Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 570: Parallel Time and Space: Cooking

Salt fruit trees, rice fruit trees, oil fruit trees, soy sauce fruit trees, etc., in the 21st century, when there is no shortage of resources at all, of course, there is not much people want.

Especially when Chen Xiayue saw the introduction of rice fruit trees, the taste of rice in the United States is more bland and tasteless than that of hybrid rice, so Chen Xiayue does not have such a big demand for this.

She knew that Grandpa Yuan was still conscientiously researching ways to produce higher yields, but Chen Xiayue felt that rice fruit trees would be more useful in the 1960s and 1970s or earlier, or in the end times, but in the 21st century this safe and In the prosperous era, there is not so much demand.

And the three kinds of fruit trees of Youyanjiang are actually dispensable. After all, there are many Youyanjiang on the market, and the price is not ridiculously expensive, so she has no idea.

However, if these trees can be sold to the end of the world, they should not be able to make money. It would be even better if they could be replaced by 23rd century technology. The end of the world is two and a half centuries ahead of the technology in the 21st century. The end of the world has just happened for two years, and civilization has not been lost in the end of the world.

As a bookworm who has read countless novels, Chen Xiayue of course also knows that some people in the apocalypse were born after the apocalypse. Those people have never seen the world before the apocalypse and know nothing about the world before the apocalypse. It can only be read with some leftover books, but the chaos of the end times will definitely not preserve the books well.

The other is that many years after the end of the world, all the civilizations that belonged to the pre-apocalypse have been lost.

Chen Xiayue very much hopes to preserve the civilization of the earth, especially the civilization of China, which must be passed down and cannot be faulted.

Going farther, Chen Xiayue was not very interested in these kinds of fruit trees, but she was a little interested in breadfruit and steamed bread.

There is also sweet fruit. This kind of fruit is suitable for making sugar because of its high sweetness. According to the above introduction, this sweet fruit has a very high sugar yield.

Chen Xiayue is very interested in the smelly grass. She really hates mosquitoes, especially in the south. Mosquitoes are often haunted in winter. Unless the temperature drops to single digits, mosquitoes will still be buzzing and noisy in winter. .

In the summer, it is useless for her to light mosquito coils. Mosquitoes still bite people, especially Chen Xiayue is a little fat. Mosquitoes often stare at her as if she thinks her blood is delicious, and she is still bitten by mosquitoes when she burns mosquito coils.

Chen Xiayue is not afraid of mice and cockroaches, but mosquitoes are very annoying. And now she plans to plant flowers around her shop, and she also wants to fill the sweet fruit, vine roses, and Fujimoto bougainvillea, so she has to worry about whether it will attract insects and snakes.

The stinky grass is very suitable. She wants to buy the stinky grass that repels mosquitoes, snakes and ants. As for the stinky grass that drives away wild animals, she will not buy it. They really don’t have any wild animals here. seen.

If she buys stinky grass that drives wild animals, other people's dogs may not dare to approach her in the future.

If you have stinky grass, you should also give some to your grandmother. After all, her grandmother often burns mosquito coils and uses electric mosquito swatters to beat mosquitoes in the summer.

In addition to stinky grass, Chen Xiayue also saw a plant called Chlorella, which can purify seawater. What about throwing algae into the sea and letting it purify the ocean?

Chen Xiayue bought the stinky grass after looking at it, took it upstairs and placed it in the living room, which happened to be placed in the very center of the upstairs.

Then Chen Xiayue saw two kinds of plants, jelly jade dew and chocolate peach beauty. She didn't like to eat jelly or something, and chocolate was similar. She didn't like sweets very much, but it wasn't that she hated eating it.

But even so, jelly jade dew and chocolate peach beauty still make Chen Xiayue like them very much, who makes them look too high? Jelly Yulu is available in all colors, and Chocolate Peach Beauty comes in three colors of black, white and pink, which she likes very much.

"Huh? Yunling wood? Yunling tree?" Chen Xiayue looked at the introduction above, these two plants would slowly generate aura, and Chen Xiayue, who had read a lot of novels, was stabbed at once.

Reiki, she likes it.

【I really want it. 】Chen Xiayue said to the system in her heart.

[When your business gets better and better and you earn more and more, you can buy more plants. 】

[Of course, in addition to these plants, there are many useful things in the system mall, all of which require you to earn money to buy them. 】

Chen Xiayue lay pitifully on the cashier counter and said, [I only have three customers now, how many days have I just opened the store? It's pretty good that I can earn these, in a while. 】

It's only been opened for a few days now. When she develops more customers in the future, she will be able to make more money. At that time, she will have the money to buy all kinds of things in the mall.

[I think you have a little free time during the day, why don't you take this opportunity to learn other things? 】

【what? 】 Chen Xiayue asked suspiciously, where is she free?

[You also want to visit the store during the day, but there are not many customers, so you have a lot of free time. Reading novels and watching videos is too wasteful, why not learn one more skill. 】

【Is that so? So what do you think is better for me to learn? 】 Chen Xiayue asked.

[Your culinary talent is very good, such as learning cooking, right? 】

【Cooking? 】 Chen Xiayue wondered, her culinary talent is indeed very good, but she has been doing it by herself since she was a child, and she has neither studied nor practiced systematically.

[Practice with knives first, and practice knives with radishes. The shredded radishes can be marinated, killing two birds with one stone. 】

After hearing this, Chen Xiayue thought it made sense, so she turned to the vegetable market next door to buy five catties of white radishes and five catties of carrots, and then bought two different kitchen knives, one chopping board to start practicing knife crafting.

Chen Xiayue tied her hair up high and tied it into a ball, and then began to prepare. The cash register is a little high and not suitable for practicing knife skills. She placed a table with a suitable height next to the cash register. Practice cutting radishes above.

Chen Xiayue prepared the white radish, chopping board, and kitchen knife. After wrapping her apron, she began to practice cutting, chopping, and chopping.

Chen Xiayue has learned to cook since she was a child, so she still knows how to cut and chop, but she is not good at cutting it. Just like those professional chefs who can cut shredded radishes of similar size very quickly, Chen Xiayue can't do it. She doesn't cut things that fast.

The system didn't want Chen Xiayue to practice as superb a knife as a professional chef, it just wanted Chen Xiayue to find something to do to pass the time and learn a skill.

What's more, Chen Xiayue needs to learn how to handle the ingredients. For example, these radishes are just ordinary radishes. What should she do to make the radishes delicious?

The system does not know how to put a cooking tutorial on the system mall, from beginner to proficient, anyway, it is bound to teach Chen Xiayue to be a master chef.

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