Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 596: Parallel time and space: super degradable trash can

Chen Xiayue searched for a while but couldn't find it. There were a lot of things in the system mall. She searched the trash can directly from the search bar, and she found a product called [Super Degradable Trash Can].

Chen Xiayue took a look at the price. The price of the super degradable trash can is 1,000 gold coins each, and the garbage in the trash can automatically degrade for more than 2 hours.

Moreover, the degraded garbage of the trash can also seems to be able to synthesize other substances, such as kitchen waste, etc., such as vegetable peels and other garbage, which will decompose and then be collectively called fertilizer, and things such as paper and plastic will be decomposed and collectively called plastic sheeting and the like. s things.

Chen Xiayue was really stunned when she saw this trash can. The size of the trash can was a bit large, and the top was for taking out the trash, and then there was a small door on the lower floor that could be opened to take out the synthesized things from the trash can.

Chen Xiayue was so surprised that she poked at the system in her heart.

【System system! Your black technology is amazing, and the trash can can decompose garbage and synthesize new things at the same time? 】

[You said it was black technology, so of course it is black technology. 】

[Black technology, omnipotent. 】

Chen Xiayue very much agrees with what the system said, black technology is omnipotent, any unexplainable technical problems are all explained by black technology, and anything that cannot be achieved by current technology is all explained by black technology.

Chen Xiayue happily told Tu Yingzi about the super-degradable trash can. The value of a trash can is 1,000 gold coins, which is equal to 10,000 RMB, which is really expensive.

But for the effect and function of this trash can, the price of 10,000 yuan is not expensive. After all, the country has invested a lot of money in dealing with garbage.

"I'll report this [super degradable trash can] first. By the way, you can buy one first. Let's try it to see if it really has such an effect." Tu Yingzi said to Chen Xiayue.

"Okay." Chen Xiayue nodded, and then bought a super degradable trash can. After thinking about it, she planned to put it in the vegetable market next to her. After all, there would be a lot of garbage in the vegetable market from time to time.

Whether it is the garbage in the vegetable market or the garbage thrown by pedestrians passing by, there needs to be a trash can. This super degradable trash can is also very good there.

"I'll take this trash can to the sanitation workers. Although it's not bad to put it in the vegetable market, of course, it's the sanitation workers who pick up the trash. Let's just give them the trash can." Tu Yingzi said.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiayue still agrees with Tu Yingzi's words. Anyway, it's troublesome for her to do what she wants to do softly. It's better to leave it to professionals like Tu Yingzi and the others.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the Mingmu Pills, Weight Loss Pills, and Scar Removal Cream that you handed in have already been produced and are going on sale today." Tu Yingzi said to Chen Xiayue with her mobile phone.

Tu Yingzi asked Chen Xiayue to look at the news posted on the official official blog on VB. The news that the scar removal cream, Mingmu Pills and Weight Loss Pills have been released has been sent out and forwarded by major official blogs.

Now the popularity is directly on the hot search, after all, this is the VB forwarded by so many official blogs, and the content is something that many people are very interested in.

[Are weight loss pills real? Can a weight loss pill actually lose five pounds of meat? 】

【really? Did the government even start doing this kind of shit? 】

[Obese people see hope, I believe what the official said. 】

[Is scar removal cream real? Can it really remove scars? Can scalds and burn scars work too? 】

[Can Mingmu Pill really restore vision? Can people with myopia of 600 degrees finally regain their sight? 】

There is a lot of buzz on VB, but in fact, there are still many people who think that the official is deceiving people. Even if the news is sent by the official official blog, even if there are many official blogs, they have reposted the news, but there are already many keyboard warriors on the VB. , spray it without any hesitation.

Of course, they didn't say any dirty words, they just questioned the official's intention to send this news with more civilized words. Anyway, they didn't believe that the official came up with such a medicine.

They think that weight loss pills are the same as other weight loss pills. Even if they are reduced, they will rebound, and they will even hurt the body and have many side effects.

Mingmu Pill is a lie, and the effect of scar removal cream is definitely not that good, and the effect is similar to that of some scar removal products on the market.

However, the official is very cold, just telling everyone that these drugs have been developed and sold in major hospitals, and if you want to buy them, you need to consult a doctor, and you can buy them only with a doctor's prescription.

Because the output of these medicines is not so high now, we can only use this method to select people who need them more to buy these medicines. Isn't it sad that people who need it can't buy it?

The official side is too lazy to care about those gangster keyboard warriors, while others believe that the official will not lie to others to gangster gangsters, and those who really need to lose weight, remove scars, have severe myopia, and even some blind people go to the hospital See if you can get these medicines.

"It's already on the market? It's pretty good." Chen Xiayue was also in a good mood after seeing the news. Her myopia and obesity were not that serious, and she didn't have any scars, except for the acne scars with chickenpox. There are no big scars, and some small scars on her body have faded a lot with age.

