Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 560: Parallel Time and Space: Dinner

"Huh?" Chen Xiayue looked at the backs of them leaving, and then she remembered that she didn't seem to have a car to go home, right?

You must know that the town is a few kilometers away from the village. She doesn't know how to ride a bicycle, so she didn't buy a car. How can she go back at night?

Chen Xiayue was really dumbfounded. She felt that it was silly to stand on the side of the road and bask in the sun. Let's go back to the store and look at the store comfortably.

Chen Xiayue received a few more guests in the afternoon. She didn't buy a lot of things, and her income was not as much as yesterday's, but she was not in a hurry. Opening such a small shop is generally a long-term process, where can you expect to get rich overnight?

She closed at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and she had to go back to eat with her family. How could she not go back to have dinner with them when it was rare for her cousin to come back?

As for going back without a car? How is it possible that there are motorcycles in town, so she can go home with a motorcycle, and she only needs five dollars to go home.

When Chen Liqiu came home this afternoon, he told his grandparents what Chen Xiayue had brought back. The ice crystal box is really very good. When you turn on the switch, you can quickly blow out the cool wind, and the temperature will drop in a short time. down.

Chen Liqiu asked her grandparents to stay outside, and then asked her husband and eldest brother to clean up tonight's dishes, and she put wallpapers in her grandparents' room by herself.

Chen Xiayue's wallpaper for her grandparents is also white with dark lines. If you don't get close to it, you can't see the pure white wallpaper with dark lines, which is very suitable for her grandparents.

The elderly do not want the walls in their rooms to be colorful, and the white walls are just right.

Chen Liqiu has only been pregnant for less than three months, so of course she does the job of putting up wallpapers, and it's not that she has a big belly and can't move.

It took Chen Liqiu an hour or two to finally put mute wallpapers on all the rooms of his grandparents and grandparents, and then it felt really good, and the sound insulation effect of the wallpapers was really good.

And there is no need to worry about the window, there is a transparent mute wallpaper that can be pasted on the glass, so there is no need to worry about the sound insulation of the window.

Although it is still necessary to open the window in the summer, after the mute wallpaper is also pasted on the glass, the sound entering the room from the open window on the other side is much quieter.

"Xia Yue's wallpaper is quite useful. The voice is much lower, so grandparents don't have to be afraid of being too noisy outside and can't sleep." Chen Liqiu said.

She also knew that grandparents and grandparents were getting older and sleeping less, and they couldn't sleep if it was noisy outside, but wasn't it impossible before? These country people live in a country house whose walls are not so thick, and the sound insulation effect is equal to none.

As for the installation of sound insulation materials? How much does that cost? Country people don't have the money to buy soundproofing materials for decoration.

"This is good, when I go back, tell Xia Yue to let her buy this for me too." Chen Liqiu said happily after standing in the room of his grandparents and feeling the silence.

"This thing called an ice crystal box is also very good. It is like a small fan, but it is much better than a small fan. There is no wind but it is very cool." Deng Caixia also said with hatred.

Both the elderly and children like to blow fans, but people are always worried that they will catch a cold if they blow too much, and they will be very dry. Turn on the fan all night at night, and when you wake up, you can feel the whole throat is dry.

It is not clear whether this ice crystal box is similar to the fan, but there is no wind but it feels very cool to hold. It is very suitable for use at night in the summer, and you don't have to worry about the wind drying people.

"Yes, let Xia Yue get me one of these when I go back." Chen Liqiu looked at the ice crystal box and said that her body temperature will rise after she is pregnant, so she is even more afraid of heat.

This ice crystal box is very good. She should not catch a cold. She, a pregnant woman, still has to be careful not to get sick.

When Chen Xiayue got home, it was time to start dinner. Because of the dinner party, she ate very early, and she could start eating at half past six.

"Xia Yue, where did your silent wallpaper and ice crystal box come from? Where did you buy it? How about you share the link with me? I'll buy some too." Chen Liqiu said while eating.

She couldn't drink when she was pregnant, so she could only eat. Fortunately, today's dishes were done well, so she had a good time eating.

"Ah, the link? I didn't buy this online." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "I can buy it for you if you want, but the price is a bit expensive. It costs about one hundred and twenty yuan for a wallpaper as big as my grandfather and grandmother. ."

"Then the ice crystal box will cost about 200 yuan, and the materials inside have to be replaced every two weeks, so you need to buy it separately." Chen Xiayue said.

"The ice crystal box of 200 yuan comes with two materials, which means that it can be used for a month. After that, you need to buy additional materials. One needs... um, 30 yuan." Chen Xiayue secretly opened the system mall After looking at the price, he said.

"That's it." Chen Liqiu nodded and said, "Then I will buy one to try. If it works well, I will think about whether to buy more."

"Okay, let's eat first." Huang Zhengming put a piece of fried chicken with green peppers in Chen Liqiu's bowl and said, "I'll talk about it after dinner."

Anyway, he and his father-in-law and eldest brother-in-law drank the drinking. His wife and second sister-in-law would definitely not drink. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after dinner.

Chen Liqiu glanced at his man, then continued to chat with Chen Xiayue. The sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they missed each other very much.

Chen Liqiu asked Chen Xiayue about the situation in Guancheng, Guangdong Province, what interesting places there are in Guancheng, and whether places like Yangcheng and Pengcheng in Guangdong Province are fun or not.

Of course, there is also the question of whether Chen Xiayue has been to Hong Kong, but Chen Xiayue said that she has never been there. Although she often goes to Pengcheng, she has never been to Hong Kong.

Then Chen Liqiu also told Chen Xiayue about some interesting things that happened when he was working part-time, and asked Chen Xiayue if he encountered any interesting things while working part-time.

The two sisters chatted happily, while cousin Deng Caixia was urging her daughter to eat. The three-year-old girl Chen Mengqing just wanted to play with her mobile phone and not eat.

"Hurry up and eat, don't play if you don't eat." Deng Caixia said with an ugly face, looking at her daughter's unmoved appearance and glaring at her husband, who gave her the phone to her.

Chen Xinghua turned a blind eye. He doted on his daughter very much. The most important thing was that he was also very annoying when her daughter cried. It was actually a good deal for her to be quiet with a mobile phone.

In fact, Chen Xiayue and Chen Liqiu didn't eat this meal for long, they were full in less than half an hour.

Chen Xiayue and Chen Liqiu went out to chat, Deng Caixia had to take care of her daughter, and she ate slowly, so she didn't go out.

Grandpa and grandma are also eating slowly. Grandpa has quit drinking a few years ago, but grandma will drink a little now and then. Just because I was happy today, I poured a glass of wine and drank it with my uncle and cousin.

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