Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 535: Extra: Warmth 2

Chen Wenyang's little friend has grown chubby since she was a child. When she was still in confinement, she ate a lot. Her mother Chen Xiayue's milk was almost not enough for her.

Later, the little guy's appetite became bigger and bigger, although Chen Xiayue knew how to nourish, but after four or five months, Chen Wenyang's little girl would not have enough milk, so she could only drink milk powder.

The milk powder is also the milk powder processed from the milk from the cattle farm in Chen Xiayue's farm, so it is very nutritious.

However, Chen Xiayue still knows how to control her daughter's weight. Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan also checked her daughter's body and found that her reaction was not that she was sick, but that she was born to eat a lot. Not a big deal either.

As long as Yangyang eats a lot without affecting her health, Chen Xiayue won't limit her too much. It's only a two-year-old baby, and Chen Xiayue can't let her eat too much, and it's impossible to feed her into a fat man who is more than 60 to 70 pounds at the age of two.

Chen Wenyang is 27 months old and weighs 18kg. She is not very fat, but her face and arms and legs are chubby. Chubby children are cute, and their round faces and round eyes are even more beautiful.

"a~" Yangyang was hugged by her elder sister, and then gave her a big kiss, "Sister, kiss?"

"a~" Zhang Nuan also gave his sister an oversized Momo Da, and then rubbed her nose and said, "Sister went to school, does Yangyang miss her?"

"Think, sister." Yangyang said firmly.

"Awesome, our family Yangyang is really good." Zhang Nuan said with a smile.

"Hee hee, Yangyang is awesome!" Yangyang said with a smile.

"School? Come, drink some of the juice your mother just squeezed." Liu Guiying, who saw her granddaughter coming back from school, smiled and handed a glass of juice.

This juice was calculated by Chen Xiayue after her daughter was out of school, so she squeezed it before her daughter got home, just in time for the best taste.

"Thank you grandma." Zhang Nuan said to Liu Guiying after taking the juice.

"No thanks, no thanks..." Liu Guiying smiled happily as she looked at her second granddaughter and then at her younger granddaughter.

The sisters Zhang Nuan and Chen Wenyang are really very similar. If it weren't for the age difference of more than five years, the sisters would really be called twins when they went out.

"Nuannuan, grandma asked you something?" Liu Guiying said hesitantly.

"What's the matter, grandma?" Zhang Nuan looked at Liu Guiying suspiciously. His grandma would never speak to her in such a tone.

"It's... Sister An Ning from your uncle's family, she wants to come back here to study... Is it possible? After she comes back, she may want to live with you. If not, it doesn't matter, we can still pack a room for you, Sister An Ning... ..." Liu Guiying said.

Although it is said that the eldest granddaughter comes back to study here without seeking the opinion of the child Nuan Nuan, Liu Guiying also loves Nuan Nuan, the second granddaughter. Especially since Nuan Nuan was brought up by him, she valued Nuan Nuan's opinion more and didn't want her to be sad.

"What? Sister Anning wants to come back to study? Yes." Zhang Nuan didn't care at all, but welcomed Sister Anning back.

"But grandma, will An Ning be with Uncle and Bum? She knows more children from the army. Will she be sad if she comes back to the village to study?" Zhang Nuan hesitated.

"Hey..." Liu Guiying rubbed the top of her granddaughter's head and said, "Your uncle has moved to another place. After you have moved away from the original place, your sister Anning has to transfer to another school, and you have to leave a friend you have known for a long time. It just so happened that your eldest Bum I've also been promoted, and I'm even more busy, so I don't have time to take care of your sister Anning."

"Your brother Weiguo and the others are also going to transfer schools, but your brother Weiguo and the others are already in high school and can live on campus. Only you, Sister Anning, is a few months older than you, so she is now in elementary school and cannot live on campus. "Liu Guiying said.

Zhang Chengyue has been transferred to the Navy for a long time, and recently he just moved away from his original place. Also because of the transfer of positions, Zhang Anning's children need to transfer to another school.

Originally, when Zhang Anning was on the island, he could still follow his brothers. The place where his mother went to work was also very close, and the nearby neighbors also took care of her, so she could feel at ease. No matter how busy Zhang Chengyue and Wang Xuemei are, there will be someone to help look after the children.

However, this time, the school was far away from the Military Academy, and the school was not on the side of the army, so Zhang Chengyue and Wang Xuemei were even more busy. In this way, Zhang Anning has no one to pick him up.

In this case, Zhang Anning can only go to boarding school, and there is no need to go home often at the boarding school. Parents who have no time to pick up and take care of their children because of their busy work will be relieved.

But since she was going to be sent to a boarding school, it would be better to send the child back to her hometown. After all, the primary school here is also very good, and there are relatives here, as well as Zhang Anning's grandparents, uncles and aunts to take care of her.

Even if Zhang Anning misses his parents, Zhang Chengchuan still has a computer and a mobile phone to make video calls.

So Zhang Chengyue and Wang Xuemei discussed sending their daughter back to her hometown to study. Of course, they also sought the opinions of Zhang Chengchuan and his wife and Zhang Deping.

After listening to grandma's words, Zhang Nuan nodded and said, "Okay, Sister Anning is back to go to school with me, I'm very happy."

