Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 545: Extra: Nuan Nuan 12

"Girl, what do you want to buy? We have three flavors: pure meat fried buns, fresh shrimp fried buns, and beef fried buns. Roujiamo is also available in three flavors of pork, mutton and beef." Yuanbai's mother said, wearing a mask She can also see that she is smiling, and her brows and eyes are in a good mood.

"Hello, I want five pure meat fried buns and five fresh shrimp fried buns. If you want roujiamo, give me two, and ask for beef." Zhang Nuan said.

"Okay, wait a moment." The original mother responded, and neatly packed the buns into the oil-paper bag, and an employee on the other side also neatly chopped the minced meat and green peppers and stuffed them into the Baiji bun.

Yuan Bai, who was busy making meat filling, seemed to sense something, looked at the door of the store, and saw Zhang Nuan who was different from the white coat.

Today's Zhang Nuan is wearing a skirt. Of course, it is impossible to wear long pants and long sleeves in the summer. She is wearing a long chiffon skirt. It is also very suitable for her to wear a chiffon skirt at a height of more than 1.7 meters. She's in good shape, so she's even more attractive.

Because Zhang Nuan didn't let his hair loose in the summer, his long black hair was tied into a bun, which was fluffy but also very good-looking.

Yuanbai didn't know why he noticed her dress, anyway, at a glance, he could see Zhang Wennuan's clothes and hairstyle clearly, with simple light makeup on his face, but he still looked radiant.

Zhang Wennuan paid attention to the handsome guy Yuan Bai and the fried buns he made, so she didn't notice. In fact, during the time she was queuing, many people peeked at her, not to mention men and women. Also see her staring.

Girls also like to see big beauties, and Zhang Nuan's appearance is also liked by many girls.

Of course, Yuan Bai recognized who Zhang Nuan was, but he didn't rush to say hello to her. He just glanced at Zhang Nuan a few times and then continued to work in his hands, waiting for Zhang Nuan to pay for the fried buns and After Roujiamo left, he stopped looking at the door.

Zhang Nuan didn't leave the mall directly, but found a place to rest, bought a cup of lemon tea and sat down to taste the fried buns.

The raw fried buns with pure meat filling are very fragrant. It is made of pork, so it has the unique fragrance of pork, and the bun skin with a soft top and a crispy bottom, it tastes particularly fragrant.

Moreover, these pan-fried meat fillings are also filled with soup, and if you are not careful, you may be scalded by the hot soup inside.

Zhang Wennuan ate all the ten fried buns in one go, and also ate two roujia buns. With his own actions, he proved that the fried buns and roujia buns are really delicious.

The stuffing of the fresh shrimp fried bun is made of 2/4 shrimp, 1/4 pork and 1/4 don't know what materials are made, which can make the taste of fresh shrimp and pork perfectly combine, but It did not hide the original taste of the two meat fillings.

The taste is different from the raw fried buns filled with pure pork, but it is also very delicious. She still wants to eat ten raw fried buns.

Roujiamo is even more delicious. Baijimo has a very authentic taste. In addition, the meat filling is a very fragrant beef that has been marinated. After adding green peppers, it can also relieve greasy, so delicious that people can't wait to eat it. Tongue swallowed.

Zhang Wennuan sent a message to his sister while drinking lemon tea after eating Roujiamo and Shengjianbao, telling her about the delicious Shengjianbao and Roujiamo he ate. The taste of the fried buns was no worse than the authentic ones that she had eaten when she went to the Shanghai market, and she even felt that it had a more fragrant taste.

The taste of the fried buns in this store on the wilderness is not the most authentic, but the taste is very delicious. She is not a native of the place where the food originated, so she can't eat anything authentic or not, she only feel delicious.

The same goes for the Roujiamo, which is really delicious. She thinks that she will come and eat it again during the next vacation. No, come a few more times. She feels that she will not get tired of eating this fried bun once or twice. and Rou Jia Mo.

[Lovely Yangyang: Sister, is this fried bun really delicious? You don't have a donkey for me? 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: Of course it's true, when did I lie to you about eating this? 】

Chen Wenyang over there saw this sentence and thought it made sense. Her sister can lie to her about anything, but not when it comes to eating. Because both sisters are food lovers, their attitude towards food is very serious.

[The lovely Yangyang: Sister, I want to eat, can you deliver it to me? 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: You are thinking about eating peaches. 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: I am in the capital, you are in Yangcheng, I will express it for you? Do you want to eat stinky fried buns? 】

[Lovely and lovely Yangyang: You can ship it to me by air, it will take a few hours. 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: You might as well airlift yourself here, which is more convenient. 】

[The lovely and lovely Yangyang: I think so too. 】

【Sister Domineering You Nuan: ... 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: When will you graduate? It's already June, isn't it? Have you handed in your graduation thesis? 】

[The lovely and lovely Yangyang: Handed it in, I will probably get my graduation certificate soon. 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: Do you plan to continue the postgraduate entrance examination? As far as the history major you choose, there seems to be no way out if you don't take the postgraduate entrance examination. 】

[The lovely and lovely Yangyang: Didn't you say I'm going to open an antique shop? 】

[Sister Domineering You Nuan: Even if you open a store by yourself, your professional level must be up to standard, right? Continue the postgraduate entrance examination, it's not that our family can't afford you. 】

However, her parents have applied for a lot of patents, and the chain restaurants opened by their Zhang family's daughters have spread all over the southern provinces, and her mother also has a stake.

So even if her parents don't do anything now, travel all day, and don't go home for a year and a half, she doesn't have to worry about not being able to raise their children.

Although Zhang Nuan's salary is not bad, she is able to buy a house and a car in the capital because her parents are rich. So even if my sister wants to go to postgraduate entrance examination, it doesn't matter if she continues her studies, the family can afford it.

[The lovely and lovely Yangyang: Do you really want to take the postgraduate entrance examination? 】

It's not that Chen Wenyang is not smart, her IQ is still very high, but she is lazy. At that time, she had the opportunity to be admitted to the university in the capital, but because she was lazy, she was admitted to the university in Yangcheng, and went directly to find her uncle Chen Xiasong's family.

Later, because she was lazy in school, her grades were at the upper-middle level, but she didn't look like her sister Zhang Nuan was at the top of the school.

Zhang Nuan felt that if his sister hadn't had parents like their parents behind her, she might have spent her whole life waiting to die.

But even with parents like her own, my sister seems to plan to continue to eat and live.

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