Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 633: Parallel Time and Space: Father

"Jiang Donghai, I didn't expect you to send money to Chen Xiayue all these years?"

"Don't forget that Chen Xiayue has changed her surname to Chen. She is not the same as yours, Jiang Donghai!" Yang Lifen, who just learned that Jiang Donghai gave Chen Xiayue money, blew up.

If she hadn't seen the money returned by Chen Xiayue, she still wouldn't know that Jiang Donghai, the old guy, had paid the little girl's film all these years. If she had money, she would spend it on her and her sons, but instead gave it to a little girl, which made Yang Lifen very happy. unhappy.

"So what? Her surname is Chen, so she's not my Jiang Donghai's daughter? Is it not my Jiang Donghai's blood flowing on her body?" Jiang Donghai said with a cold face.

"I haven't been sorry all these years, right? Xia Yue is my daughter, what happened to the money I gave her? As his father, what happened to the money I gave her?"

Yang Lifen was so angry that she could not help scratching his face when she saw that he was still righteous, "What's the matter? Chen Xiayue is just a little girl, and she is destined to marry! Especially her little girl doesn't have your surname, and she doesn't follow your surname. You live, what are you giving her money for?"

"I gave it all, so what if you make trouble with me now?" Jiang Donghai said, not afraid of boiling water, "Besides, Xia Yue also gave me money in exchange."

Over the years, the money he gave his daughter has only been 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Now his daughter has transferred 20,000 yuan to him all at once. Isn't that good?

"Have you been in contact with Chen Yunfang all these years? You are both divorced and have already remarried. Why are you still in touch? Did you do something behind my back?" Yang Lifen accused angrily.

"Are you crazy to talk nonsense like this?" Jiang Donghai was also annoyed by what Yang Lifen said, "If I still didn't know what to do with her all these years, why did I get divorced in the first place? Can you think about it with your brain? Think? Or are you out of your mind?"

"Yang Lifen, I consider myself a good husband, are you planning to make me like everyone else?" Jiang Donghai looked at Yang Lifen coldly.

Jiang Donghai is already pretty good. Although he drinks, he can't beat his wife, and he won't smash things and beat his wife in a fight. Even most of the men in the village occasionally go out to find stimulation, but he is honest at home, even if he comes back late at night, Yang Lifen calls him and he will come back early.

Compared with some men who went out to find young ladies or cheated, Jiang Donghai was really a very good husband.

You must know that cheating on their country side is really not a heinous thing. As long as it is not caught on the spot and then attacked on the spot, everyone will only use it as a joke.

But Jiang Donghai didn't, neither went out to find the young lady nor cheated on him. He lived peacefully with Yang Lifen, so he could be said to be a good man.

Yes, Jiang Donghai also has a country man or a patriarchal idea of ​​most men, but he does not ignore his daughter as a human being.

He wanted a son, so he sent his daughter back to his own mother and then lived with the wife he married and gave birth to a son. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about his daughter at all. After all, she is his only daughter, the daughter he has spoiled for many years.

Yang Lifen wanted to continue making trouble, but Jiang Donghai warned her, "I told you before that if I can divorce once, then I can divorce again, you can try."

"Jiang Donghai! I have been married to you for so many years and have given birth to two sons for you. Is this how you treat me?!" Yang Lifen scolded angrily.

"Then you can be quiet, Xia Yue is my daughter, what's wrong with me giving him money? Didn't she also give me money now?" Jiang Donghai said coldly, "I won't use this money myself. If you don't give it to Xiaoliang and Xiaofeng, don't keep making trouble."

Yang Lifen looked at Jiang Donghai's ugly face, and thought about the threat of divorce he just mentioned, even if he had more resentment in his heart, he would not dare to say it.

That's right, after the divorce, Jiang Donghai can still find another wife, and it is not certain whether she can find a husband who can't beat his wife like Jiang Donghai.

Jiang Donghai has various problems. He likes to drink and subsidizes his daughter, but at least he doesn't beat his wife or go out to find other women. This is his advantage.

Yang Lifen's last husband had various problems. She cheated at a young age. She endured it for a long time, but to be honest, she likes a husband like Jiang Donghai who will not cheat.

Chen Xiayue didn't know that there was another quarrel on her own father's side. Anyway, she lived a very comfortable life here. Even if she transferred 20,000 yuan to each of her parents, she had nothing to give up. After all, her current savings is affordable. Can afford the expenditure of less than 50,000 bucks.

His parents have given her money over the years, and now that she has money, she should return it. At least she has not received money from her parents over the years.

"Why are you back?" Grandma touched the top of Chen Xiayue's forehead and said, "I heard from A Rong that your mother called you? What did she tell you?"

My grandmother knew about her daughter. When they divorced, their relatives thought it was too much of a fuss to get divorced.

Divorce back then was not a matter of principle such as cheating or Jiang Donghai beating his wife, so everyone felt that divorce was really impossible. What's more, they still have a daughter named Chen Xiayue, and because they are ethnic minorities, they can still have a second child.

But Jiang Donghai and Chen Yunfang didn't have any other children besides Chen Xiayue, and they didn't take this daughter into consideration when they divorced, so they divorced very simply.

Even though relatives on both sides persuaded them, Chen Yunfang packed up and went to the mainland after the divorce, and Chen Xiayue lived with her father for a while.

Until Jiang Donghai remarried, the daughter left by Chen Xiayue, the ex-wife, was sent back to her own mother in the eyes of her stepmother.

My grandmother still loves this only granddaughter very much. In fact, she also has grievances against her daughter. After all, she went to the mainland after her divorce. Later, she remarryed on the mainland and only came back once in a few years. The grandmother still complained that the daughter did not take care of her relatives. of.

And the granddaughter, whether it's her father or her mother, is no longer the favored one, and she feels like an outsider wherever she is.

"It's nothing, my mother just said that Meng Yang is going to take a hobby class, and there are many places where he needs to spend money, so he won't give me money in the future." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "I have already graduated from college, and now I have opened my own shop. Isn't it right that my mother doesn't give me money?"

"That's your mother, what's wrong with her giving you money? Even if you can make money yourself, she's giving you money, that's a sign that a mother loves her child. You can give her money and she can give you money. Where do you say that? If you don't give it, you won't give it?"

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