Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 592: Parallel Time and Space: Favorite

The large amount of grain brought back by Zhang Chengchuan and other seeds and the report written by Tu Yingzi were also sent. Although they are not 100% sure whether what he said is true or not, they have also eased their doubts after seeing so much grain. .

After all, if you want to deceive people, who is willing to spend so much food to deceive people? Anyway, for everyone, they must be reluctant to come up with so much food to deceive people.

There is also the sapling of the rice fruit tree. They are also very suspicious of who has such a fruit sapling. They will try to see if this fruit sapling can really grow rice. If it is a tree that really grows rice, it is even more trustworthy. .

In the 1960s, the rice fruit tree seedlings still had such a large batch of food, but it was only a small part of the people who boiled up. Those large amounts of food seem to be a lot, but they cannot be eaten by the whole country. If you are full, even the capital alone may not be able to eat enough.

But even so, everyone is still very happy, especially the high yield of sweet potatoes and potatoes, they have to study carefully, after all, they do not have 10,000 catties of sweet potatoes and 5,000 or 6,000 catties of potatoes per mu.

On the other hand, Chen Xiayue also planned to go to bed early after sending Zhang Chengchuan away. Tu Yingzi didn't mean to disturb Chen Xiayue's sleep. After saying goodbye to Chen Xiayue, she went back to prepare to report what she saw tonight.

Being able to connect to other planes is true. She saw with her own eyes that the man who said he was from the 1960s carried a lot of food back through the door little by little, and then he left through the door himself.

After eleven thirty, the door disappeared. Such a miraculous aspect shows that what Chen Xiayue said before was not a lie.

Tu Yingzi may have to work all night tonight, and she has to send back the letter from the No. 2 chief that Zhang Chengchuan brought over, and she has to report other things and so on.

Chen Xiayue didn't have this burden at all. After sending Tu Yingzi away and closing the door, she went back upstairs to wash and sleep. Anyway, she was used to contacting people from other planes.

Chen Xiayue also believed that what the system said could ensure the safety of her host, so she was not worried about other problems at all.

[You just donated a large amount of food to Zhang Chengchuan? 】 When Chen Xiayue took a shower and was blowing her hair, the system asked her.

[I don’t know why I still have a high degree of favorability towards him. In addition, the 1960s were really bitter. I just hope to do my little bit to make some people feel better. 】 Chen Xiayue said lightly.

[The group of people in the last apocalypse have never seen you so generous. The 1960s were very hard, so those people in the last days were not pitiful enough? ] System Road.

[I didn’t think about it that much, maybe it’s because in my cognition, the apocalypse side doesn’t feel closer to me than the 60s side? 】 Chen Xiayue was also a little puzzled.

Chen Xiayue didn't quite understand why she was so good to Zhang Chengchuan. Anyway, she was not as good as Zhang Chengchuan to those people in the end times.

Chen Xiayue blew her hair, played with her phone for a while, and then fell asleep. She went to bed early and got up early to be healthy—she was sleepy anyway.


"Why do you think she has such a good impression of Zhang Chengchuan over there? No matter Zhou Zhange, Zhou Mingxu, Han Zhengting, they are also handsome guys who are smooth and smooth. Why does she only have a good impression of Zhang Chengchuan?" [Chen Xiayue] I don't understand very much.

She will marry Zhang Chengchuan because she is worried that her family will find out that she is different from the original owner and will agree to marry as soon as possible after she travels. Besides, Zhang Chengchuan looks very good-looking.

In fact, she had a good impression of Zhang Chengchuan at first because he was good-looking, and because she was unfamiliar with everyone just through time travel, and then she instinctively believed in Zhang Chengchuan a little more.

In addition, she traveled back to the 1960s, especially when the world started to go bad, so she chose to do so.

So what if the parallel time and space did not pass through but still have a golden finger? Why do they have such a high degree of favorability towards Zhang Chengchuan in case the handsome guys in the last days didn't like him?

[Zhang Chengchuan] Looking at the indignant wife with a funny look, she pinched her face and said, "What? After decades of marriage, you despise me? You from another world like me from another world, and you are very dissatisfied? Are you going to change your husband?"

[Chen Xiayue] wrinkled her nose and said, "Why did I marry you in the first place, don't you know what happened? But I in another world didn't face my original situation, how could she like you in another world? already?"

[Zhang Chengchuan] said, "It's unlikely that you like something. You in that world only have a good impression when you see another me who looks good. Aren't you a super face control?"

"She just instinctively has a crush on good-looking people, but she doesn't say she likes it to that extent." [Zhang Chengchuan] could see clearly.

[Chen Xiayue] After thinking about it, I feel that what my husband said is very reasonable, but it is still a little bit unsatisfactory to look at myself.

"Okay, okay, it's fine now, let's go with the flow." [Zhang Chengchuan] said.

"Aren't you in a hurry? If we are not together in another world, wouldn't you feel jealous?" [Chen Xiayue] asked.