Zhang Nuan didn't dislike her sister Zhang Anning because she didn't get along with her often. Zhang Nuan has a very high affinity. Most children like her very much, and most adults also like her very much.

And Zhang Anning, her sister who is only a few months older than her, likes her very much, even though they don't spend much time together, but they get along very happily every time they meet.

Now that Sister Anning is going back to her hometown to study, of course Zhang Nuan will not refuse, and she is not afraid of getting along well with her sister.

"That's good, thank you Nuan Nuan for understanding." Liu Guiying couldn't help but kiss her granddaughter. Her granddaughter is really a caring little padded jacket and a sensible child.

Zhang Nuan smiled back and kissed his grandma, and then shared the juice with his sister.

The juice is a mixed juice that Chen Xiayue squeezed with watermelon, strawberry, orange and other fruits. She adjusted the proportions very well. The taste of the juice is full of layers, and it will not taste bad because of their different tastes.

This glass of juice is very delicious, Nuan Nuan drank more than half of it and then gave some to my sister. After the two sisters finished drinking the juice, they went to play.

Chen Xiayue did not arrange too much housework for Zhang Nuan, but she often asked her to do tasks such as taking care of her sister, enlightening her, and playing with her, but she did not ask Zhang Nuan to give in unconditionally. pamper sister.

When Zhang Wennuan was playing with his sister, he did not forget to sweep the leaves in the yard. The sisters happily turned on the faucet and watered the flowers and vegetables with a hose.

Zhang's yard is still full of all kinds of flowers. In addition to flowers, there are a lot of vegetables and fruits, which makes Zhang Nuan and sisters very happy. There is no girl who doesn't like the flowers in the yard.

In the evening, Zhang Guoxiang and the others came over. The children of Zhang's family who were still in elementary school all gathered at Chen Xiayue's house to eat together.

"It's all here? Have you washed your hands? Let's eat after washing your hands." Chen Xiayue greeted her nephews and nieces with a smile.

Today Chen Xiayue made cola chicken wings and honey sauce chicken wings. Because there are so many children, Chen Xiayue made fifty chicken wings. In addition to these two flavors of chicken wings, Chen Xiayue also made lemon boneless chicken feet, fish **** in clear soup, and roasted duck neck with sauce, which are more favorite foods for children.

Of course, Chen Xiayue didn't forget other dishes, such as Dezhou Braised Chicken, Fuliji Roast Chicken, Shredded Seaweed Salad, Winter Melon Pork Rib Soup, etc.

"Wow, this chicken wing is so delicious." Zhang Guoning sighed while eating a chicken wing from a cola, grabbing a whole chicken wing full of oil in his hand.

"Aunt Xia Yue, isn't the food you made too delicious?" Zhang Guosen said to Chen Xia Yue while eating chicken wings.

"My mother's cooking isn't as delicious as yours, Aunt Xia Yue." Zhang Guoxing followed suit.

"Eat more if you like, but don't eat too much, it's not good for the stomach." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, she took care of two-year-old Yang Yang, this little guy wants to see his brothers and sisters eating chicken wings eat.

Chen Xiayue handed her a piece of chicken wings for her to grab and chew, with a saliva pocket around her neck, so there was nothing to worry about.

Chen Xiayue didn't pay attention to her little daughter all the time. The two-year-old child can eat by himself.

"Mother and father, I cooked these chicken wings very tasty, you can also try it." Chen Xiayue added dishes to Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping.

Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping are not yet in their 60s. They still work in the fields every day, but they always ask for help when planting rice and ploughing the fields. It is impossible for the old couple to be the same as when they were young. desperately.

They are all people who have worked for half their lives, and it is impossible to do nothing when they are idle, so now they still work in the fields every day when the sun is not very bright. Occasionally take my granddaughter out to play.

Liu Guiying was also in a good mood when she saw the chattering children at home.

The old Zhang family has developed very well over the years. Those who worked in the machinery factory have now been promoted because of their hard work in technology. And the few who established the construction team have now registered construction companies, and the development is very good.

The Zhang family's small restaurant, which is partnered by the daughters-in-law of the Zhang family, has now opened three branches, and they seem to be going to the next county to open a store. But the matter of going to the next county to open a store is just a plan. It has not been implemented yet, and it will be implemented in about a year later.

The Zhang family's children, Zhang Guocheng and Zhang Guoxuan, have all been admitted to university, and Zhang Guocheng is about to graduate from university. I heard that I performed very well in school, and I have no worries about work after graduation.

And her son, the eldest son, has now been promoted again. Although it was transferred to a new place, it was indeed a promotion. Moreover, the two grandsons are very good at studying. Now they are in high school. I heard the meaning of the eldest son and the daughter-in-law that they are very hopeful to be admitted to a good university.

And the eldest granddaughter and the little grandson, they have to come back to their hometown to study, she is really happy.

Back then, she was so resistant to her younger son marrying this daughter-in-law, but under pressure she agreed. After her son got married, she once disliked this daughter-in-law.

But I didn't expect that it was this daughter-in-law who changed her family so much.

It's impossible for Liu Guiying not to admit this. She doesn't know what her younger son looked like before he got married, and what he looks like after marriage and now?

All this is because the young daughter-in-law married into the door. So Liu Guiying is really glad that even though she felt uncomfortable, she still agreed to the marriage.

Look, if the daughter-in-law marries well, the whole family benefits.

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