn't like men who care, so he has been keeping himself clean until now.

The other men in their squad, although they were in love, never dated two or more girls at the same time.

Relatively speaking, Metheus is really special. He has never been in love, and he has never crossed the line even if he likes Xu Jinyuan. Also because he liked Xu Jinyuan before, he never found a lover or fell in love. How could such a man not be liked by girls?

"Metheus is really popular, but someone in my family wants me to be with Metheus." Karina said with a frown.

Not to mention that Metheus is her cousin, cousins ​​can get married on the magical continent, and there are no rules that close relatives cannot marry in the magical continent.

But Karina and Metheus have grown up together since they were young, and they didn't like the feelings from childhood to adulthood, and it is even more impossible now.

"That fellow Misius, I can't imagine spending a lifetime with her." Karina couldn't help shaking and said.

When their cousins ​​and sisters meet, they often quarrel. They can only be cousins ​​who have a good relationship, and it is impossible to get married as a husband and wife.

"But I heard that Metheus' sister plans to introduce him to the princess of the royal family." Karina raised her eyebrows and said.

Metheus' father was also a romantic, and Metheus' mother was not yet his father's first wife. So the person who introduced the object to Metheus was the daughter of the ex-wife of Metheus' father.

"Princess of the royal family?" Xu Jinyuan has also been in the Magic Continent for more than 20 years, and she also knows a little about Karina and the other royal princesses.

"I heard that the person to be introduced is Princess Hathaway."

"Princess Hathaway? Rumor has it that there is only a beautiful vase princess?" Xu Jinyuan asked in surprise.

This Princess Hathaway's reputation in the royal family has no good reputation except for her beauty. She is not good at learning, magic talent and martial arts talent. Anyway, in the reputation spread by the royal family, she is a beautiful vase and straw bag beauty.

Xu Jinyuan didn't know whether such a reputation was the result of a palace fight or whether Hathaway was just beautiful. Anyway, the princess' reputation was only because of her good looks. She was the most beautiful in the royal family, and was the most favored by the emperor. The most beautiful concubine is not as good-looking as her.

This Princess Hathaway, Xu Jinyuan, has met. To be honest, she believes that she is also good-looking. Both Luna and Karina are also very good-looking, and they are both first-class beauties. However, compared with Princess Hathaway, it is a lot bleak.

That Princess Hathaway is really a prosperous beauty, and she has really seen the appearance of the country and the city. The most beautiful person she has ever seen in her two lifetimes is this Princess Hathaway.

However, Princess Hathaway is 20 years old this year, but still no one wants to marry her, because she can't know anything but good looks.

He was not even favored. After all, the emperor had quite a lot of children, eighteen sons and twenty daughters. Hathaway's mother's background was not very good, and later fell out of favor, and Hathaway was nothing. Yes, in a palace with many siblings, it is normal not to be favored.

There is no mother family. I know nothing but good looks, and I am not favored. Why would such a princess marry and go home?

The big nobles were unwilling to marry Hathaway, neither were the middle-level nobles, and the minor nobles were not worthy of it, so Hathaway was twenty years old and had yet to get married.

Xu Jinyuan: "..."

"Princess Hathaway is only 20 years old, so she is still very young. Even if she is not engaged, she will not have such a bad reputation, right?" Xu Jinyuan wondered, what's wrong with not getting married at the age of 20? She's already in her thirties, isn't she still not married?

"The key is that for the royal princess, if you have poor cultivation talent, then only marriage is worth it. And Hathaway, if you have no cultivation talent, and no one asks for marriage, doesn't that mean she is useless?" Karin Na said.

"Since that's the case, why would Mitheus' sister plan to introduce Hathaway to Mitheus?" Xu Jinyuan wondered.

Metheus' sister can't see her brother so badly? Even if they weren't born to the same mother, they shouldn't do such a thing, right? Hasn't Metheus' sister been nice to him over the years?

"I just heard that it seems that my family and Misus's family want to match the two of us, and then Misues's sister plans to match Hathaway and Misues." Karina shrugged, "Me and Mixiu It's impossible, but it's not up to me to decide whether Hathaway and Metheus are suitable."

Xu Jinyuan nodded and said, "What about you? Haven't you thought about getting married?"

"There are too few good men, I don't plan to get married." Karina smiled, "I have the ability, the cultivation base is high, and the family background is prominent. I don't want to get married and just want to fall in love. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

"As long as my ability is strong enough, as long as my cultivation base is high enough, then no one can ask me to do things I don't like. The same is true of marriage, I have no plans to get married." Karina said.

Even though her eldest brother and sister-in-law are in a good relationship, the couple is still sweet and loving after they have been in love for so many years. Karina is not confident that the man she meets can be as single-minded as her eldest brother to his wife.

Moreover, Karina also felt that the **** would be too uncomfortable if she was married. Her elder brother and sister-in-law had a good relationship, so she was willing to get married and bound herself in the marriage, but she was not willing.

Karina has no confidence that her relationship with a person can last for a long time. If the relationship is gone in the future, and the marriage cannot go on, will she have to aggrieve herself? Although it is possible to get a divorce, it is too troublesome, so it is better not to get married at all.

Xu Jinyuan looked at her and shook her head helplessly, not to mention the men in their team, even Karina has been in love many times over the years.

This girl is really not good-looking, she will go after a good-looking man. If the other party wants to have a relationship like her, she will fall in love, and then they will break up peacefully after a period of time.

Karina's longest relationship was three years, but she still broke up peacefully after the relationship dissipated. Karina will not fall in love with those men who want to get married. She also said that she does not look forward to marriage and does not want to get married, so the object of love does not want to get married.

After so many years, Karina has changed a lot of boyfriends for so many years, and now it seems that it is not surprising to say that she will never marry in the future.

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