Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 566: Parallel Time and Space: Father Han

Of the dozen or so crystal nuclei that Han Zhengting brought, several were secondary crystal nuclei and one was a tertiary crystal nucleus, so a lot of money was exchanged.

In the end, they bought some watermelons and pineapples, as well as 10 catties of dragon fruit, and then other things. Food and water must be bought. I also bought sweet potatoes and potatoes, as well as some seeds.

After Han Zhengting and Zhou Mingxu spent all the money they brought in exchange for the crystal nucleus, they left with satisfaction, and Chen Xiayue was quite satisfied looking at the crystal nucleus.

Although these crystal cores cannot be exchanged for RMB, they can be exchanged for gold coins and then bought from the system mall. The things in the system mall are really useful and useful, and she hasn't spied a single corner of it yet.

Chen Xiayue spent more than 500,000 yuan in exchange for three gold bars today. In fact, she has also repaid half of the loan from the system. She has to continue to work hard to repay the previous loan from the system. Finish.

When Han Zhengting and Zhou Mingxu went back, they saw that Zhou Mingxu's room was almost filled, and people almost had nowhere to stand.

"Tell others to come and move things," Han Zhengting said.

"Okay." Zhou Mingxu went and called Zhao Mingwen, who lived in the same house with them.

There are five people in their team. Huang Mingshu and Yang Fei are boyfriend and girlfriend, so they live together. This house has three bedrooms and one living room, so Han Zhengting, Zhou Mingxu and Zhao Mingwen live here, and Huang Mingshu is next door. He Yang Fei lived in a one-bedroom, one-bedroom house.

It just so happens that Zhao Mingwen is a space system ability user, and his space is quite large, about the size of two basketball courts.

Zhao Mingwen came over quickly, and before he had time to ask what was going on, he was instructed by Han Zhengting to put away the things piled up in Zhou Mingxu's room.

"Boss, what's going on? Why are there so many things? Wow - there's even a drink, isn't this a Coke? It's been a long time since I drank it." Zhao Mingwen said while putting away the things. .

Zhao Mingwen is only 27 years old this year, and he was not very mature before the end of the world. After struggling for a few months, he met Han Zhengting and the others, and has been following them since then.

Zhao Mingwen's character is such a cheerful and lively character. He is already very lively and he encounters so many materials, so he is not happy and bad? When you're happy, you can't stop banging.

"In exchange." Han Zhengting replied, and then continued to chat with Zhou Mingxu about the grocery store.

"Do you still see the door?" Han Zhengting asked.

"I can see." Zhou Mingxu nodded.

"So, what about plaintext?"

"Ah? What?" Zhao Mingwen heard his name when he was collecting things, and looked up at them suspiciously.

"Look over there, what do you see?" Han Zhengting said to him.

"What?" Zhao Mingwen looked at it suspiciously, but there was nothing there, "Isn't that just a wall? What?"

Han Zhengting and Zhou Mingxu looked at each other, it seemed that only the two of them could see it, and Zhao Mingwen couldn't. What about the others?

"It's okay, we'll have a good meal tomorrow when we put things away." Zhou Mingxu said with a smile.

"That, boss... can I eat this?" Zhao Mingwen asked with a pack of spicy sticks.

Han Zhengting looked at the package of spicy sticks in his hand, and then looked at Zhou Mingxu.

"Ah, I didn't expect to even take this one." Zhou Mingxu still kept smiling, and then said to Zhao Mingwen, "You can eat this, and by the way, you can also drink that bottle of Coke."

"Really? Thank you, Brother Zhou!" Zhao Mingwen was extremely happy, especially with Han Zhengting's tacit approval. He hadn't eaten spicy sticks and coke for a long time.

Zhao Mingwen put everything away, and was sent away by Han Zhengting. He was still talking to Zhou Mingxu about this plane grocery store.

Han Zhengting's father is the ruler of the Northwest Base. Although their base is not a private base, it does not look like a complete official base. He knows very well that his father also has ambitions.

Han Zhengting doesn't care what his father thinks, as long as he can take in those soldiers and ensure the safety of one party, it is enough.

Han Zhengting's relationship with his father is not very good. After all, his mother died when he was a child. His father remarried very quickly, and soon added younger brothers and sisters to him.

Now, it should be his half-brothers and sisters who are living the same life as a young master and a young lady in the northwest base, but he does not enjoy much preferential treatment. After all, he has been in the army for many years. I'm used to it, it doesn't make sense to be pampered like the so-called younger siblings.

Han Zhengting and his father did not turn against each other. His mother died of illness back then, not because his father cheated on his mother or something. As for remarriage, it was only two years after Han Zhengting's mother passed away, and he didn't feel sorry for Han Zhengting or his mother.

It's just that my father is also very ambitious. Before the end of the world, he was busy with work and rarely went home. In addition, his remarried stepmother, Han Zhengting, couldn't get along, so he often went to live at his grandfather's house.

That is to say, Han Zhengting was transferred to the northwest side, and he was in the same army as his father. After the end of the world, a base was quickly established, and they got along fairly peacefully.

In Han Zhengting's view, Father Han was a man with ambition, ability, and means, but he was a decent person. It was better for him to be the leader of the Northwest Base than those who were particularly selfish.

For example, there is also a base not far from the northwest base. The base over there is privately established.

However, although that guy is a bit hard to say, at least he is not a wicked person, otherwise the Northwest Base will not watch him do evil.

"Do you want to tell General Han about this?" Zhou Mingxu asked.

Father Han was indeed a major general before the end of the world, so after the establishment of the northwest base after the end of the world, he directly called himself General Han, not a leader or something.

"Tell me." Han Zhengting frowned slightly, "After all, he is the leader of the base, so tell him that at least he can be dispatched. We can't just rely on us to find the things that the shop needs to exchange. Isn't the exchanged items also for the base? "

Han Zhengting is very rational, so he doesn't think he can't be trusted just because he doesn't have a good relationship with his biological father.

"In that case, let's talk to General Han tomorrow." Zhou Mingxu said.

He didn't care about Han Zhengting and his father before. Han Zhengting didn't care about it himself. How could he be an outsider?

To be honest, Zhou Mingxu also felt that although General Han had ambition and means, he was still a decent person. No one says that ambitious people must be bad people, and they must be unscrupulous to achieve their goals.

General Han's ambition is indeed great, but in order to achieve his goals, he will make every effort and disdain to use any dirty means.

He has a scheming, but he won't calculate others for no reason. After all, in his position, he also needs to be guarded against others. Then the mind is a must have.

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