Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 562: Parallel Time and Space: Donate

"Ahhhhh, I'm rich, I'm rich!!!" Chen Xiayue rolled around on the bed, so excited.

Just now, she was trading with Zhou Zhange, and later she restocked the shelves that were almost emptied, so she was busy and didn't have time to realize that she had exchanged ten catties of gold, more than 1.7 million ah ah ah ah!

Chen Xiayue was very excited and rolled around on the bed. She had never seen so much money in her life, she was so excited.

[The exchanged gold jewelry is exchanged for money, and you need to donate half of it. 】The system said.

Chen Xiayue's rolling body stopped, and she wondered, "I still need to donate it? Is it mandatory for the system? 】

[The operation of the system also requires energy. Obviously, merit is a good energy. 】

[Oh, that's fine. 】Chen Xiayue didn't care, anyway, she belongs to the category of getting rich, so she has no problem with donations.

When she had no money, asking her to donate was as uncomfortable as cutting her flesh, but now that she has money, of course, donating will not make her feel bad. Even if half of the 1.7 million is donated, it will be nearly 900,000. Well, she didn't feel bad at all.

Chen Xiayue couldn't do it with excitement, but the system urged her to go to bed quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get up even more tomorrow. It's really impossible to open a store like this.

Chen Xiayue doesn't care, she plans to close the door tomorrow and go to Sanya to exchange gold for money, and then donate the money. Of course, you can also buy goods from Sanya. After all, there are not many goods in her system warehouse. What if she almost empties her shop every time like Zhou Zhange?

Stock up early when it's time to stock up.

Chen Xiayue was elated, but she didn't fall asleep until after two in the morning, and woke up at noon the next day. After washing up, she took the bus directly to Sanya.

It takes Chen Xiayue a two-hour bus ride to go to Sanya, and she took a larger bag to cover her eyes and eyes, and then took out the gold from the system warehouse when she was about to get to the exchange for gold.

When Chen Xiayue was in the car, she chatted with the system while playing with her mobile phone.

[System, who do you think I donated the money to? 】 Chen Xiayue asked.

Donations also depend on the target. Of course, the credibility of those charities needs to be studied carefully, otherwise the hundreds of thousands she donated will not be in vain?

[You can think about it for yourself, donate to whoever you should donate to. 】

Chen Xiayue looked at the news on her phone and said, "Why don't I donate these hundreds of thousands to the people affected by the earthquake? 】

[Also possible. 】

Chen Xiayue thought for a while, then opened the system mall and looked at the medicines on it, [Are hemostatic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers expensive? 】

[It's not too expensive, the prices of these kinds of medicines are much cheaper than those of Mingmu Pills. 】

[I buy these medicines, and I will send them to the disaster area. 】

【Can. 】

Chen Xiayue looked at it again, [Can this nutritional pill really be enough to eat one meal for one meal? 】

[Yes, one nutritional pill can guarantee 8 hours of nutrition, and three pills a day can guarantee nutritional supplements for a whole day. 】

Chen Xiayue thought for a while and said to the system: [Do you accept gold? I exchange gold with you for gold coins, and then buy things in the mall. 】

[Yes, according to the market price of 1 gram of gold at 350 yuan, how much do you plan to sell? 】

[I plan to sell seven gold bars to you, and I have to pay back the remaining three bars, and I also need money here. 】 Chen Xiayue said.

【Can. 】

The system was quickly cleared. The seven gold bars had a total of 3,500 grams of gold, which could be exchanged for 1,225,000 RMB, and 122,500 gold coins when converted into gold coins. It was enough to buy these medicines.

After exchanging the gold coins, Chen Xiayue bought a lot of nutritional pills, hemostatic drugs, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and summer-relieving pills, and almost spent all the more than 120,000 gold coins.

[System, can you help me pack it? After I arrived in Sanya, I went to donate directly. 】

[You don't need to find a channel to donate by yourself, the system will help you send things out. 】

【Really? 】 Chen Xiayue said in surprise.

[When you came here, you didn't bring anything but a bag. Do you think the surveillance rooms that are full of streets are fake? 】

[I will help you send things out, and they will be delivered directly to the disaster area tomorrow. 】

【Thank you, system. 】

Chen Xiayue was relieved. In fact, she also knew that donating other things might be useful, but she felt that medicines were more useful.

Nutritional pills are even better. I don't have much time to cook and eat in places like the disaster area. Nutritional pills are really convenient and quickly solve the problem of eating.

The nutrition pills are very nutritious, so don't worry about what will happen if you don't eat.

Nutritional pills can be eaten not only by the heroes of the disaster relief, but also by the people trapped in the disaster, so Chen Xiayue prepared a lot of nutritional pills.

Two hours passed quickly. After Chen Xiayue arrived at the station, she checked the map, and then planned to go to the jewelry store to exchange the remaining three gold bars.

Chen Xiayue, who came out of the gold shop, had more than 500,000 in her account, and then she began to scan the wholesale market in Sanya.

Chen Xiayue's order is relatively large, so it can be delivered to her store. Anyway, it is only a two-hour journey from Sanya to her, and the road conditions are very good, so there is no problem with home delivery.

Chen Xiayue spent about 100,000 yuan to buy a lot of things in half a day. In addition to the various commodities necessary for the grocery store, she also bought a lot of seeds. She bought a lot of seeds of fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs, flowers, etc.

Then there are a lot of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn. As for peppers and vegetables, she plans to go back to her grandparents and buy them again. Her cousin and sister-in-law have planted several acres of peppers and beans, and she plans to go back and collect them from her cousin's house. vegetable.

Of course, her cousin and sister-in-law also raised a lot of pigs, there were about three sows, and they would sell them every time the piglets were born, and sometimes they would sell more than 100 catties when they grew up.

Chen Xiayue went to the pigsty to see it a few days ago, and there were two pigs weighing more than 100 kilograms. When she went back, she asked her cousin to kill them.

Chen Xiayue spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy a lot of things in one afternoon, and all but the seeds were delivered to her.

After buying almost everything, Chen Xiayue happily went to a restaurant with a good reputation to eat seafood, and then continued to get in the car and go home.

It was already night when Chen Xiayue got home, but it was not yet time for the grocery store to open. After taking a shower, she waited for the goods to be delivered to her tomorrow.

However, there were no guests that night, Zhou Zhange didn't come today, and no other new guests came. Chen Xiayue closed the door at half past eleven and went to sleep. After the time passed, the store door closed automatically, so she couldn't keep guarding.

On the other side, on their way back, Zhou Zhange and the others waited for the arrival of 8:30 when they found a place to stay at night, but they did not wait for anything, and the door did not appear.

This night, Zhou Zhange's vigil was replaced by other people when it was early in the morning. The two people who were on the vigil the next day slept in the car while the others drove.

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