Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 586: Parallel Time and Space: Fighting Corner

"Mom, do you think who else in our base can have better conditions than Zhou Mingxu? He is a powerful ability user, even if it is a spiritual department, but that is still very powerful. And he is still a researcher, and he does not need to go out often. Fighting zombies is much less dangerous."

"The most important thing is that he is from the research institute. If I were with him, wouldn't the research eye be on our side naturally?"

"If Zhou Mingxu breaks with Han Zhengting, Han Zhengting will lose his arm." Han Zhengwei persuaded her mother.

"Zhou Mingxu's ability is a spiritual ability person. His brain is smart and he has spiritual ability. This kind of person is smart. With him joining us, what are you afraid of fighting against Han Zhengting? He stands Han Zhengting's side is the biggest threat to us." Han Zhengwei said.

"Ah? Is this Zhou Mingxu so powerful?" Han Zhenghao wondered why his sister thought this Zhou Mingxu was so powerful? Isn't it just an ordinary power user in a base?

Spiritual ability, the combat power is so poor, even worse than his speed-type ability, why does my sister respect him?

"Mom..." Han Zhengwei said coquettishly while hugging Ye Wenxian's arm.

Marven Ye's face was still not good, but it had to be said that what Han Zhengwei said made sense.

Although their mother and son are living well with Han Song's blessing, who knows how long Han Song will live? Who knows if Han Song will like Han Zhengting's son more? What will happen to the three of them then?

Everything is more fragrant in their own hands. What power is best in their own hands. They can't let Han Zhengting take over the Northwest Base, otherwise how can they live such a good life?

Zhou Mingxu didn't know that Han Zhengwei had a crush on him, even if he knew he wouldn't take it to heart.

Han Zhengting didn't like the half-brother and sister, and they didn't like Han Zhengting either, so the relationship was very tense.

Because he was brought out by Han Zhengting and the others when they took people to the hospital to find Huang Mingshu. Later, he naturally formed a team with Han Zhengting and the others. At the beginning, he was also targeted by Han Zhenghao and the others.

Han Zhengwei didn't target Han Zhengting and his teammates openly, but that doesn't mean she didn't do anything, and she did a lot behind the scenes.

Han Zhengting knows what Han Zhengwei has done, and Zhou Mingxu also knows it, so it is impossible for him to have a good impression of Han Zhengwei.

Han Zhengwei is indeed very beautiful, and she is also a healer. She usually acts like a virgin halo and has won the favor of many people in the Northwest Base. Many people talk about her with admiration and admiration. of.

But Zhou Mingxu is not one of this group of people. He is smart, but he is not a nerd who studies hard, and his emotional intelligence is no problem. Of course, he can't see what kind of person Han Zhengwei is.

Now Zhou Mingxu is still leading people to study Tianjingcao, and try to find out if he can develop a zombie vaccine, so as to end this endless apocalypse as soon as possible.

"Doctor Zhou, the output of those fruit tree seedlings seems to have dropped a lot recently. Is it because of the lack of fertilizer?"

Zhou Mingxu met a wood-type ability user just after he came out of the research institute. He said that the fruit trees they spawned recently produced a lot less fruit, and the output was not as much as at the beginning.

"No fertilization?" Zhou Mingxu was stunned.

"No, after all, it is more convenient for everyone to rely on the matriarchal ability to grow things. I have never thought about providing fertilizers to plants." The wood-type ability said.

"Try to see if you can find the more fertile things outside to fertilize those trees, and see if Tianjingcao can also purify the virus on the fertilizer."

"Try to fertilize a tree first, don't try all of them." Zhou Mingxu urged.

"Okay." The wood-type ability user nodded.

Zhou Mingxu said goodbye to the wood-type power user and returned to his residence. Now he is the only one at home here. Han Zhengting and Yang Fei have all gone out.