So Chen Xiayue herself doesn't have much demand for these medicines. She is very satisfied now that she has lost ten pounds of flesh. As for continuing to lose weight, it is impossible. There are also things like controlling her weight, don't eat too much or something, she really wants to but can't control it.

Although the small town does not have as many delicacies as in the big cities, there are still many delicious foods. For example, fried chicken, fried skewers, sour noodles, Hainan noodles, Baoluo noodles and other delicacies, Chen Xiayue is impossible to quit.

In addition, her own cooking talent is so good, how could she not cook for herself? Mouth for weight control? It was impossible for Chen Xiayue.

And many girls like her who can't keep their mouths open and can't open their legs need weight loss pills very much. She handed in the formula of weight loss pills because of these people with advanced cancer.

"Because there are relatively few births now, only those who really need it can go to the hospital to find a doctor before they can prescribe medicine." Tu Yingzi said, "A lot of people have gone to the hospital to find a doctor now. I hope these things will make everyone feel comfortable. become better."

"Hmm." Chen Xiayue nodded.

"Okay, I'll take the trash can to someone to try the effect, you can do it yourself." Tu Yingzi stood up and finished talking to Chen Xiayue, then pulled the trash can and left.

After Tu Yingzi left, Chen Xiayue was busy cutting, chopping, chopping, and her knife skills were not very good, so she still needed to practice knife skills well.

Of course, she only practiced knife skills for an hour and then changed to practice seasoning. If she wants to make a delicious dish, knife skills, heat and seasoning are all indispensable. Chen Xiayue needs to practice her sensitivity to taste and control of seasonings.

Chen Xiayue carefully identified the taste of the seasoning, and which brand of seasoning is better, and then the quality of the seasoning is not the top level.

It is also impossible for her to use the top seasonings every time she cooks. The ingredients and seasonings are a little more ordinary, and she can make delicious food. That is the most test of kung fu.

Chen Xiayue was busy practicing, while Zhang Chengchuan hadn't gotten the books that Chen Xiayue prepared for him, but he followed the professors to do research. Professor Wu Guochao took care of him, and the other professors are now taking good care of Zhang Chengchuan. Grant.

Chen Xiayue didn't know what happened to Zhang Chengchuan, and Zhang Chengchuan didn't know what happened to Chen Xiayue. They had only known each other for a few days, and they were still in different time and space. No one thought about liking each other and being with each other.

Chen Xiayue's cousin, Chen Xinghua, took ten Tianjingcao and Qinglinghua away. After returning home, he began to prepare to clean up the river in the village.

Because many cultivated fields are no longer planted, some weeds by the river are particularly lush, and many aquatic plants have even covered the water surface.

Chen Xinghua took the lawn mower and started mowing, and then Chen Xiayue's cousin Deng Caixia followed to deal with the weeds that the lawn mower didn't cut, and of course the reed poles and other things that the lawn mower couldn't cut.

"Xia Yue really told you to clean up the river and gave you money?" Deng Caixia asked Chen Xinghua while cutting off the reed pole.

"Of course it's true, why are you lying to me?" Chen Xinghua said.

"Why? Why did Xia Yue let you deal with the river? It's all dirty, and there is so much grass growing along the river." Deng Caixia really didn't understand why Chen Xia Yue wanted to clean up the river.

In the past, when people were still farming and growing rice in this river, in order to prevent the weeds from covering the seedlings, everyone would cut down the weeds by themselves, or sprayed medicine or something.

Now everyone has stopped growing rice for several years, and the fields are either deserted or just growing vegetables. Anyway, most of the fields near the river are deserted and overgrown with weeds.

It is really troublesome to deal with now. Chen Xinghua was only separated by a little space for an hour. It was too difficult to deal with.

In fact, Chen Xinghua also disliked the river in his own village, but what can be done? He disliked it himself, but he was too lazy to deal with it. So many people in the village used to throw garbage by the river or into the river, and he didn't stop it.

That is to say, in recent years, several sheds have been built in the village and several garbage cans have been placed in the village. Since then, the garbage in the village has been thrown there, and few people have been thrown into the river. Otherwise, the pollution in the river will be more serious, and the garbage will be More.

When they were young, they were still useful in the river, and they dared to catch fish with their bare feet in the river. Now, no one dares to walk in the river with their bare feet, and they will be cut by glass pieces if they are not careful.

Now Chen Xiayue gave him a sum of money to clean up the river, and then planted Tianjing grass Qingling flowers, Chen Xinghua thought he was working for Chen Xiayue. And to deal with the river, the people who live in the village will benefit, and he has nothing to refuse.

In particular, Chen Xinghua saw the purification function of Tianjingcao and Qinglinghua, and he also wanted the river to return to the clearness and cleanliness of his childhood.

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