Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 581: Parallel Time and Space: Turn In

Tu Yingzi and others listened to Chen Xiayue's introduction to the general store system of this plane. This system not only has a system mall, but also can connect to other planes, and then sell the goods of the grocery store to people in other planes.

"Don't worry, when people from other planes enter the store, the system has been sterilized, and they won't be allowed to bring viruses from other planes. Of course, the virus on our side will definitely not be brought to other planes. "Chen Xiayue said quickly.

Especially the apocalyptic plane is the end of the world where zombies are rampant. It is because of the rampant virus that there are so many zombies. Therefore, the most important thing is to explain clearly that although the system is connected to the apocalyptic plane, there is no need to worry that the virus will invade the 21st century plane, and the system will automatically sterilize it.

Tu Yingzi and others: "..."

"By the way, I recently exchanged a lot of things from the end of the world. I don't know if the crystal core can be used here, but I also exchanged a lot of gold, jewelry and jade." Chen Xiayue said embarrassedly.

"The nutritional pills and anti-inflammatory drugs I donated before were bought with gold jewelry and the system, and the three gold bars I went to sell before were also exchanged from the end of the world."

Tu Yingzi and others: "..."

"...What are you saying is true?" Tu Yingzi looked at the ice crystal grass in the room, and could indeed feel that the closer it was, the colder it became, and the sound of the outside world was indeed much quieter.

Tu Yingzi knew very well that the material of this house was definitely not the best, and there was absolutely no sound insulation effect, but when you stayed in the house, you could only hear relatively small sounds outside. The original loud sounds were much, much smaller. .

"Well, this is what I exchanged recently. It seems to be called a smart bracelet, right?" Chen Xiayue took out a brain that had no signal in the last days and showed it to Tu Yingzi and the others.

The appearance of the smart bracelet is the same as that of the watch and the jade bracelet, and the smart bracelet is more similar to the jade bracelet, except that there is a button on it to open the virtual screen of the smart bracelet.

Of course, the smart bracelet is mostly voice-activated, but now the smart bracelet has no signal, and I don't know whether it is good or bad. Chen Xiayue has not tried it.

Tu Yingzi and others were holding this smart bracelet, which was very similar to a jade bracelet but made of metal. None of the three of them were proficient in computer networks, nor did they understand these communicators, which were very similar to mobile phones at the beginning. How things should be checked, they're ready to take away research studies.

"This is Tianjingcao, it can purify water and soil, even fresh water can purify it." Chen Xiayue took out another pot of Tianjingcao and said, then took out Chlorella seeds and said, "This is Chlorella, it can be Purify the ocean, and when the chlorococcus grows mature, it can extract fibers to make fabrics.”

"The fiber extracted from Chlorella and ice crystal grass can make clothes that are cool in summer, similar to the effect of ice silk. When the flowers come together, you can make a warm fabric that will keep you warm in winter."

Tu Yingzi looked at the Chlorococcus algae, Tianjingcao and Yanyanghua in front of her, and looked at Chen Xiayue helplessly and said, "I will report this matter truthfully, as for what you said does not restrict your personal freedom... Of course, we will not restrict your freedom."

Chen Xiayue smiled happily when she heard the words, "Thank you, Chief Tu."

"Chief Tu, it sounds like something is wrong. You should call me Sister Tu or Sister Yingzi." Tu Yingzi said with a smile.

"Sister Tu." Chen Xiayue said obediently.

"If the grocery store system you mentioned is true, and the connection to other planes is also true, then we need to plan carefully." Tu Yingzi thought for a while and said, "Are you really not going to open a store in another place? Does your system have any hard and fast rules for you to open a store?"

Chen Xiayue shook her head and said, "No, the system does not require me to open a shop somewhere."

"However, I want to open a store here. I am more familiar with this place, and there are relatives and friends here who love me and love me. I don't want to leave here." Chen Xiayue said seriously.

She really didn't want to leave here. When she didn't come back before, she probably didn't want to go back to her hometown, but she didn't want to leave after coming back for so long.

She can make money and make her life rich by staying here, and her life will not be inconvenient because she lives in a relatively remote town, so why did she leave?

Chen Xiayue's firmness made Tu Yingzi and the others say nothing. They didn't need to force Chen Xiayue to leave here.

Tu Yingzi and the others told Chen Xiayue that they needed to go back and report the results of this visit, and then discuss what to do in the future and how to arrange her affairs.

Of course, they took away all kinds of things that Chen Xiayue gave them, a bottle of all kinds of pills, ointments, a sapling of all kinds of plants, smart bracelets exchanged from the end of the world, and some materials. gone back.

After watching Tu Yingzi and the others get into the car, Chen Xiayue breathed a sigh of relief.

She is just a little white who has just left the campus, just an ordinary person, facing Tu Yingzi and the others, the official people, especially Tu Yingzi's subordinate aura is very strong, she really feels depressed, it is too difficult took her.

Chen Xiayue sent Tu Yingzi and others away, and Yang Xixi came over next door.

"Xia Yue, who were those people just now?" Yang Xixi asked.

"Guest." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, what else could it be if it wasn't a guest? Can she reveal Tu Yingzi and their identities casually?

Fortunately, Tu Yingzi and the others also took a lot of things with them when they left. Wouldn't those with large and small bags be the same as customers visiting the grocery store?

Yang Xixi didn't quite believe it, but she didn't know what was going on. If they were all men, she would think wrongly, but with two very good-looking and temperamental girls, of course she couldn't think wrongly. .

"Sister Xixi, I'm going back first, the sun is blazing." Chen Xiayue said.

"Let's go, let's go." Yang Xixi also hurried back. It was already half afternoon, but the sun was still shining, and she didn't want to be in the sun.

After Chen Xiayue returned to the store, she looked at her store, and said to the system secretly in her heart, [Do you think I can successfully catch up with the official? 】

【can. 】

[But I'm worried, will I be taken away for experiments as written in the novel? 】Chen Xiayue said anxiously.

【You should believe in your own country. 】

[I don't believe it. ] Chen Xiayue retorted, [I trust my own motherland very much. 】

[To be honest, today's experience is really exciting, my heart has not calmed down yet. 】 Chen Xiayue continued.

[Go get busy, whether it’s practicing knife crafting or doing something else, don’t keep chatting with me. 】The system can't bear it.

[System, you are so stingy, what's wrong with chatting with me? 】

[I don't want to talk. 】

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