Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 552: Parallel Time and Space: Garbage System, Pit My Money!

However, no matter how angry Chen Xiayue was, it was useless because the system bound her unless her deposit was deducted, otherwise it would be impossible to untie her.

And Chen Xiayue herself is also worried about her not having a job after graduation. With this plane grocery store system, she doesn't have to worry about what she should do for a living in the future.

"Xia Yue, are you back?"

When Chen Xiayue returned to her grandmother's house, her cousin-in-law was at home, so she greeted her when she saw her, and was curious about why she came back at this time.

Chen Xiayue's grandfather and grandmother have only three children, her uncle and aunt, her mother and uncle. However, my uncle went to the army and is still in the army now, and the development is not bad.

"Auntie, I'm graduating, come back and have a look." Chen Xiayue said to her aunt with a smile.

"You, it must have been hard to come back on a hot day. Let's take a bath to wash off the sweat on your body." The auntie is not unhappy either. This girl Chen Xiayue is the daughter of her sister-in-law. Is it her sister-in-law too? Chen Xiayue is still their niece.

Chen Xiayue is not polite. She will come back from time to time over the years. She originally gave custody to her father. Later, after she followed her mother, she would also go to her grandmother's house, but her grandparents seldom went back.

After her mother remarried, of course, she was not as good as before, but at least she didn't abuse her. On her father's side, her stepmother's attitude towards her was not very good. After all, she was a girl, and her stepmother was a little bit more patriarchal.

The stepmother gave birth to two younger brothers to her biological father. After that, she was very proud of the spring breeze, and she disliked the daughter born by her ex-wife even more. How could her father still care about her daughter when she had a biological son?

Chen Xiayue's favorite is still her own grandmother. Even though her own mother treats her a lot, her grandparents are still very kind to her.

Chen Xiayue took a shower comfortably, changed into clean clothes and came out just as her grandmother came back.

"Have you taken a bath? Have you eaten yet? There is still some food at home. Would you like to make something for you?" Grandma Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

The eldest uncle's family has a cousin, a cousin and a cousin, while the younger uncle's family has two cousins, and there are two daughters in the family, but for Chen Xiayue, the granddaughter, the grandmother also loves her very much.

My grandmother really loved her grandchildren and granddaughters alike. She would hide any good things and distribute them to all her grandchildren. Chen Xiayue was often taken care of by her grandmother when she was a child, otherwise she would not like her the most.

Chen Xiayue chatted with her grandmother affectionately, looking at her white hair and wrinkles on her face, she felt a little melancholy. Grandma is so old, but she rarely accompanies her grandmother.

Sure enough, it was the right decision to go back to Qiong Province to open a shop. It could not only have a stable job but also spend more time with my grandparents.

As for her parents? She doesn't need her company, they have their own children to accompany them.

Chen Xiayue was worried that her deposit might be deducted by the system, so she went to the town to look at the house the next day after returning home. She had to buy a room to open a shop.

Chen Xiayue never thought of opening a store in the village. After all, there are really not many customers in the village, and she can't explain where the things she brought back from other planes came from, right? There wasn't a lot of traffic, so she didn't want to drive.

The most important thing is that there are already three canteens in such a big place in the village. Can she have any customers again? She might as well stop robbing the three businesses in the village, and go directly to the town to rob other people's business.

Chen Xiayue found a shop with about 50 square meters. The other party originally opened a small shop, which is the kind of shop that sells various beverages, snacks and daily necessities. However, Shuicheng Town was not too big, and there were quite a few small stores like this, so this store could not be opened any longer.

The store next to this store was originally a grocery store. It used to be a store that sold various toys, beverages, snacks, and daily necessities, but now it has been changed to a store that sells fried noodles and noodle soup.

Chen Xiayue rented this store with the money from the system loan, and the price is not very expensive. The rental price is about 25,000 a year. In addition to the 50-square-meter store downstairs, there is also a 50-square-meter house upstairs that can live in. That's why the rent is so high, otherwise the rent in this remote town in the countryside is really not that expensive, and then Chen Xiayue directly signed a five-year contract.

She wanted to buy the store, but how did she say how did the money come from? She, a fresh graduate of college, can put up so much money to pay rent for five years.

Chen Xiayue signed the lease contract, and the system also checked that there were no loopholes in the contract. In the future, even if she made money, the landlord could not force her to move out, unless she breached the contract and paid more money.

Chen Xiayue rented the shop, and then began to decorate it. In this case, she had to find her cousins. She has a cousin who runs an electric welding shop, and usually takes orders for security windows, balcony railings, and security doors. Chen Xiayue directly asked her cousin to place an order for shelves.

Although this store originally had shelves, Chen Xiayue planned to decorate it properly, and also changed the anti-theft door, and asked her cousin to help with the decoration.

Chen Xiayue handed over everything in the store to her cousin and asked him to help him decorate, while she was thinking about how to purchase the goods. She had never done business before and had to **** around. Where to go to wholesale goods, what kind of price can be earned and so on.

The shop that Chen Xiayue rented was on the first floor, but there was still room for her on the second floor, so she didn't have to worry about staying at her grandmother's house for too long in the future.

It took about half a month for the grocery store to finally be renovated. Chen Xiayue has also ordered the goods, such as oil, salt, rice, flour, instant noodles, soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce and other seasonings, as well as various grains. There are all kinds of grains like soybeans, mung beans, and red beans.

Then, biscuits, snacks, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, washing powder, towels and other daily necessities are all put on.

There are also drinks, wine, etc. There are ice creams in the freezer, but Chen Xiayue is well prepared, and she has prepared all the things that may be in the small supermarkets of various grocery stores.

Now, it's ready to open.

The roll call prepared by Chen Xiayue is very easy to understand. The name [Xiayue Grocery Store] is very good, her boss is called Xia Yue, and the name of the store is of course no problem.

On August 8, Chen Xiayue chose to open the store on this day of Fafafa. It opened on time at 8:08 in the morning. As for the guests, Chen Xiayue didn't care.

There are already many grocery stores like Shuicheng, and her main customers are not people from her plane, but guests from other planes. After all, her system is a plane grocery store system, not a grocery store system.

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