Han Zhengting and the others are all superpower warriors with relatively strong combat effectiveness. Now the northwest base has planted a lot of plants such as breadfruit trees, steamed bread fruit trees, and rice fruit trees, so the food problem has been alleviated a little.

And Han Zhengting and the others need to go out to hunt zombies. If they are lucky, they can hunt mutant animals or something, or collect supplies.

Their life has improved now because there are so many things that can be exchanged with Chen Xiayue, and of course they need to exchange them now.

The northwest base has eased, but there are still so many bases in the country, and so many countries in the world need more supplies, of course they can't be satisfied now.

"Doctor Zhou."

When Zhou Mingxu just took a breadfruit to prepare for his dinner, he heard a familiar voice calling him.

He came over to open the door while eating breadfruit, and saw Han Zhengwei standing at the door, his expression did not change.

"Doctor Zhou, are you eating?" Seeing him eating bread, Han Zhengwei said with a distressed look, "It's too monotonous to eat only bread. I made braised pork for you, would you like to try it?"

Zhou Mingxu: "..."

He seriously looked at Han Zhengwei, who looked like a shy girl. He really didn't expect her to have such a side.

This nineteen-year-old girl has always known that she is not simple, but what did she want to do today with a play of a simple girl?

"I don't need Miss Han, I'm enough to eat bread." Zhou Mingxu didn't think there was anything wrong with eating bread, especially the breadfruit from the breadfruit tree was very soft and delicious, and had a sweet taste.

Breadfruit is delicious, so what's wrong with bread? Better than eating expired cookies, right? Soft and sweet bread is already very good, what can he dislike?

As for braised pork? He also wanted to eat it, but he didn't want to eat it from Han Zhengwei.

Han Zhengwei was rejected, her face full of disappointment, "Dr. Zhou, please try it, this is the braised pork that I have worked so hard to stew for two hours. It's soft and delicious, can you try it?"

"Actually, Miss Han, you can give it to General Han to try. If he eats the braised pork that Miss Han has stewed for two hours, he must be very moved. After all, it is his daughter's filial piety." Zhou Mingxu said.

Han Zhengwei's expression froze, but she quickly returned to a somewhat disappointed and sad look, "The braised pork I prepared today is quite heavy, and I have asked my brother to send it to my father."

"I personally sent it to Dr. Zhou because...because..." Han Zhengwei looked shy, and her face turned a little red.

Zhou Mingxu: "..." I suddenly felt that the bread in my mouth was not fragrant.

"I'm sorry Miss Han, I'm not related to you, and I don't like the braised pork you made. It's rare for something so expensive to eat. Miss Han should keep it for herself. It's also good to show filial piety to Ling Zun Ling Tang. I If you are an outsider, you don't need it." Zhou Mingxu said politely.

"I still have some things to deal with. I'm sorry Miss Han, I'm busy first." Zhou Mingxu didn't wait for Han Zhengwei to speak, closed the door and ate the bread in his hand, and then went to work.

Han Zhengwei looked at the closed door in front of her and hated to smash it, but she was more angry at Zhou Mingxu's attitude towards her.

She doesn't really like Zhou Mingxu very much, the reason why she likes him is only because he looks good, works in the research institute, and has a good relationship with Han Zhengting.

At first, her thought was that if she could catch up with Zhou Mingxu and break Han Zhengting's arm, it would be very pleasing.

Then there is the channel that Zhou Mingxu and Han Zhengting knew about the exchange of materials. If she became Zhou Mingxu's girlfriend, wouldn't she be able to get information from Zhou Mingxu?

In love? Her feelings for Zhou Mingxu were not that deep, and they were more calculated.

But now that she was rejected by Zhou Mingxu, she was still very resentful.

The daughter of the person in charge of the Tangtang Northwest Base fell in love with Zhou Mingxu, an ordinary researcher. Why did he reject him?

It can be seen from this that Han Zhengwei and Ye Wenxian are indeed mother and daughter.

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