Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 537: Extra: Nuan Nuan 4

After graduating from Zhang Nuan Primary School, she was admitted to the middle school in the county seat. The middle school in the county town was donated by her father two years ago. The teaching building, library, dormitory building, cafeteria and other places have been getting better and better after two years of renovation.

In the middle school of the county seat, the junior high school and the high school were connected together, so if there was no accident, Zhang Nuan would study at the county seat middle school for six years.

Because there is a house in the county town, Zhang Nuan moved to the county town and did not live on campus. After all, her house is very close to the stores opened by her aunts and aunts, so she doesn't have to worry about any safety issues when she lives here.

Moreover, her mother, Chen Xiayue, would come to accompany her two or three days a week, and take her back to the countryside on weekends. Zhang Nuan didn't have any idea of ​​going out to study alone and her parents neglected her and no longer loved her.

And here in the county seat, her grandparents retired and moved here to live here. When her parents didn't come to accompany her, she always went to live with her grandparents next door.

Zhang Nuan is beautiful, with good academic performance, smart brain, and even a sports decathlon, and is also very popular in school.

However, no matter how popular the little girl is, it is not an enlightened girl. Even if there are children in junior high school who fall in love early, little girl Zhang Nuan has no such concept. When she reaches high school, she still has no plans to fall in love. In addition to learning, it is development. own skills.

Zhang Nuan, who has developed motor nerves and a lot of strength, practices martial arts and sports every day in addition to studying. The teenage girl eats a lot but keeps her figure well, and she is more popular because of her beautiful appearance. .

"Zhang Nuan is also very good-looking. I heard that the school grass of our school likes her." Zhang Nuan, a girl in the same grade, said enviously.

"School grass likes Zhang Nuan? What about Zhang Nuan? Did she agree to school grass?" Another female classmate who obviously likes school grass asked anxiously.

"I heard no, it's not that you don't know Zhang Nuan, he is so arrogant, she didn't even pay attention to the school grass."

"What? Is Zhang Nuan so arrogant?"

"Then what can be done? People are good-looking and popular, so what's the use of being angry? People are especially good at beating, and she has beaten anyone who troubles her."


Most of the female students in the county high school are very jealous of Zhang Nuan, who makes the parents look good and have good grades? In school, 80% of the boys like Zhang Nuan, but she pretends that she doesn't know, and she only concentrates on reading and exercising.

Zhang Nuan was really hateful like this, but she didn't care at all.

Not all girls in Xian Gao disliked Zhang Nuan, she also got along with one or two good friends, so the envy and hatred of other female classmates should be invisible to her.

For Zhang Nuan, her current task is to study hard. Falling in love is either a matter of college or something after graduating from college. Anyway, her parents will definitely not urge her to get married just after she graduated from college. Then she can fall in love whenever she wants, it doesn't have to be so early.

And Zhang Nuan has looked at the looks of her parents since she was a child, and her second uncle's beautiful face, her aesthetics have improved a lot, how can she look at boys who are not as good-looking as her or her father get it?

And since I was a child, I saw my parents are loving and loving. Even if they occasionally quarrel, they will soon reconcile. The couple has been married for 20 years, but they have been very good. Zhang Nuan never thought about finding a childish burden. The boy who started her future talked about the youthful puppy love.

So Chen Nuan didn't fall in love for three years in junior high school and three years in high school, even if many male classmates liked her, it was useless.

The school girl who made her jealous of countless county high school girls because she liked her was actually not as good-looking as Zhang Nuan two-thirds, so it was forgivable that she didn't like her, wasn't it?

Their family—that is, her parents, mother, sister, and her. Among the four people, the least attractive one is her father. So, the school grass is not as good-looking as her father Zhang Chengchuan, why do you think she will like him?

In 1987, Zhang Nuan's college entrance examination ended, and she applied for the Capital University.

This child, Zhang Nuan, has not been partial to subjects since she was a child, and she does not know if her father has a high IQ and drank the genetic evolution fluid to evolve the high IQ inherited from her brain, or she herself is a child with a high IQ. Anyway, learning The results are very good.

Zhang Nuan not only practiced martial arts with his father since he was a child, but also went to his father's research base to do research together during the holidays.

However, what caught the eye was that Zhang Nuan's college entrance examination was not a science major in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc., nor a weapons research major.

Zhang Nuan's college entrance examination volunteer is the Department of Medicine of Capital University.

She followed her father to do research since she was a child, but it turned out that the various pharmacological knowledge researched by her mother Chen Xiayue made Chen Wennuan more like to be a doctor.

After all, she has a smart brain and a good memory. Zhang Nuan used to look at her mother's various pharmacological research materials and books. It is natural to study medicine when you grow up.

"Study medicine is very good. In the future, being a doctor can save lives and heal wounds. It is a very good career." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

As for the medical troubles that future generations are worried about, just dare to make medical troubles according to Zhang Nuan's force value? I'm afraid I'm not going to be beaten by Zhang Nuan.

"Sister Anning was also admitted to the medical department of Capital University, and I will be classmates with Sister Anning again." Zhang Nuan said with a smile.

"Oh, sister An Ning is also a medical major in the report? What major is she going to study?" Chen Xiayue asked curiously.

"Sister Anning plans to study surgery." Zhang Nuan said.

"It's pretty good too." Chen Xiayue nodded and said, "While your college entrance examination is over and you are successfully admitted to Capital University, let's go out and play? Go to the capital, just to see if you can buy a house in the capital, so that you can take a holiday. You can live there.”

As they said, Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue packed up and prepared to take their family to the capital to play. You must know that Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying have never been to any other place except for the occasional visit to Zhang Chengyue's army for so many years.

They have never been to a place like the capital that countless Chinese people yearn for.

Chen Xiayue in her previous life had been there, but she had never been to the capital in this life. Now that the high-speed rail has been laid from the capital to their provincial capital, it is not difficult to go to the capital.

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan packed up, prepared money, etc., and went out with their parents and two daughters.

That's right, not only Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying, but Chen Xiayue and Chen Mingying and Li Guifen, who brought their parents and two women to the capital to play.

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