"I'm very clear, you are you, the other you is the other you, and I didn't confuse you with her. Therefore, if she and the other me are not together, then it can only be said that their fate is still there. Not enough." [Zhang Chengchuan] calmly said.

If it was when he and his wife were just married, or when they were married for ten or twenty years, he would still have jealous thoughts, but now that they have been married for forty or fifty years, they have already seen it.

[Chen Xiayue] didn't think about it that much, but she was married to [Zhang Chengchuan] for 50 years, and as a result, she and Zhang Chengchuan in another world were not together, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Let's go, we have just met in another world, even if we want to be together, it won't be so fast, you don't know what you were thinking at that time, what do you worry about? Go, go, Tianxuanzong recently The people here are making trouble in the store again, let's go and see the excitement." [Zhang Chengchuan] hurriedly used other things to attract the attention of his daughter-in-law.

"What happened to Tianxuanzong?" [Chen Xiayue] asked curiously.

"I heard that the eldest disciple of the head of Tianxuanzong was knocked off a cliff by the younger sister, because the eldest disciple took action on the sweetheart of the younger sister." [Zhang Chengchuan] said.

"However, isn't the younger disciple of Tianxuanzong the fiancee husband and wife of the elder disciple? Do you have a marriage contract?"

"Hey, the little junior sister said that she was against arranged marriages. She has no feelings for the senior brother. She loves the sweetheart who is of ordinary background but has outstanding talent and looks."

"What did the head of Tianxuanzong say?"

"His younger disciple is his own daughter. Do you think it is more important for him to have a daughter or a eldest disciple?"

"To spoil his own daughter so lawlessly, of course his daughter is the most important."

"So, that eldest disciple of the Tianxuan Sect, he was just knocked off the cliff, and that little junior sister has nothing to do with it?"

"Yes, the head of Tianxuanzong punished his daughter to go to Siguofeng for ten years."

"Just ten years?"

"What about his eldest disciple?"

"I don't know, let's see if we can find this talented disciple."

The couple communicated for a while and then ran away. As for Chen Xiayue in another world sleeping now, the couple didn't have time to stare at her all the time.


Chen Xiayue had no dreams all night and slept very comfortably. She woke up full of energy to wash up and went to Yang Xixi next door to buy a noodle soup to eat. She didn't want to eat fried noodles in the morning.

Tu Yingzi didn't sleep all night, but she was in good spirits. When she saw Chen Xiayue got up, she came over to talk to Chen Xiayue about other things.

"What do you plan to do with Qinglinghua? Sell it to us in large quantities?" Tu Yingzi asked.

"You can also plant your own seeds." Chen Xiayue said.

"By the way, the purification effect of the green coccus you gave us before is also very good. I received news from the people in Sanya. The green coccus we sprinkled before has almost purified the sea area. ." Tu Yingzi said, "We are going to order a large amount of chlorococcus seeds."

"Yes." Chen Xiayue nodded and said, "The seeds of Chlorella, Qinglinghua and Tianjingcao are all for you, you can just plant them yourself."

Anyway, Chen Xiayue is too lazy to buy the whole plant from the system mall and sell it to Tu Yingzi and the others. She thinks that such a large amount is too dazzling compared to the seeds. It is better to keep a low profile.

"Don't worry, we won't treat you badly in terms of price." Tu Yingzi said, the above order didn't say that Chen Xiayue would donate it all for free, so they were willing to spend money to buy the seeds of those purifying plants.

Especially after Chen Xiayue handed in the scar removal cream, weight loss pills and other prescriptions to verify that the effect is really good, they felt that they could still afford the money. After all, there are so many people in the country who need to lose weight, so many people who need to remove scars, and so many people who need to treat their eyesight. If those medicines are produced and sold, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

Since they can earn so much money, why not take out the money to buy seeds with Chen Xiayue?

Although Chen Xiayue was lucky enough to be favored by the system, it didn't mean that her family was really wealthy, and it was good to be able to give her some income.

Chen Xiayue prepared a lot of seeds for Tu Yingzi and the others. Of course, the money was also credited to her account. In fact, the price of these seeds is not very expensive. Anyway, Chen Xiayue sold hundreds of kilograms of seeds and earned tens of thousands of dollars. That's it.

Chen Xiayue didn't have to chat with Tu Yingzi, and Tu Yingzi didn't delay Chen Xiayue doing her own thing. She was still practicing her cooking skills, watching the teaching video very seriously.

【Beep beep—】

Chen Xiayue, who was busy, heard the computer she put on the cashier ringing. She stopped a little to see what the news was. It turned out that she had another order in her online store.

The things that Chen Xiayue sent to her little sisters have probably arrived. After all, Qiong Province is really close to Guangdong Province, and the courier she sent is relatively fast, so after the courier arrived, her little sisters used her to send it. something of the past.

I saw the effect now, and it seems that I have placed an order to buy the things in her store again. This is the conclusion that Chen Xiayue saw when she saw the address of the order.

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