Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 614: Parallel Time and Space: In Love 1

There are not many things like snow skin pills and snow face cream in Chen Xiayue's online store, such as slimming pills, eyesight pills, scar removal cream, Nuan Gong pills, etc. Chen Xiayue handed over the formula to the state, She only manages several beauty and beauty products such as snow skin pills, snow cream and acne cream.

But just like this, Chen Xiayue's business is still very good. After Yao Xuedie and the others have used it and spread it out, Chen Xiayue's online store still has a lot of customers, and the sales are very good.

The above did not require Chen Xiayue to submit all the recipes. Instead, Chen Xiayue originally planned to submit the recipes of Xuefu Pills and Xueyan Cream. The above thought that it would be better for Chen Xiayue to make some money for her, so she just Keep these beauty and beauty things for her, and other countries will produce and sell them in large quantities after receiving them.

Chen Xiayue has read the news, and Mingmu Pill has really improved the eyesight of many people. Now, it is not only students who are serious about their studies and love to study who are short-sighted. Adults are also very short-sighted, all because of watching the computer. The cell phone burns my eyes out.

There are also some children who are less than ten years old and like to watch with mobile phones and tablets, and they must also pay attention to the eyesight, otherwise the degree of myopia will be very high when they are young.

But after the appearance of Mingmu Pill, everyone no longer has to worry about vision problems. Myopia, farsightedness, presbyopia and other vision problems have been improved a lot because of Mingmu Pill.

There are also weight loss pills, which are really more popular than Mingmu pills. There are really too many people who love beauty, and there are too many people who always feel that they can't stand a little fat. Weight loss pills are like life-saving straws. They can't wait to catch it.

However, the weight loss pills are strictly controlled by the hospital. It is very difficult to buy weight loss pills for those who are not obese or overweight.

Whether it is Mingmu Pills, slimming pills or scar removal creams, they are all prescription drugs and can only be purchased with a prescription from a doctor. After all, there are many people in need, and the production of these medicines has not caught up yet, and we can only follow those who need it first.

Just like weight loss pills, those who weigh more than 200 to 400 pounds need more weight loss pills, those who gain weight due to hormone deposition due to taking medicine, and those who can't lose their body fat even more need weight loss pills, those who It is impossible for people who weigh more than 80 to 90 pounds to buy weight loss pills. Doctors will not prescribe medicine for such people. Even at the beginning, these people of about 100 to 110 pounds couldn't buy weight loss pills. After all, they really didn't look fat.

[Miyuki: I finally found a boyfriend, sisters! @all members】

[Xue Die: Are you off the list? congratulations. 】

[Meng Shuang: Miyue is off the list? congratulations. 】

【Xia Yue: Congratulations! 】

All the members in the group congratulated for a while, and this group is the group where all the members of Chen Xiayue's dormitory are in, there are a total of eight people.

Some universities have dormitories with four people, or even two people or single people, but Chen Xiayue's dormitory has eight people.

She thinks eight people are already pretty good. You must know that she lived on campus when she was in the sixth grade of elementary school. Twelve people lived in a dormitory, and the area of ​​the dormitory was only ten square meters. Twelve people lived in the ten-square-meter dormitory, which was so nervous.

There are only eight people in the dormitory now, but even so, Chen Xiayue still finds it very troublesome, and there are various contradictions when there are too many people.

The only people who have a good relationship with her are Yao Xuedie, Wang Mengshuang, and Liang Mei. The other four have a bad relationship with Chen Xiayue, and one of them still looks down on her.

The relationship between Chen Xiayue and Xu Meixue is not very good, but it is too bad, and this girl's name is nice, but she looks a little fat, but her skin is really good.

Chen Xiayue used to be a little fat, but she didn't pay attention to maintenance when she was a teenager, so her skin condition was not good. Even if her skin was a little white, it was not very good-looking.

But Xu Meixue is different. She weighs about 160 pounds, but her skin is very good, her pores are very fine, and she is a delicate little fat man.

But even so, Xu Meixue is not very popular in the school. Everyone likes Yao Xuedie, who is tall and has long legs and fair skin. Even though Xu Meixue is fair and beautiful, but she is fat, so she is with Chen Xiayue. This slightly fat person with bad skin is not welcome.

In fact, in their dormitory, Chen Xiayue and Xu Meixue had never been in a relationship in school. Even Yao Xuedie, who aspired to be a strong woman, had been in two relationships, that is, after breaking up in her senior year, she did not continue to talk. .

According to Yao Xuedie, when she meets someone she wants to fall in love with, she talks about it, and if she can't get along, she breaks up. Anyway, she never expects to be able to talk about a good person in school, from campus to marriage. .

Yao Xuede is a very dashing person. When they are in love, they talk carefully, and when they break up, they are neat and not sloppy, but it turns out that Yao Xuedie is known as a scumbag who plays with other people's feelings.

But Yao Xuedie has only been in love twice in four years at University, where is the scumbag? There was about a year between her first relationship and her second relationship, so where is the scumbag?

There is also Liang Mei. This girl talked about a junior senior when she was a sophomore. Later, she was a senior when she was a junior, and the senior broke up with Liang Mei after graduation.

It is rare to be able to fall in love at school and not part ways after graduation. It is rare to be able to continue dating for several years until marriage.

Except for Chen Xiayue and Xu Meixue, everyone in the dormitory had been in love, and as a result, there was not a single one who could persist until they graduated from college without breaking up. And now Chen Xiayue is still single, and Xu Meixue has already talked about her boyfriend.

[Meng Shuang: Where is your boyfriend from? What are you doing? how old are you? how did you guys meet? @美雪]

[Miyuki: Hehe. 】

[Mi Xue: My boyfriend is 25 years old this year and works in a company in Pengcheng. He is 1.79 meters tall and looks very handsome. 】

[Mi Xue: His family's family background is also very good. His parents opened a company. He himself plans to work in another company for a few years to learn experience before returning home and inheriting the family business. 】

[Miyuki: I have a relationship with him from the company next door. I usually meet him when I take a break from get off work. 】

[Miyuki: I took the initiative to pursue him first, but I didn’t expect him to like me too, we just got together just now. 】

[Xue Die: Congratulations, I didn't expect that you would be the first to leave the list after graduation. 】

[Liang Mei: @雪die you are still single, isn't that because you don't want to fall in love yet? 】

[Qingyan: @雪 butterfly is right, but I heard that there are many people in your company who are pursuing you, but you don’t pay attention to them at all. 】

[Xue Die: I still pay more attention to my career, and I will think about dating when my career reaches a million as an adult. 】

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